
2.6 void类型


2.6.1 函数声明中的void


  void perror ( const char * );


  FILE *tmpfile( void );


2.6.2 void表达式


char filename[ ] = "memo.txt"; if ( fopen( filename, "r" ) == NULL ) perror( filename ); // A void expression.   


  (void)printf("I don't need this function's return value!/n");

2.6.3 void指针


    void *malloc( size_t size );
    void *realloc( void *ptr, size_t size );
    void free( void *ptr );

Example 2-3所示,你可以将一个void指针值赋给别一个对象的指针,反之亦然。不带有明确的类型转换。


Example 2-3. Using the type void

// usingvoid.c: Demonstrates uses of the type void // ------------------------------------------------------- #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> // Provides the following function prototypes: // void srand( unsigned int seed ); // int rand( void ); // void *malloc( size_t size ); // void free( void *ptr ); // void exit( int status ); enum { ARR_LEN = 100 }; int main( ) { int i, // Obtain some storage space. *pNumbers = malloc(ARR_LEN * sizeof(int)); if ( pNumbers == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Insufficient memory./n"); exit(1); } srand( (unsigned)time(NULL) ); // Initialize the // random number generator. for ( i=0; i < ARR_LEN; ++i ) pNumbers[i] = rand( ) % 10000; // Store some random numbers. printf("/n%d random numbers between 0 and 9999:/n", ARR_LEN ); for ( i=0; i < ARR_LEN; ++i ) // Output loop: { printf("%6d", pNumbers[i]); // Print one number per loop iteration if ( i % 10 == 9 ) putchar('/n'); // and a newline after every 10 numbers. } free( pNumbers ); // Release the storage space. return 0; }
