
1. InputDispatcher::notifyKey

     如果系统发现一个Event是KeyEvent, 会调用nofityKey去通知收到一个KeyEvent. 在notifyKey中会查看policy的策略。 

     mPolicy->interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(&event, /*byref*/ policyFlags);  //mPolicy实际上就是 NativeInputManager。  当这个函数执行后会把对应的policy也设置到poicyFlags里面。


2. NativeInputManager::interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(const KeyEvent* keyEvent, uint32_t& policyFlags) 

     NativeInputManager是一个JNI类,自己不做什么工作,只是通过env->CallIntMethod(mServiceObj, gServiceClassInfo.interceptKeyBeforeQueueing, keyEventObj, policyFlags, isScreenOn); 去调用Java的interceptKeyBeforeQueueing方法。 实际上就是调用 InputManagerService.interceptKeyBeforeQueueing()

3. InputManagerService.interceptKeyBeforeQueueing()

    // Native callback.
    private int interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(KeyEvent event, int policyFlags, boolean isScreenOn) {
        return mCallbacks.interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(
                event, policyFlags, isScreenOn);

4. InputMoniter.interceptKeyBeforeQueueing()

    /* Provides an opportunity for the window manager policy to intercept early key
     * processing as soon as the key has been read from the device. */
    public int interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(
            KeyEvent event, int policyFlags, boolean isScreenOn) {
            Slog.d("", "interceptKeyBeforeQueueing !!!!!!");
            return mService.mPolicy.interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(event, policyFlags, isScreenOn);

5. mService.mPolicy.interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(event, policyFlags, isScreenOn);

    // Native callback.
    private int interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(KeyEvent event, int policyFlags, boolean isScreenOn) {
        Slog.d("", "interceptKeyBeforeQueueing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
        return mCallbacks.interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(
                event, policyFlags, isScreenOn);
    InputMoniter.interceptKeyBeforeQueueing()中就是直接调了mService.mPolicy.interceptKeyBeforeQueueing, mService是WindowManagerService, mPolicy是PhoneWindowManager. 简而言之就是会去直走到PhoneWindowManager中。

6. PhoneWindowManager.interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(KeyEvent event, int policyFlags, boolean isScreenOn) 



7.  InputDispatcher::dispatchKeyLocked

     当InputDispatcher::notifyKey 完成之后,InputDispatcher就会调用dispatchKeyLocked去做进一步的分配。

      一个Event过来都是通过InputDispatcher进行分发的,在dispatchKeyLocked中会调用 InputDispatcher::doInterceptKeyBeforeDispatchingLockedInterruptible 去


bool InputDispatcher::dispatchKeyLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, KeyEntry* entry,
        DropReason* dropReason, nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime) {
    // Preprocessing.
    // Give the policy a chance to intercept the key.
    if (entry->interceptKeyResult == KeyEntry::INTERCEPT_KEY_RESULT_UNKNOWN) {
        if (entry->policyFlags & POLICY_FLAG_PASS_TO_USER) {
            CommandEntry* commandEntry = postCommandLocked(
                    & InputDispatcher::doInterceptKeyBeforeDispatchingLockedInterruptible);
        ... ...
        } else {
            entry->interceptKeyResult = KeyEntry::INTERCEPT_KEY_RESULT_CONTINUE;
    } else if (entry->interceptKeyResult == KeyEntry::INTERCEPT_KEY_RESULT_SKIP) {
        ... ...

    // Dispatch the key.
    dispatchEventLocked(currentTime, entry, inputTargets);
    return true;

8. InputDispatcher::doInterceptKeyBeforeDispatchingLockedInterruptible


void InputDispatcher::doInterceptKeyBeforeDispatchingLockedInterruptible(
        CommandEntry* commandEntry) {
    ... ...
    nsecs_t delay = mPolicy->interceptKeyBeforeDispatching(commandEntry->inputWindowHandle,
            &event, entry->policyFlags);


    if (delay < 0) {
        entry->interceptKeyResult = KeyEntry::INTERCEPT_KEY_RESULT_SKIP;
    } else if (!delay) {
        entry->interceptKeyResult = KeyEntry::INTERCEPT_KEY_RESULT_CONTINUE;
    } else {
        entry->interceptKeyResult = KeyEntry::INTERCEPT_KEY_RESULT_TRY_AGAIN_LATER;
        entry->interceptKeyWakeupTime = now() + delay;

