
            CC3Vector* vertices;		// Array of simple vertex location data
            // Start with default initial values
            // Interleave the vertex locations, normals and tex coords
            // Create vertex location array, allocating enough space for the stride of the full structure
            CC3VertexLocations* locArray = [CC3VertexLocations vertexArrayWithName: @"PointCloudLocations"];
            locArray.drawingMode = GL_POINTS;//	GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP;		// Location array will do the drawing as a strip
            locArray.elementStride = sizeof(CC3Vector);	        // Set stride before allocating elements.
            locArray.elementOffset = 0;							        // Only locations
            locArray.bufferUsage = GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW;
            vertices = (CC3Vector*)[locArray allocateElements: vCount];
            // set pointcloud data to vertices
            memcpy(vertices,(float*)points->points,  sizeof(float)*3*vCount);
            // Create mesh model with vertex location array
            CC3VertexArrayMeshModel* demoMeshModel = [[CC3VertexArrayMeshModel meshWithName:@"demoMeshModel"] retain];
            demoMeshModel.vertexLocations = locArray;
            CC3MeshNode* demoMesh = [CC3MeshNode nodeWithName:@"demoMeshNode"];
            demoMesh.mesh = demoMeshModel;
            static ccColor4F color = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}; //red color
            // create a material for points
            CC3Material* pointMaterial = [CC3Material material];
            [pointMaterial setAmbientColor:color];
            [pointMaterial setDiffuseColor:color];
            [pointMaterial setSpecularColor:color];
            [pointMaterial setIsOpaque:NO];
            demoMesh.material = pointMaterial;//[CC3Material shiny];
   = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"demoMeshNodeMat"];
            //demoMesh.material.diffuseColor = CCC4FMake(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);//fill the mesh with red color
            [mainworld addChild:demoMesh];
mainworld 是CC3world的子类实例。
