
第一个是Pingdom Tools - Full page test 这个能详细测试网页各部分打开的时间


The Full Page Test loads a complete HTML page including all objects (images, CSS, JavaScripts, RSS, Flash and frames/iframes). It mimics the way a page is loaded in a web browser.

The load time of all objects is shown visually with time bars.

You can view the list of objects either in load order or as a hierarchy. The hierarchy view allows you to see which objects are linked to in for example a CSS file.

Every test also shows general statistics about the loaded page such as the total number of objects, total load time, and size including all objects.

地址: http://tools.pingdom.com/



第二个是Free Internet Web Server Monitoring Tool  这个能测试多个地点的服务器打开你网页所用时间

测试点有Washington, DC (3 Mbps)Santiago, Chile (760 Kbps)Dortmund, Germany (5 Mbps)Los Angeles, CA (1.5 Mbps)Beijing, China (5 Mbps)Detroit, MI (5 Mbps)Chicago, IL (45 Mbps)St. Petersburg, Russia (5 Mbps)Gloucester, UK (5 Mbps)Sydney, Australia (5 Mbps)

地址: http://internetsupervision.com