 9. NativeInputManager::interceptKeyBeforeDispatching

nsecs_t NativeInputManager::interceptKeyBeforeDispatching(
        const sp<InputWindowHandle>& inputWindowHandle,
        const KeyEvent* keyEvent, uint32_t policyFlags) {
    // Policy:
    // - Ignore untrusted events and pass them along.
    // - Filter normal events and trusted injected events through the window manager policy to
    //   handle the HOME key and the like.
    nsecs_t result = 0;
    if (policyFlags & POLICY_FLAG_TRUSTED) {
        jobject inputWindowHandleObj = getInputWindowHandleObjLocalRef(env, inputWindowHandle);
        jobject keyEventObj = android_view_KeyEvent_fromNative(env, keyEvent);
        if (keyEventObj) {
            jlong delayMillis = env->CallLongMethod(mServiceObj,
                    inputWindowHandleObj, keyEventObj, policyFlags);
    return result;

 10. InputManagerService.intercepKeyBeforeDispatching()
    // Native callback.
    private long interceptKeyBeforeDispatching(InputWindowHandle focus,
            KeyEvent event, int policyFlags) {
        return mCallbacks.interceptKeyBeforeDispatching(focus, event, policyFlags);

11. InputMonitor.interceptKeyBeforeDispatching()

    /* Provides an opportunity for the window manager policy to process a key before
     * ordinary dispatch. */
    public long interceptKeyBeforeDispatching(
            InputWindowHandle focus, KeyEvent event, int policyFlags) {
        Log.d("","interceptKeyBeforeDispatching !!!!!!");
        WindowState windowState = focus != null ? (WindowState) focus.windowState : null;
        return mService.mPolicy.interceptKeyBeforeDispatching(windowState, event, policyFlags);

12. PhoneWondowManager.interceptKeyBeforeDispatching()
   public long interceptKeyBeforeDispatching(WindowState win, KeyEvent event, int policyFlags) {
        final boolean keyguardOn = keyguardOn();
        final int keyCode = event.getKeyCode();
        final int repeatCount = event.getRepeatCount();
        final int metaState = event.getMetaState();
        final int flags = event.getFlags();
        final boolean down = event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN;
        final boolean canceled = event.isCanceled();

        if (DEBUG_INPUT) {
            Log.d(TAG, "interceptKeyTi keyCode=" + keyCode + " down=" + down + " repeatCount="
                    + repeatCount + " keyguardOn=" + keyguardOn + " mHomePressed=" + mHomePressed
                    + " canceled=" + canceled);

        // If we think we might have a volume down & power key chord on the way
        // but we're not sure, then tell the dispatcher to wait a little while and
        // try again later before dispatching.
        if (mScreenshotChordEnabled && (flags & KeyEvent.FLAG_FALLBACK) == 0) {
            if (mVolumeDownKeyTriggered && !mPowerKeyTriggered) {
                final long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
                final long timeoutTime = mVolumeDownKeyTime + SCREENSHOT_CHORD_DEBOUNCE_DELAY_MILLIS;
                if (now < timeoutTime) {
                    return timeoutTime - now;
            if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN
                    && mVolumeDownKeyConsumedByScreenshotChord) {
                if (!down) {
                    mVolumeDownKeyConsumedByScreenshotChord = false;
                return -1;

        // First we always handle the home key here, so applications
        // can never break it, although if keyguard is on, we do let
        // it handle it, because that gives us the correct 5 second
        // timeout.
        if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME) {

