function update(time:Number):void { game.update(time); spaceship.updateInputs(time); for each (var flyingSaucer:FlyingSaucer in flyingSaucers) { flyingSaucer.updateAI(time); } spaceship.update(time); for each (var flyingSaucer:FlyingSaucer in flyingSaucers) { flyingSaucer.update(time); } for each (var asteroid:Asteroid in asteroids) { asteroid.update(time); } for each (var bullet:Bullet in bullets) { bullet.update(time); } collisionManager.update(time); spaceship.render(); for each (var flyingSaucer:FlyingSaucer in flyingSaucers) { flyingSaucer.render(); } for each (var asteroid:Asteroid in asteroids) { asteroid.render(); } for each (var bullet:Bullet in bullets) { bullet.render(); } }
interface IProcess { function start():Boolean; function update(time:Number):void; function end():void; }
class ProcessManager { private var processes:PriorirtiesdList; public function addProcess(process:IProcess,priority:int):void { if(process.start()) { processes.add(process,priority); return true; } return false; } public function update(time:Number):void { for each(var process:IProcess in processes) { process.update(time); } } public function removeProcess(process:IProcess):void { process.end(); processes.remove(process); } }这是一个稍微简化版的进程管理器.特别是我们要确定我们以正确的顺序更新进程(顺序由add方法中的priority参数指定)并且我们需要处理在更新循环中移除进程的情况.但你已经了解了概念.如果我们的游戏循环被拆分为多个进程,那我们进程管理器的更新方法是我们新的游戏循环且进程变成了游戏的核心.
class RenderProcess implements IProcess { public function start():Boolean { //initialize render system return true; } public function update(time:Number):void { spaceship.render(); for each(var flyingSaucer:FlyingSaucer in flyingSaucers) { flyingSaucer.render(); } for each(var asteriod:FlyingSaucer in asteriods) { asteriod.render(); } for each(var bullet:Bullet in bullets) { bullet.render(); } } public function end():void { //clean-up render system } }
interface IRenderable { function render():void; }
class RenderProcess implements IProcess { private var targets:Vector.<IRenderable>; public function start():Boolean { //initialize render system return true; } public function update(time:Number):void { for each(var target:IRenderable in targets) { target.render(); } } public function end():void { //clean-up render system } }之后我们的飞船类将包含一些类似下面的代码
class Spaceship implements IRenderable { public var view:DisplayObject; public var position:Point; public var rotation:Number; public function render():void { view.x = position.x; view.y = position.y; view.rotation = rotation; } }代码基于flash显示列表.如果我们使用blitting(早期创建像素游戏的一种做法)或者使用stage3d,可能会有些不同,但原理是相同的.我们需要要渲染的图形,渲染图形的位置和渲染值.渲染函数进行渲染.
class Renderable implements IRenderable { public var view:DisplayObject; public var position:Point; public var rotation:Number; public function render() { view.x = position.x; view.y = position.y; view.rotation = rotation; } }
class Spaceship extends Renderable { }当然,所有的可渲染物件都会继承自renderable类,所以我们得到如下图所示的一个类层级关系图.
interface IMoveable { function move(time:Number); }
class MoveProcess implements IProcess { private var targets:Vector.<IMoveable>; public function start():Boolean { return true; } public function update(time:Number):void { for each(var target:IMoveable in targets) { target.move(time); } } public function end():void { } }
class Moveable implements IMoveable { public var position:Point; public var rotation:Number; public var velocity:Point; public var angularVelocity:Number; public function move(time:Number):void { position.x += velocity.x; position.y += velocity.y; rotation += angularVelocity; } }
class Spaceship extends Moveable { }
class Moveable extends Renderable implements IMoveable { public var velocity:Point; public var angularVelocity:Number; public function move(time:Number):void { position.x += velocity.x; position.y += velocity.y; rotation += angularVelocity; } }
class Spaceship extends Moveable { }现在飞船既可以移动又可以渲染.我们可将同样的原则应用于其他的游戏对象来得到这样的类层级
class InvisibleMoveable implements IMoveable { public var position:Point; public var rotation:Number; public var velocity:Point; public var angularVelocity:Number; public function move(time:Number):void { position.x += velocity.x; position.y += velocity.y; rotation += angularVelocity; } }
class Renderable implements IRenderable { public var view:DisplayObject; public var position:Point; public var rotation:Number; public function render(time:Number):void { view.x = position.x; view.y = position.y; view.rotation = rotation; } }
class Moveable implements IMoveable { public var position:Point; public var rotation:Number; public var velocity:Number; public var angularVelocity:Number; public function move(time:Number):void { position.x += velocity.x; position.y += velocity.y; rotation += angularVelocity; } }
class Spaceship { public var renderData:IRenderable; public var moveData:IMoveable; }使用这种方法,我们可以以我们想要的任何方式来合并多种行为(behaviours)而不用遭遇继承问题.
