sql语句创建 表,索引, sequence。

SQL> create table t_inspection_d
  2  (id number(10) not null constraint pk_t_inspection_d primary key,
  3  inspection_code varchar2(3),inspectionflag number(1),        
  4  staffcode varchar2(6),loggingdate DATE default SYSDATE)              
  5  tablespace cosf;

Table created.

SQL> create table t_inspection
  2  (id number(10) not null constraint pk_t_truckinspection primary key,
  3  lccode varchar2(6),truckcode varchar2(8),
  4  inspection_did number(10) not null,
  5  loggingdate DATE default SYSDATE,
  6  constraint fk_t_inspection foreign key(inspection_did) references
  7  t_inspection_d(id))
  8  tablespace cosf;

Table created.

SQL> create sequence t_inspection_seq increment by 1
  2  start with 1
  3  nomaxvalue nocycle cache 20;

Sequence created.

SQL> create sequence t_inspection_d_seq increment by 1
  2  start with 1 maxvalue 9999999999 nocycle cache 20;

Sequence created.

SQL> create or replace trigger "t_inspection_id"
  2  before
  3  insert on "COSF"."T_INSPECTION" for each row
  4   declare next_checkup_no number;
  5  begin
  6  select t_inspection_seq.nextval into next_checkup_no from dual;
  7  :new.id := next_checkup_no;
  9  end;
 10  /
Trigger created.

SQL> create or replace trigger "t_inspection_d_id"
  2  before
  3  insert on "COSF"."T_INSPECTION_D" for each row
  4  declare next_no number;
  5  begin
  6  select t_inspection_d_seq.nextval into next_no from dual;
  7  :new.id := next_no;
  8  end;
  9  /

Trigger created.




CREATE SEQUENCE emp_sequence
INCREMENT BY 1 -- 每次加几个
START WITH 1 -- 从1开始计数
NOMAXVALUE -- 不设置最大值
NOCYCLE -- 一直累加,不循环
NOCACHE -- 不建缓冲区

