




    Mongrel是一个 Web服务器 同一时间 只能处理 一个请求 为了 处理 多个请求 ,你想 运行多个副本
    Mongrel集群 管理 正在运行的mongre的启动、 停止、 重新启动 ,并 让客户的请求转发到合适mongrel 环境 运行,相当于所有正在运行的mongrel的资源管理经理一样,自动根据mongre的负载将相应的请求转移到负载最小的mongrel应用上。

Mongrel is a web server that can handle one request at a time. In order to handle multiple requests, you want to run multiple mongrels. A proxy server (i.e. apache) will sit in front of the servers and listen on port 80 and then relay the web requests to an available mongrel. Mongrel cluster is a gem that manages the launching of the mongrels, stopping, restarting and running it in the right environment with the right user. It abstracts the individual mongrels as workers so you don't need to worry about them (until things go wrong). All of that is managed by a configuration file usually located with the application. 



Mongrel cluster is multiple mongrel instances. Then the web server rotates amongst them to handle incoming calls.

But these days the cool kids tend to use Passenger (and often the related Enterprise Ruby too)