通过这种合成生成的对象,静态对象,太空船,飞碟,小行星,子弹和force field都叫做实体(entities).
interface IRenderable { function render():void; }
class RenderProcess implements IProcess { private var targets:Vector.<IRenderable>; public function update(time:Number):void { for each(var target:IRenderable in targets) { target.render(); } } }
interface IMoveable { function move():void; }
class MoveProcess implements IProcess { private var targets:Vector.<IMoveable>; public function update(time:Number):void { for each(var target:IMoveable in targets) { target.move(time); } } }但我们不将飞船实体添加到每个线程而是添加飞船实体的成员.因此当我们创建飞船时所做如下:
public function createSpaceship():Spaceship { var spaceship:Spaceship = new Spaceship(); ... renderProcess.addItem(spaceship.renderData); moveProcess.addItem(spaceship.moveData); ... return spaceship; }这种方法看起来很棒.它使我们可以自由打乱和匹配不同游戏对象之间的进程支持而无需陷入继承链或者重复造轮子,但这有一个问题.
class Renderable implements IRenderable { public var view:DisplayObject; public var position:Point; public var rotation:Number; public function render():void { view.x = position.x; view.y = position.y; view.rotation = rotation; } }
class Moveable implements IMoveable { public var position:Point; public var rotation:Number; public var velocity:Point; public var angularVelocity:Number; public function move(time:Number):void { position.x += velocity.x; position.y += velocity.y; rotation += angularVelocity; } }
class Spaceship { public var renderData:IRenderable; public var moveData:IMoveable; }要解决这个问题,我们需要确保这两个类实例都指向这些属性的相同实例.在Actionscript中这意味着这些属性必须是对象,因为对象可以按引用传递而基础类型是按值传递的.
class PositionComponent { public var x:Number; public var y:Number; public var rotation:Number; }
class VelocityComponent { public var velocityX:Number; public var velocityY:Number; public var angularVelocity:Number; }
class DisplayComponent { public var view:DisplayObject; }
class Renderable implements IRenderable { public var display:DisplayComponent; public var position:PositionComponent; public function render():void { display.view.x = position.x; display.view.y = position.y; display.view.rotation = position.rotation; } }
class Moveable implements IMoveable { public var position:PositionComponent; public var velocity:VelocityComponent; public function move(time:Number):void { position.x += velocity.velocityX * time; position.y += velocity.velocityY * time; position.rotation += velocity.angularVelocity * time; } }当我们创建飞船我们确保Moveable和Renderable实例共享相同的PositionComponent实例.
class Spaceship { public function Spaceship() { moveData = new Moveable(); renderData = new Renderable(); moveData.position = new PositionComponent(); moveData.velocity = new VelocityComponent(); renderData.position = moveData.position; renderData.display = new DisplayComponent(); } }进程仍没有受到该改变的影响.
到目前为止我们有了整齐分开的任务.游戏循环(game loop)循环遍历(cycle through)进程,调用每个进程上的更新方法.每个进程包含了一个对象集合,集合中的对象实现了其操作的接口并将调用这些对象的适当方法.这些对象每个都对其数据做单一而重要的作业(task).通过组件系统,这些对象能够共享数据,因此多个线程的组合能够在游戏实体中产生复杂的更新同时保证每个进程相对简单.
