<?php class DBHelper { public $conn; /** * 得到数据库连接 成功返回true,失败返回false * Enter description here ... * @param unknown_type $user * @param unknown_type $pwd * @param unknown_type $dbname * @param unknown_type $host */ function getConn($user,$pwd,$dbname,$host = "localhost") { $this->conn = mysql_connect($host,$user,$pwd); if (!$this->conn) { return false; } mysql_select_db($dbname,$this->conn); return true; } /** * 返回查询的result * @param unknown_type $table 待查询的表 * @param unknown_type $cols 待查询的列的数组 如array("col1","col2"); * 如果想给列 重命名 则使用 array("newcol1"=>"col1","newcol2"=>"col2") ; * null 表示查询所有 * @param unknown_type $conditions where后的条件数组按如此格式来 array("col"=>array("> xx"=>"AND","< yy"=>"")) 表示 col 列 大于 xx * 并且小于yy的结果 。array("col"=>array("LIKE 'xx%'"=>"")) 模糊搜索 * 注意xx,yy 为字符串时要用''扩住,中间的条件才能用AND 或者OR,末尾条件用""表示 * null 表示无条件 * @param unknown_type $order 排序数组 如 array("col1"=>"asc","col2"=>"desc"); null 表示默认排序 * @param unknown_type $limit 数据条目,如 array(1=>10) 表示limit 1,10; null 表示默认 */ function getRow($table,$cols,$conditions,$order,$limit) { $sql = "SELECT "; $tmp = ""; if($cols != null){ while((list($k,$v) = each($cols)) !== false) { $tmp =$tmp.$v.","; if(!is_numeric($k)){ $tmp = substr($tmp, 0,strlen($tmp)-1)." as {$k},"; } } $tmp = substr($tmp, 0,strlen($tmp)-1)." FROM {$table}"; } else { $tmp = "* FROM {$table}"; } $sql = $sql.$tmp; if($conditions != null) { $tmp = " WHERE "; while((list($k,$v) = each($conditions)) !== false) { if((list($k1,$v1) = each($v)) !== false){ $tmp = $tmp."{$k} {$k1} {$v1}"; } } $tmp = rtrim($tmp); $sql = $sql.$tmp; } if($order != null){ $tmp = " ORDER BY "; while((list($k,$v) = each($order)) !== false) { $tmp = $tmp."{$k} {$v},"; } $tmp = substr($tmp, 0,strlen($tmp)-1); $sql = $sql.$tmp; } if($limit != null){ $tmp = " limit "; if((list($k,$v) = each($limit)) !== false){ $tmp = $tmp."{$k},{$v}"; } $sql = $sql.$tmp; } //echo $sql; $result = mysql_query($sql); return $result; } function closeDb(){ if($this->conn != null) mysql_close($this->conn); } /** * * 返回mysql标准时间字符串 * 注意这个date的获得和php的配置有关系,而php默认返回的UTC * 如果不符合你的标准,需要在php.ini中将配置做相应的更改 */ function getDateStr() { return date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } } ?>
<?php include 'dbhelper.php'; class Response{ public $total = 0; public $records = 0; public $page; // get the requested page public $rows =array(); private $limit; // get how many rows we want to have into the grid private $sidx; // get index row - i.e. user click to sort private $sord; // get the direction function Response($page,$rows,$sidx,$sord){ $this->page = $page; $this->limit = $rows; $this->sidx = $sidx; $this->sord = $sord; if(!$this->sidx) $this->sidx = 1; } /** * 通过指定条件查询将结果填入response中 * @param unknown_type $table 表名 * @param unknown_type $cols 待查询的列的数组 如array("col1","col2"); * 如果想给列 重命名 则使用 array("newcol1"=>"col1","newcol2"=>"col2") 为null 表示查询所有 * @param unknown_type $conditions where后的条件数组按如此格式来 array("col"=>array("> xx"=>"AND","< yy"=>"")) 表示 col 列 大于 xx * 并且小于yy的结果。array("col"=>array("LIKE 'xx%'"=>"")) 模糊搜索 * 注意xx,yy 为字符串时要用''扩住,中间的条件才能用AND 或者OR,末尾条件用""表示 * null 表示无条件 * ;null 表示无条件 */ public function fillResponse($table,$cols,$conditions){ $helper = new DBHelper(); if($helper->getConn("root", "root", "dbcd")){ $result = $helper->getRow($table, null, $conditions,null,null); if($result){ $count = mysql_num_rows($result); $this->records = $count; if($count > 0){ $this->total = ceil($count/$this->limit); } else{ $this->total = 0; } if($this->page > $this->total) $this->page = $this->total; $start = $this->limit*$this->page - $this->limit; if($start < 0) $start = 0; $result = $helper->getRow($table, $cols, $conditions, array($this->sidx=>$this->sord), array($start=>$this->limit)); $i = 0; while(($row=mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC))!=false){ $this->rows[$i] = $row; $i++; } } else{ // 查询失败 } $helper->closeDb(); } else { // 未成功连接数据库 } } } ?>
include 'php/response.php'; $conditon = null; $response = new Response($_GET['page'], $_GET['rows'], $_GET['sidx'], $_GET['sord']); if(filter_has_var(INPUT_GET, "searchField")){ $conditon = array($_GET['searchField']=>array("LIKE '{$_GET['searchString']}%'"=>"")); } $response->fillResponse("factory",null, $conditon); print_r(json_encode($response));
As mentioned above posting search data differs from custom and toolbar searching. When the find button is clicked, jqGrid adds three parameters to the url (again with _search=true), in name=value pairs:
For example if the field index is invid, operation is equal, and the searched value is 123, then the string that is posted to the server look like: