Oracle EBS R12 - adpatch在adutlrcmp.sql卡住,utlrp.sql卡住,shutdown immediate又卡住

Oracle EBS R12 - adpatch在adutlrcmp.sql卡住,utlrp.sql卡住,shutdown immediate又卡住

AP: Oracle EBS R12.0.6
DB: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit

adpatch hang在compile invalids阶段,只得ctrl+c中断掉adutlrcmp.sql让adpatch先走下去,最后再执行utlrp.sql手动编译invalids:

STRT_TASK: [Compile invalid objects in DB] [] [Fri Aug 16 2013 03:07:08]

Compiling invalid objects...

STRT_TASK: [Run ST parallel compile (APPS)] [] [Fri Aug 16 2013 03:07:08]

sqlplus -s APPS/***** @/dabcdi/applmgr/1200/ad/12.0.0/sql/adutlrcmp.sql APPLSYS ***** APPS ***** ***** 8  0 NONE FALSE

Arguments are:

AOL_schema = APPLSYS, AOL_password = *****,
Schema_to_compile = APPS, Schema_to_compile_pw = *****,
SYSTEM_password = *****, Total_workers = 8, Logical_worker_num = 0
Object_type_to_not_compile = NONE
Use_stored_dependencies = FALSE


Running utl_recomp.recomp_parallel(8), if it exists

OWNER                          NUM_INVALID
------------------------------ -----------
BOLINF                                   6
APPSREAD                                 1
OHS_ACCNT                                6
INV                                      1
BIAPPS                                   5
SOA                                      5
APPS                                    13
SYSMAN                                  21
RAC_ACCNT                                6

9 rows selected.

Elapsed: 00:00:02.16

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.01


ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation

AutoPatch error:
Error running adutlrcmp.sql in adprdcAdUtilrcmp()

An error occurred while compiling invalids using the SYS.UTL_RECOMP() package.
Ignoring the failure and continuing...

STOP_TASK: [Run ST parallel compile (APPS)] [] [Fri Aug 16 2013 03:29:24]

STRT_TASK: [Run ST parallel compile (APPS) second pass] [] [Fri Aug 16 2013 03:29:24]

sqlplus -s APPS/***** @/dabcdi/applmgr/1200/ad/12.0.0/sql/adutlrcmp.sql APPLSYS ***** APPS ***** ***** 8  0 NONE FALSE

AutoPatch error:
Error running adutlrcmp.sql in adprdcAdUtilrcmp()

An error occurred while compiling invalids using the SYS.UTL_RECOMP() package.
Ignoring the failure and continuing...

STOP_TASK: [Run ST parallel compile (APPS) second pass] [] [Fri Aug 16 2013 03:29:24]

STOP_TASK: [Compile invalid objects in DB] [] [Fri Aug 16 2013 03:29:24]

STRT_TASK: [Get final list of invalid objects in DB] [] [Fri Aug 16 2013 03:29:24]

Number of invalid objects: 12

Getting list of invalid objects in APPS schema.

Invalid object reports are recorded in

STOP_TASK: [Get final list of invalid objects in DB] [] [Fri Aug 16 2013 03:29:28]

STOP_TASK: [Database portion steps] [] [Fri Aug 16 2013 03:29:28]

STRT_TASK: [Generate portion steps] [] [Fri Aug 16 2013 03:29:28]



查看 v$session_wait, 发现编译的session卡在 library cache pin 这个等待事件,一时没想到怎么解决,打算索性重起下db,没想到重起db又在 shutdown immediate 时hang住。

查看alert log,发现是卡在等待一个进程退出,kill掉进程后之前卡住shutdown可以正常结束了:
-bash-3.2$ tail alert_DABCDI.log
Fri Aug 16 03:39:47 CUT 2013
Stopping background process MMON
License high water mark = 221
Fri Aug 16 03:39:49 CUT 2013
Job queue slave processes stopped
Fri Aug 16 03:44:48 CUT 2013
Active call for process 20639 user 'ordabcdi' program 'oracle@vmohsabcd002'
System State dumped to trace file /dabcdi/log/udump/dabcdi_ora_5101.trc
Fri Aug 16 03:45:06 CUT 2013
SHUTDOWN: waiting for active calls to complete.
-bash-3.2$ ps -ef | grep 20639
ordabcdi 11760  9451  0 03:47 pts/9    00:00:00 grep 20639
ordabcdi 20639     1  3 Aug12 ?        02:48:23 oracleDABCDI (LOCAL=NO)
-bash-3.2$ kill 20639
-bash-3.2$ ps -ef | grep 20639
ordabcdi 11797  9451  0 03:47 pts/9    00:00:00 grep 20639
ordabcdi 20639     1  3 Aug12 ?        02:48:24 oracleDABCDI (LOCAL=NO)
-bash-3.2$ kill -9 20639
-bash-3.2$ ps -ef | grep 20639
ordabcdi 11845  9451  0 03:47 pts/9    00:00:00 grep 20639



0. Oracle EBS R12.1.3 打patch出现hang住的现象如何解决

1. [原创]Oracle关闭不了,SHUTDOWN: waiting for active calls to complete.

2. Library Cache Lock、Library Cache Pin、Library Cache Load Lock等待事件

你可能感兴趣的:(Oracle EBS R12 - adpatch在adutlrcmp.sql卡住,utlrp.sql卡住,shutdown immediate又卡住)