当前的架构使用了良好的面向对象实践,像封装和单一职责原则(single responsibility)——IRenderable和IMoveable的实现封装了在每帧中游戏实体更新的单一职责的数据和逻辑——而合成——Spaceship实体是通过组合IRenderable和IMoveable接口的实现而创建的.通过组件系统(system of components)我们确保在恰当的地方数据在实体的不同数据类之间共享.
interface IRenderable { function render(); }
class Renderable implements IRenderable { public var display:DisplayComponent; public var position:PositionComponent; public function render():void { display.view.x = position.x; display.view.y = position.y; display.view.rotation = position.rotation; } }
class RenderProcess implements IProcess { private var targets:Vector.<IRenderable>; public function update(time:Number):void { for each (var target:IRenderable in targets) { target.render(); } } }变成了这个
class RenderData { public var display:DisplayComponent; public var position:PositionComponent; }
class RenderProcess implements IProcess { private var targets:Vector.<RenderData>; public function update(time:Number):void { for each(var target:RenderData in targets) { target.display.view.x = target.position.x; target.display.view.y = target.position.y; target.display.view.rotation = target.position.rotation; } } }而这个
interface IMoveable { function move(time:Number):void; }
class Moveable implements IMoveable { public var position:PositionComponent; public var velocity:VelocityComponent; public function move(time:Number):void { position.x += velocity.velocityX * time; position.y += velocity.velocityY * time; position.rotation += velocity.angularVelocity * time; } }
class MoveProcesss implements IProcess { private var targets:Vector.<IMoveable>; public function move(time:Number):void { for each(var target:Moveable in targets) { target.move(time); } } }变成了这样
class MoveData { public var position:PositionComponent; public var velocity:VelocityComponent; }
class MoveProcess implements IProcess { private var targets:Vector.<MoveData>; public function move(time:Number):void { target.position.x += target.velocity.velocityX * time; target.position.y += target.velocity.velocityY * time; target.position.rotation += target.velocity.angularVelocity * time; } }(可能)不会立即明白为什么我们这么做,但是包涵一下.从表面上看,我们移除了接口的必要(removed the need for the interface),并且我们给线程更重要的事情来做——而不是简单的将其工作委托给IRenderable或者IMoveable的实现,它自己要做事(it does the work itself).
class Spaceship { public var moveData:MoveData; public var renderData:RenderData; }包含两个数据类
class MoveData { public var position:PositionComponent; public var velocity:VelocityComponent; }
class RenderData { public var display:DisplayComponent; public var position:PositionComponent; }这些数据类反过来包含三个组件
class PositionComponent { public var x:Number; public var y:Number; public var rotation:Number; }
class VelocityComponent { public var velocityX:Number; public var velocityY:Number; public var angularVelocity:Number; }
class DisplayComponent { public var view:DisplayObject; }数据类由两个进程使用
class MoveProcess implements IProcess { private var targets:Vector.<MoveData>; public function move(time:Number):void { for each(var target:MoveData in targets) { target.position.x += target.velocity.velocityX * time; target.position.y += target.velocity.velocityY * time; target.position.rotation += target.velocity.angularVelocity * time; } } }
class RenderProcess implements IProcess { private var targets:Vector.<RenderData>; public function update(time:Number):void { for each(var target:RenderData in targets) { target.display.view.x = target.position.x; target.display.view.y = target.position.y; target.display.view.rotation = target.position.rotation; } } }但是实体不应该关心数据类.组件共同(collectively)包含实体的状态.数据类为进程的方便而存在.因此我们重构代码以便spaceship实体包含组件(components)而不是数据类
class Spaceship { public var position:PositionComponent; public var velocity:PositionComponent; public var display:DisplayComponent; }
class PositionComponent { public var x:Number; public var y:Number; public var rotation:Number; }
class VelocityComponent { public var velocityX:Number; public var velocityY:Number; }
class DisplayComponent { public var view:DisplayObject; }通过移除数据类,使用构成组件(constituent components)替代来定义spaceship,我们移除了spaceship实体需要知道那个进程或许会对其起作用的必要(we have removed any need for the spaceship entity to know what process may act on it).spaceship现在包含定义其状态的组件.任何为进程要求合并这些组件到其他数据类都是别的类的事儿.
当进程需要时,实体系统框架(我们很快会接触到)中的一些核心代码会动态的创建这些数据对象.在这个简化的语境(reduced context)中,数据类将只是由进程使用的集合(数组,链表或者别的依据实现而不同)中的节点.所以为弄清楚这我们将它们重命名为节点.
class MoveNode { public var position:PositionComponent; public var velocity:VelocityComponent; }
class RenderNode { public var display:DisplayComponent; public var position:PositionComponent; }进程并没有改变,但是为了保持共同的命名约定我也将它们的名称改变并称其为系统.
class MoveSystem implements ISystem { private var targets:Vector.<MoveNode>; public function update(time:Number):void { for each(var target:MoveNode in targets) { target.position.x += target.velocity.velocityX * time; target.position.y += target.velocity.velocityY * time; target.position.rotation += target.velocity.angularVelocity * time; } } }
class RenderSystem implements ISystem { private var targets:Vector.<RenderNode>; public function update(time:Number):void { target.display.view.x = target.position.x; target.display.view.y = target.position.y; target.display.view.rotation = target.position.rotation; } }
interface ISystem { function update(time:Number):void; }
最后一点改变--Spaceship类没有什么特别的.他只是一个组件容器.所以我们将只称其为实体并给它一个组件集合.我们将根据这些组件的类类型(class type)来访问它们.
class Entity { private var components:Dictionary; public function add(component:Object):void { var componentClass:Class = component.constructor; components[componentClass] = component; } public function remove(componentClass:Class):void { delete components[componentClass]; } public function get(componentClass:Class):void { return components[componentClass]; } }所以我们像这样创建我们的spaceship
public function createSpaceship():void { var spaceship:Entity = new Entity(); var position:PositionComponent = new PositionComponent(); position.x = Stage.stageWidth / 2; position.y = Stage.stageHeight / 2; position.rotation = 0; spaceship.add(position); var display:DisplayComponent = new DisplayComponent(); display.view = new SpaceshipImage(); spaceship.add(display); engine.add(spaceship); }
class SystemManager { private var systems:PriorirtiesdList; public function addSystem(system:ISystem,priority:int):void { systems.add(system,priority); system.start(); } public function update():void { for each(var system:ISystem in systems) { system.update(time); } } public function removeSystem(system:ISystem):void { system.end(); systems.remove(system); } }
public class Engine { private var entities:EntityList; private var systems:EntityList; private var nodeLists:Dictionary; public function addEntity(entity:Entity):void { entities.add(entity); //create nodes from this entity's components and add them to node lists //also watch for later addition and removal of components from the entity so //you can adjust its derived nodes accordingly } public function removeEntity(entity:Entity):void { //destory nodes from this entity's components //and remove them from the node lists entities.remove(entity); } public function addSystem(system:System,priority:int):void { systems.add(system,priority); system.start(); } public function removeSystem(system:System):void { system.end(); systems.remove(system); } public function getNodeList(nodeClass:Class):NodeList { var nodes:NodeList = new NodeList(); nodeLists[nodeClass] = nodes; //create the nodes from the current set of entities //and populate the node list return nodes; } public function update(time:Number):void { for each(var system:ISystem in systems) { system.update(time); } } }
要查看该架构的一个实现,checkout Ash实体系统框架并看看例子小行星游戏的实现.
然而,系统通常不关心作为整体的实体,只关心它们需要的特定组件.因此,要优化该架构并提供额外的净化度(additional clarity),系统作用于静态类型的包含对应组件的节点对象,在节点对象中这些组件都属于同一个实体.
3个Actionscript实体系统框架是我自己的Ash,Tom Davies的Ember2和Alec McEachran的Xember.Artemis是一个java的实体系统框架,且已经移植到了C#.