在实际开发中我希望可以设计一套支持多列表单定制的主题,这涉及到一个变量共享的问题,即我想在表单的最外层存放一些变量:类似表单的列数,或表单某些默认属性等,这个存在地点最佳的地方是form组件之中,退而求其次可以使用<@s.push />或<@s.set />组件.至于如何的引用这些变量,以及存在的问题,首先需要我先弄清一个事实,那就是当两个组件之间存在包含关系,它们的执行逻辑是怎样的.
protected void mergeTemplate(Writer writer, Template template) throws Exception { final TemplateEngine engine = templateEngineManager.getTemplateEngine(template, templateSuffix); if (engine == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to find a TemplateEngine for template " + template); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Rendering template " + template); } final TemplateRenderingContext context = new TemplateRenderingContext(template, writer, getStack(), getParameters(), this); engine.renderTemplate(context); }
public void renderTemplate(TemplateRenderingContext templateContext) throws Exception { // get the various items required from the stack ValueStack stack = templateContext.getStack(); Map context = stack.getContext(); ServletContext servletContext = (ServletContext) context.get(ServletActionContext.SERVLET_CONTEXT); HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) context.get(ServletActionContext.HTTP_REQUEST); HttpServletResponse res = (HttpServletResponse) context.get(ServletActionContext.HTTP_RESPONSE); // prepare freemarker Configuration config = freemarkerManager.getConfiguration(servletContext); // get the list of templates we can use List<Template> templates = templateContext.getTemplate().getPossibleTemplates(this); // find the right template freemarker.template.Template template = null; String templateName = null; Exception exception = null; for (Template t : templates) { templateName = getFinalTemplateName(t); try { // try to load, and if it works, stop at the first one template = config.getTemplate(templateName); break; } catch (ParseException e) { // template was found but was invalid - always report this. exception = e; break; } catch (IOException e) { // FileNotFoundException is anticipated - report the first IOException if no template found if (exception == null) { exception = e; } } } if (template == null) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Could not load the FreeMarker template named '" + templateContext.getTemplate().getName() +"':"); for (Template t : templates) { LOG.error("Attempted: " + getFinalTemplateName(t)); } LOG.error("The TemplateLoader provided by the FreeMarker Configuration was a: "+config.getTemplateLoader().getClass().getName()); } if (exception != null) { throw exception; } else { return; } } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Rendering template " + templateName); } ActionInvocation ai = ActionContext.getContext().getActionInvocation(); Object action = (ai == null) ? null : ai.getAction(); SimpleHash model = freemarkerManager.buildTemplateModel(stack, action, servletContext, req, res, config.getObjectWrapper()); model.put("tag", templateContext.getTag()); model.put("themeProperties", getThemeProps(templateContext.getTemplate())); // the BodyContent JSP writer doesn't like it when FM flushes automatically -- // so let's just not do it (it will be flushed eventually anyway) Writer writer = templateContext.getWriter(); final Writer wrapped = writer; writer = new Writer() { public void write(char cbuf[], int off, int len) throws IOException { wrapped.write(cbuf, off, len); } public void flush() throws IOException { // nothing! } public void close() throws IOException { wrapped.close(); } }; try { stack.push(templateContext.getTag()); template.process(model, writer); } finally { stack.pop(); } }
public boolean end(Writer writer, String body) { evaluateParams(); try { super.end(writer, body, false); mergeTemplate(writer, buildTemplateName(template, getDefaultTemplate())); } catch (Exception e) { throw new StrutsException(e); } finally { popComponentStack(); } return false; }
public boolean start(Writer writer) { boolean result = super.start(writer); try { evaluateParams(); mergeTemplate(writer, buildTemplateName(openTemplate, getDefaultOpenTemplate())); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Could not open template", e); e.printStackTrace(); } return result; }
public String getTheme() { String theme = null; if (this.theme != null) { theme = findString(this.theme); } if ( theme == null || theme.equals("") ) { Form form = (Form) findAncestor(Form.class); if (form != null) { theme = form.getTheme(); } } // If theme set is not explicitly given, // try to find attribute which states the theme set to use if ((theme == null) || (theme.equals(""))) { theme = stack.findString("#attr.theme"); } // Default theme set if ((theme == null) || (theme.equals(""))) { theme = defaultUITheme; } return theme; }
protected Component findAncestor(Class clazz) { Stack componentStack = getComponentStack(); int currPosition = componentStack.search(this); if (currPosition >= 0) { int start = componentStack.size() - currPosition - 1; //for (int i = componentStack.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--) { for (int i = start; i >=0; i--) { Component component = (Component) componentStack.get(i); if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(component.getClass()) && component != this) { return component; } } } return null; }
public Stack getComponentStack() { Stack componentStack = (Stack) stack.getContext().get(COMPONENT_STACK);//其值为__component_stack if (componentStack == null) { componentStack = new Stack(); stack.getContext().put(COMPONENT_STACK, componentStack); } return componentStack; }
public Component(ValueStack stack) { this.stack = stack; this.parameters = new LinkedHashMap(); //构造之后组件自己就被放入了栈当中去了 getComponentStack().push(this); }
public boolean end(Writer writer, String body) { Component component = findAncestor(Component.class); if (value != null) { if (component instanceof UnnamedParametric) { ((UnnamedParametric) component).addParameter(findValue(value)); } else { String name = findString(this.name); if (name == null) { throw new StrutsException("No name found for following expression: " + this.name); } Object value = findValue(this.value); component.addParameter(name, value); } } else { if (component instanceof UnnamedParametric) { ((UnnamedParametric) component).addParameter(body); } else { component.addParameter(findString(name), body); } } return super.end(writer, ""); }
final Form form = (Form) findAncestor(Form.class); // create HTML id element populateComponentHtmlId(form); if (form != null ) { addParameter("form", form.getParameters()); if ( name != null ) { // list should have been created by the form component List tags = (List) form.getParameters().get("tagNames"); tags.add(name); } }
<@s.push />或<@s.set />组件也可以进行数据交换,只需要在模板中直接进行值栈的引用这些变量就可以了