嵌入式GUI FTK介绍(10)-编译选项

作者联系方式:李先静 <xianjimli at hotmail dot com>


作为嵌入式GUI, FTK必须要能适应不同的环境,在Linux下,这可以通过编译选项来配置。

o 支持电阻式触摸屏 –enable-tslib

build with tslib support, tslib is a library to handle touchscreen event,
if you has a resistive touchscreen, you should enable this option.


o 选择字体引擎 –with-fontengine

there are two options: default and freetype, generally freetype is better
choise, but if you don’t want to depend on freetype, or freetype is
unavailable, use default instead.

FTK可以使用freetype,也可以使用缺省字体引擎。freetype可以用来支持多种格式的字体,特别是可以自由缩放的矢量字体,灵活性更 高。而缺省字体引擎使用256级灰度的点阵字体,不能自由绽放,但它的好处在于不依赖于第三方软件包。另外,FTK提供一个字体转换工具,把适量字体转换 成点阵字体。

o 选择后端 –with-backend

backend means how to display bitmap on the screen and how to get the input
device events. there are three options now:

linux-x11:WxH With this option, FTK will run on X11 for emulation. W and H is
the width and height of the emulator. For exmaple, with the following value,
it will create a emulation window with 320 pixels width and 480 pixels height.


linux-native With this option, FTK will run on linux framebuffer, this is
default value.

linux-vlcd With this option, FTK will run on virtual framebuffer. I wrote a
emulator for FTK base on memfb and uinput, with a vnc server and vncviever,
FTK can run on VNC.

linux-dfb With this option, FTK will run on DirectFB, FTK does not use
DirectFB Windows system, just use it to abstract display and input device, so
you can utilize DirectFB hardware acceleration.