            // If we have released the home key, and didn't do anything else
            // while it was pressed, then it is time to go home!
            if (!down) {
                final boolean homeWasLongPressed = mHomeLongPressed;
                mHomePressed = false;
                mHomeLongPressed = false;
                if (!homeWasLongPressed) {
                    try {
                        IStatusBarService statusbar = getStatusBarService();
                        if (statusbar != null) {
                    } catch (RemoteException e) {
                        Slog.e(TAG, "RemoteException when showing recent apps", e);
                        // re-acquire status bar service next time it is needed.
                        mStatusBarService = null;

                    mHomePressed = false;
                    if (!canceled) {
                        // If an incoming call is ringing, HOME is totally disabled.
                        // (The user is already on the InCallScreen at this point,
                        // and his ONLY options are to answer or reject the call.)
                        boolean incomingRinging = false;
                        try {
                            ITelephony telephonyService = getTelephonyService();
                            if (telephonyService != null) {
                                incomingRinging = telephonyService.isRinging();
                        } catch (RemoteException ex) {
                            Log.w(TAG, "RemoteException from getPhoneInterface()", ex);

                        if (incomingRinging) {
                            Log.i(TAG, "Ignoring HOME; there's a ringing incoming call.");
                        } else {
                            launchHomeFromHotKey();  //launch home
                    } else {
                        Log.i(TAG, "Ignoring HOME; event canceled.");
                    return -1;

            // If a system window has focus, then it doesn't make sense
            // right now to interact with applications.
            WindowManager.LayoutParams attrs = win != null ? win.getAttrs() : null;
            if (attrs != null) {
                final int type = attrs.type;
                if (type == WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_KEYGUARD
                        || type == WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_KEYGUARD_DIALOG) {
                    // the "app" is keyguard, so give it the key
                    return 0;
                final int typeCount = WINDOW_TYPES_WHERE_HOME_DOESNT_WORK.length;
                for (int i=0; i<typeCount; i++) {
                    if (type == WINDOW_TYPES_WHERE_HOME_DOESNT_WORK[i]) {
                        // don't do anything, but also don't pass it to the app
                        return -1;
            if (down) {
                if (!mHomePressed && mLongPressOnHomeBehavior == LONG_PRESS_HOME_RECENT_SYSTEM_UI) {
                    try {
                        IStatusBarService statusbar = getStatusBarService();
                        if (statusbar != null) {
                    } catch (RemoteException e) {
                        Slog.e(TAG, "RemoteException when preloading recent apps", e);
                        // re-acquire status bar service next time it is needed.
                        mStatusBarService = null;
                if (repeatCount == 0) {
                    mHomePressed = true;
                } else if ((event.getFlags() & KeyEvent.FLAG_LONG_PRESS) != 0) {
                    if (!keyguardOn) {
            return -1;
        } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU) {
            // Hijack modified menu keys for debugging features
            final int chordBug = KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_ON;

            if (down && repeatCount == 0) {
                if (mEnableShiftMenuBugReports && (metaState & chordBug) == chordBug) {
                    Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_BUG_REPORT);
                    mContext.sendOrderedBroadcast(intent, null);
                    return -1;
                } else if (SHOW_PROCESSES_ON_ALT_MENU &&
                        (metaState & KeyEvent.META_ALT_ON) == KeyEvent.META_ALT_ON) {
                    Intent service = new Intent();
                    service.setClassName(mContext, "");
                    ContentResolver res = mContext.getContentResolver();
                    boolean shown = Settings.System.getInt(
                            res, Settings.System.SHOW_PROCESSES, 0) != 0;
                    if (!shown) {
                    } else {
                            res, Settings.System.SHOW_PROCESSES, shown ? 0 : 1);
                    return -1;
        } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SEARCH) {
            if (down) {
                if (repeatCount == 0) {
                    mSearchKeyShortcutPending = true;
                    mConsumeSearchKeyUp = false;
            } else {
                mSearchKeyShortcutPending = false;
                if (mConsumeSearchKeyUp) {
                    mConsumeSearchKeyUp = false;
                    return -1;
            return 0;
        } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_APP_SWITCH) {
            if (down && repeatCount == 0 && !keyguardOn) {
            return -1;
        } else if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ASSIST) {
            if (down) {
                if (repeatCount == 0) {
                    mAssistKeyLongPressed = false;
                } else if (repeatCount == 1) {
                    mAssistKeyLongPressed = true;
                    if (!keyguardOn) {
            } else {
                if (mAssistKeyLongPressed) {
                    mAssistKeyLongPressed = false;
                } else {
                    if (!keyguardOn) {
            return -1;

