
 我用 PowerDesigner 创建了表关系  并成功导出了SQL脚本,

然后导入oracle数据库 @+路径;

然后想初始化表中的数据,写了init-data.sql  再次导入oracle数据库

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Cause: The table or view entered does not exist, a synonym that is not allowed here was used, or a view was referenced where a table is required. Existing user tables and views can be listed by querying the data dictionary. Certain privileges may be required to access the table. If an application returned this message, the table the application tried to access does not exist in the database, or the application does not have access to it.
Action: Check each of the following:


  • the spelling of the table or view name.
  • that a view is not specified where a table is required.
  • that an existing table or view name exists.

Contact the database administrator if the table needs to be created or if user or application privileges are required to access the table.

Also, if attempting to access a table or view in another schema, make certain the correct schema is referenced and that access to the object is granted.


查了以后是init-data.sql中表名出现了错误,  原来PowerDesigner设计的表中表名带了双引号 形如:"t_clietn"

结果在init-data.sql中我没有加双引号 ,导致频频报错·····  我晕··
