





vc6.0-》file-》new-》win32 console application-》an application that supports mfc-> 把如下代码copy到 // TODO: code your application's behavior here.


   HANDLE hFile;
  HANDLE hAppend;
  DWORD  dwBytesRead, dwBytesWritten, dwPos;
  BYTE   buff[4096];
  // Open the existing file.
  hFile = CreateFile(TEXT("c://one.txt"), // open One.txt
   GENERIC_READ,             // open for reading
   0,                        // do not share
   NULL,                     // no security
   OPEN_EXISTING,            // existing file only
   FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,    // normal file
   NULL);                    // no attr. template
   printf("Could not open One.txt.");
   return 1;
  // Open the existing file, or if the file does not exist,
  // create a new file.
  hAppend = CreateFile(TEXT("c://two.txt"), // open Two.txt
   GENERIC_WRITE,            // open for writing
   FILE_SHARE_READ,          // allow multiple readers
   NULL,                     // no security
   OPEN_ALWAYS,              // open or create
   FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,    // normal file
   NULL);                    // no attr. template
  if (hAppend == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
   printf("Could not open Two.txt.");
   return 1;
  // Append the first file to the end of the second file.
  // Lock the second file to prevent another process from
  // accessing it while writing to it. Unlock the
  // file when writing is finished.
   if (ReadFile(hFile, buff, sizeof(buff), &dwBytesRead, NULL))
    dwPos = SetFilePointer(hAppend, 0, NULL, FILE_END);
    LockFile(hAppend, dwPos, 0, dwBytesRead, 0);
    WriteFile(hAppend, buff, dwBytesRead, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
    UnlockFile(hAppend, dwPos, 0, dwBytesRead, 0);
  } while (dwBytesRead == sizeof(buff));
  // Close both files.