        // Shortcuts are invoked through Search+key, so intercept those here
        // Any printing key that is chorded with Search should be consumed
        // even if no shortcut was invoked.  This prevents text from being
        // inadvertently inserted when using a keyboard that has built-in macro
        // shortcut keys (that emit Search+x) and some of them are not registered.
        if (mSearchKeyShortcutPending) {
            final KeyCharacterMap kcm = event.getKeyCharacterMap();
            if (kcm.isPrintingKey(keyCode)) {
                mConsumeSearchKeyUp = true;
                mSearchKeyShortcutPending = false;
                if (down && repeatCount == 0 && !keyguardOn) {
                    Intent shortcutIntent = mShortcutManager.getIntent(kcm, keyCode, metaState);
                    if (shortcutIntent != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (ActivityNotFoundException ex) {
                            Slog.w(TAG, "Dropping shortcut key combination because "
                                    + "the activity to which it is registered was not found: "
                                    + "SEARCH+" + KeyEvent.keyCodeToString(keyCode), ex);
                    } else {
                        Slog.i(TAG, "Dropping unregistered shortcut key combination: "
                                + "SEARCH+" + KeyEvent.keyCodeToString(keyCode));
                return -1;

        // Invoke shortcuts using Meta.
        if (down && repeatCount == 0 && !keyguardOn
                && (metaState & KeyEvent.META_META_ON) != 0) {
            final KeyCharacterMap kcm = event.getKeyCharacterMap();
            if (kcm.isPrintingKey(keyCode)) {
                Intent shortcutIntent = mShortcutManager.getIntent(kcm, keyCode,
                        metaState & ~(KeyEvent.META_META_ON
                                | KeyEvent.META_META_LEFT_ON | KeyEvent.META_META_RIGHT_ON));
                if (shortcutIntent != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (ActivityNotFoundException ex) {
                        Slog.w(TAG, "Dropping shortcut key combination because "
                                + "the activity to which it is registered was not found: "
                                + "META+" + KeyEvent.keyCodeToString(keyCode), ex);
                    return -1;

        // Handle application launch keys.
        if (down && repeatCount == 0 && !keyguardOn) {
            String category = sApplicationLaunchKeyCategories.get(keyCode);
            if (category != null) {
                Intent intent = Intent.makeMainSelectorActivity(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, category);
                try {
                } catch (ActivityNotFoundException ex) {
                    Slog.w(TAG, "Dropping application launch key because "
                            + "the activity to which it is registered was not found: "
                            + "keyCode=" + keyCode + ", category=" + category, ex);
                return -1;

        // Display task switcher for ALT-TAB or Meta-TAB.
        if (down && repeatCount == 0 && keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TAB) {
            if (mRecentAppsDialogHeldModifiers == 0 && !keyguardOn) {
                final int shiftlessModifiers = event.getModifiers() & ~KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_MASK;
                if (KeyEvent.metaStateHasModifiers(shiftlessModifiers, KeyEvent.META_ALT_ON)
                        || KeyEvent.metaStateHasModifiers(
                                shiftlessModifiers, KeyEvent.META_META_ON)) {
                    mRecentAppsDialogHeldModifiers = shiftlessModifiers;
                    return -1;
        } else if (!down && mRecentAppsDialogHeldModifiers != 0
                && (metaState & mRecentAppsDialogHeldModifiers) == 0) {
            mRecentAppsDialogHeldModifiers = 0;
            showOrHideRecentAppsDialog(keyguardOn ? RECENT_APPS_BEHAVIOR_DISMISS :

        // Handle keyboard language switching.
        if (down && repeatCount == 0
                && (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_LANGUAGE_SWITCH
                        || (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SPACE
                                && (metaState & KeyEvent.META_CTRL_MASK) != 0))) {
            int direction = (metaState & KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_MASK) != 0 ? -1 : 1;
            mWindowManagerFuncs.switchKeyboardLayout(event.getDeviceId(), direction);
            return -1;
        if (mLanguageSwitchKeyPressed && !down
                && (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_LANGUAGE_SWITCH
                        || keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SPACE)) {
            mLanguageSwitchKeyPressed = false;
            return -1;

        // Let the application handle the key.
        return 0;
