
HRESULT  SetTexture(  
      DWORD      Stage,                           //多级纹理的索引,从0-7,单层纹理取0  
     IDirect3DBaseTexture9        *pTexture      //Direct3D的纹理接口指针  


[in] Zero based sampler number. Textures are bound to samplers; samplers define sampling state such as the filtering mode and the address wrapping mode. Textures are referenced differently by the programmable and the fixed function pipeline:
  • Programmable shaders reference textures using the sampler number. The number of samplers available to a programmable shader is dependent on the shader version. For vertex shaders, see see Sampler. For pixel shaders see Sampler.
  • The fixed function pipeline on the other hand, references textures by texture stage number. The maximum number of samplers is determined from two caps: MaxSimultaneousTextures and MaxTextureBlendStages of the D3DCAPS9 structure.

There are two other special cases for stage/sampler numbers.

  • A special number called D3DDDMAPSAMPLER is used for Displacement Mapping.
  • A programmable vertex shader uses a special number defined by a D3DVERTEXTEXTURESAMPLER when accessing Vertex Textures in vs_3_0.
[in] Pointer to an IDirect3DBaseTexture9 interface, representing the texture being set.
