[Android面试题-3] Activity的四种加载模式


分析:四种加载模式分别为standard, singleTop,singleTask,singleInstance,设置的位置在Androidmanifest.xml中Activity元素的Android:launchMode属性。


Intent intent = new Intent(); 
intent.setClass(ActA.this, ActA.class); 


Intent intent = new Intent(); 
intent.setClass(ActA.this, ActB.class); 




standard:The default mode, which will usually create a new instance of the activity when it is started, though this behavior may change with the introduction of other options such as Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK.

singleTop:If, when starting the activity, there is already an instance of the same activity class in the foreground that is interacting with the user, then re-use that instance. This existing instance will receive a call toActivity.onNewIntent() with the new Intent that is being started.

singleTask:If, when starting the activity, there is already a task running that starts with this activity, then instead of starting a new instance the current task is brought to the front. The existing instance will receive a call toActivity.onNewIntent() with the new Intent that is being started, and with the Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT flag set. This is a superset of the singleTop mode, where if there is already an instance of the activity being started at the top of the stack, it will receive the Intent as described there (without the FLAG_ACTIVITY_BROUGHT_TO_FRONT flag set). See the Tasks and Back Stack document for more details about tasks.

singleInstance:Only allow one instance of this activity to ever be running. This activity gets a unique task with only itself running in it; if it is ever launched again with the same Intent, then that task will be brought forward and its Activity.onNewIntent() method called. If this activity tries to start a new activity, that new activity will be launched in a separate task. See the Tasks and Back Stack document for more details about tasks.


