BIRT: validateXml 严重: Not found choice: any

错误信息: validateXml
严重: Not found choice: any

或 validateXml
SEVERE: Not allowed choice any

birt 2.3.1后,不允许.rptdesign文件中出现数据类型为any的data关联;而2.3.1之前的.rptdesign文件是允许的;所以在你升级birt版本的时候,就可能出现这样的问题。

is actually caused by one of you report designs. In the new BIRT release (2.3.1), you can't set a Data item's type to "any". This was allowed in the previous releases, but it generates errors in the latest release.
I'm guessing you're trying to run an old report that you designed using a previous release, and this report contains Data elements whose data types have not been initialized. Try going through your reports and setting the right types.

I found the solution. During the upgrade to 2.3.1 you have to rid of from links to "any" data types in all BIRT files.
IMO the simplest way is to delete all strings like below from *.rptdesign files.
<property name="dataType">any</property>
