[This is one of the best and easy to use APIs] available for Cross Domain Communication between web applications. easyXDM is easy to use, light weight, flexible, writing good quality code etc. I strongly think if you are going to continue with cross domain scenario, then you should adapt a robust cross domain apis such as easyXDM.
[easyXDM vs PostMessage Transport?] easyXDM will use the PostMessageTransport method if this feature is enabled by the browser such as (IE8+, Opera 9+, Firefox 3+, Safari 4+,Chrome 2+) on the other side it will use different transport methods for the un supported browsers such as (Firefox 1-2 - using the FrameElementTransport) other transport methods will be used as needed such as FlashTransport, NameTransport, and HashTransport).
This clearly makes easyXDM superior in terms on browser support specially the old browsers.
To demonstrate cross-domain access using easyXDM (Domain1 [abc.com] calls a method on a remote domain [xyz.com]):
<script type="text/javascript"> /** * Request the use of the JSON object */ easyXDM.DomHelper.requiresJSON("../json2.js"); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var remote; window.onload = function(){ /** * When the window is finished loading start setting up the interface */ remote = new easyXDM.Interface(/** The channel configuration */{ /** * Register the url to hash.html, this must be an absolute path * or a path relative to the root. * @field */ local: "/hash.html", /** * Register the url to the remote interface * @field */ remote: "http://YOUR.OTHER.DOMAIN/YOUR_APPLICATION/YourRemoteApplication.html", /** * Register the DOMElement that the generated IFrame should be inserted into */ container: document.getElementById("embedded") }, /** The interface configuration */ { remote: { remoteApplicationMethod: {}, noOp: { isVoid: true } }, local: { alertMessage: { method: function(msg){ alert(msg); }, isVoid: true } } },/**The onReady handler*/ function(){ /** * Call a method on the other side */ remote.noOp(); }); } function callRemoteApplicationMethod(Value1, Value2){ remote.remoteApplicationMethod(Value1, Value2, function(result){ alert("Results from remote application" + result); }); } </script>
In the body
<input type="button" onclick="callRemoteApplicationMethod(3,5)" value="call remoteApplicationMethod on remote domain"/>
Now on your remote domain side you need to define your remote client as follows
*On Domain [ xyz.com ] - Remote domain*
This should go into the page YOUR_APPLICATION/YourRemoteApplication.html
/** * Request the use of the JSON object */ easyXDM.DomHelper.requiresJSON("../json2.js"); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var channel, remote; /** * When the window is finished loading start setting up the channel */ window.onload = function(){ /** * When the channel is ready we create the interface */ remote = new easyXDM.Interface(/** The channel configuration*/{}, /** The configuration */ { remote: { alertMessage: { isVoid: true } }, local: { remoteApplicationMethod: { method: doSomething(value1, value2){ // do somethigs with values return "i'm return value from remote domain"; } }, noOp: { isVoid: true, method: function(){ alert("Method not returning any data"); } } } }); }