select ltrim(datepart(hh,getdate()));
select t.STNM,t1.DRP,t.LTTD,t.LGTD,t1.STCD from ( select STNM,LTTD,LGTD,STCD from ST_STBPRP_B ) t , ( select distinct(STCD) as STCD,ttt.DRP as DRP from ST_PPTN_R tt left join ( select STCD as STCD2,sum(DRP) as DRP from ST_PPTN_R where TM>= ( case when ltrim(datepart(hh,getdate()))>=8 then convert(varchar(10),getdate(),120)+' 08:00' else convert(varchar(10),getdate()-1,120)+' 08:00' end ) group by STCD ) ttt on tt.STCD=ttt.STCD2 ) t1 where t.STCD=t1.STCD;
select t.STNM,t1.Z,t.LTTD,t.LGTD,t1.STCD from ( select STNM,LTTD,LGTD,STCD,ADDVCD,STTP from ST_STBPRP_B )t , ( select distinct(STCD) as STCD,t3.Z from ( select STCD,TM,Z from ST_RIVER_R union select STCD,TM,RZ as Z from ST_RSVR_R ) t2 left join ( select tt.STCD as STCD2, avg(Z) as Z from ( select STCD,TM,Z from ST_RIVER_R union select STCD,TM,RZ as Z from ST_RSVR_R ) tt where tt.TM>= ( case when ltrim(datepart(hh,getdate()))>=8 then convert(varchar(10),getdate(),120)+' 08:00' else convert(varchar(10),getdate()-1,120)+' 08:00' end ) group by tt.STCD ) t3 on t2.STCD = t3.STCD2 ) t1 where t.STCD = t1.STCD and t.STTP not in ('pp') and t.ADDVCD like '3410%'
--所有雨量站点 select d.STNM, ( case when d.STCD=e.STCD then e.DRP else 0 end ) as DRP, d.LTTD,d.LGTD,d.STCD from ( select t.STNM,t.LTTD,t.LGTD,t.STCD from ST_STBPRP_B t where STTP='PP' or STCD like '_______4' ) d left join ( select t.STNM,ISNULL(t1.DRP,0) DRP,t.LTTD,t.LGTD,t1.STCD from ( select STNM,LTTD,LGTD,STCD from ST_STBPRP_B where STTP='PP' or STCD like '_______4' ) t , ( select distinct(STCD) as STCD,ttt.DRP as DRP from ST_PPTN_R tt left join ( select STCD as STCD2,sum(DRP) as DRP from ST_PPTN_R where TM>= ( case when ltrim(datepart(hh,getdate()))>=8 then convert(varchar(10),getdate(),120)+' 08:00' else convert(varchar(10),getdate()-1,120)+' 08:00' end ) group by STCD ) ttt on tt.STCD=ttt.STCD2 ) t1 where t.STCD=t1.STCD ) e on d.STCD=e.STCD; --所有水位站 select d.STNM, ( case when d.STCD=e.STCD then e.Z else 0 end ) as Z, d.LTTD,d.LGTD,d.STCD from ( select t.STNM,t.LTTD,t.LGTD,t.STCD from ST_STBPRP_B t where STTP<>'PP' ) d left join ( select t.STNM,t1.Z,t.LTTD,t.LGTD,t1.STCD from ( select STNM,LTTD,LGTD,STCD from ST_STBPRP_B )t , ( select * from ( select STCD,TM,Z from ST_RIVER_R union select STCD,TM,RZ as Z from ST_RSVR_R ) t where t.TM in ( select MAX(TM) from ( select STCD,TM,Z from ST_RIVER_R union select STCD,TM,RZ as Z from ST_RSVR_R ) t1 where t.STCD=t1.STCD ) ) t1 where t.STCD = t1.STCD ) e on d.STCD=e.STCD;
--报警水库数据 create view v_SK_WarningInfo as select zdt8 as s,tmnow as slasttime,t.STCD as 水位站编码,STNM as 水位站名称,STLC as 所属县,LGTD,LTTD,ShowLevel,WRZ,GRZ,tt.STTP,tt.RVNM,t.Msg from ( select STCD,STNM,LGTD,LTTD,STLC,zdt8,tmnow,ShowLevel,IsNull(WRZ,0) as WRZ,IsNull(GRZ,0) as GRZ,case when WRZ-zdt8=0 then '达警戒' when zdt8 between WRZ and GRZ then '超警戒:'+cast((zdt8-WRZ) as varchar(10)) when zdt8>GRZ then '超保证:'+cast((zdt8-GRZ) as varchar(10)) else '正常' end as Msg from ST_RIVER_D union select STCD,STNM,LGTD,LTTD,STLC,zdt8,tmnow,ShowLevel,IsNull(FSLTDZ,0) as WRZ,0 as GRZ,case when FSLTDZ-zdt8=0 then '达汛限' when zdt8>FSLTDZ then '超汛限:'+cast((zdt8-FSLTDZ) as varchar(10)) else '正常' end as Msg from ST_RSVR_D ) t, ( select STCD,STTP,RVNM from ST_STBPRP_B where STTP='RR' ) tt where t.STCD=tt.STCD and Msg<>'正常'; --报警河道数据 create view v_HD_WarningInfo as select zdt8 as s,tmnow as slasttime,t.STCD as 水位站编码,STNM as 水位站名称,STLC as 所属县,LGTD,LTTD,ShowLevel,WRZ,GRZ,tt.STTP,tt.RVNM,t.Msg from ( select STCD,STNM,LGTD,LTTD,STLC,zdt8,tmnow,ShowLevel,IsNull(WRZ,0) as WRZ,IsNull(GRZ,0) as GRZ,case when WRZ-zdt8=0 then '达警戒' when zdt8 between WRZ and GRZ then '超警戒:'+cast((zdt8-WRZ) as varchar(10)) when zdt8>GRZ then '超保证:'+cast((zdt8-GRZ) as varchar(10)) else '正常' end as Msg from ST_RIVER_D union select STCD,STNM,LGTD,LTTD,STLC,zdt8,tmnow,ShowLevel,IsNull(FSLTDZ,0) as WRZ,0 as GRZ,case when FSLTDZ-zdt8=0 then '达汛限' when zdt8>FSLTDZ then '超汛限:'+cast((zdt8-FSLTDZ) as varchar(10)) else '正常' end as Msg from ST_RSVR_D ) t, ( select STCD,STTP,RVNM from ST_STBPRP_B where STTP='ZZ' ) tt where t.STCD=tt.STCD and Msg<>'正常';