[mipi.org]MIPI SPECIFICATIONS(MIPI规范特点和成立流程简介)

Specifications  规范

MIPI Alliance firmly believes that openness and standardization will fuel market growth for mobile devices, as well as address numerous roadblocks currently facing designers, developers, purchasers and manufacturers.


[mipi.org]MIPI SPECIFICATIONS(MIPI规范特点和成立流程简介)_第1张图片
Interface specifications generated within the Working Groups will:

Improve interconnectivity and compatibility   增加互联和兼容性
Reduce fragmentation in mobile industry for interfaces  降低移动工业接口的碎片化(混乱)
Increase system quality and reliability  增加系统的质量和可靠性
Increase resource efficiency   增加资源的有效性
More resources applied to differentiated R&D   促使更多资源被用在不同的 R&D
Maximize design reuse  最大化设计中的复用
Drive innovation  驱动创新
Liberated resources can focus energy on value-added innovation  解放资源,使把能量聚焦在有价值的创新上面
Reduce time-to-market  降低上市时间
Component suppliers will debate fewer interfaces for integration   组建供应商将不再争论集成的接口类型
System OEMs will face less complex system integration  系统OEM商将看到更简单的系统集成

From Proposal to Specification  从提案到规范

Each working group progresses along a standard path - from investigation group to specification. Led by a technical chair, group members define the requirements for the specification, solicit input and proposals, discuss, and create a draft specification. From there, the specification is vetted and reviewed by the Board of Directors. After a final vote, the draft becomes a specification which is made available to all member companies. However, only MIPI members have access to the complete specification.
[mipi.org]MIPI SPECIFICATIONS(MIPI规范特点和成立流程简介)_第2张图片


Each statement of the Overview: Scope/Purpose of a MIPI Specification is not of itself a Specification. The use, implementation, or practice of any portion of a MIPI Specification may involve the use of intellectual property rights ("IPR"), including pending or issued patents, or copyrights or other rights. MIPI has made no search or investigation for such rights and MIPI disclaims any undertaking or duty to do so. The rights and obligations which apply to MIPI Specifications as such rights and obligations are set forth and/or defined in the MIPI Membership Agreement and MIPI Bylaws including, but not limited to, patent and other intellectual property license rights and obligations, can be viewed here: How to Join(link:http://www.mipi.org/join-mipi/how-join).

The material contained herein is not a license, either expressly or impliedly, to any IPR owned or controlled by any of the authors or developers of this material or MIPI. The material contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, this material is provided AS IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS, and the authors and developers of this material and MIPI hereby disclaim all other warranties and conditions, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any (if any) implied warranties, duties or conditions of merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy or completeness of responses, of results, of workmanlike effort, of lack of viruses, and of lack of negligence.

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