How to compile the IJG JPEG library (libjpeg) for Visual Studio 2010


How to compile the IJG JPEG library (libjpeg) for Visual Studio 2010

This procedure should also work for Visual Studio 2012 and later.

  • Go to and download the latest version of the JPEG library. As of 2012-11-23, that is version 8d, at

  • Unzip the package.

  • Open a Visual Studio Command Prompt:

    • Type “prompt” in Windows 7 Start, or go to Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 / Visual Studio Tools.
  • In the command prompt, CD to the root of the uncompressed library directory.

  • Create Visual Studio project files:

    > nmake -f setup-v10
  • Close the command prompt

  • Open the jpeg.sln file from Windows Explorer.

  • Build any desired version by adjusting the property pages for the project:

    • DLL or static lib: General / Configuration Type
    • Set runtime to match the rest of yor project: C/C++ / Code Generation
    • Set up x64 build: Configuration Manager / Active Solution Platform / New
  • To use the library:

    • Add the root folder of the library to the include search path.
    • Add the appropriate folder with a compiled binary to the lib path. For instance, c:\jpeg-8d\x64\Release

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