安装完Ubuntu9.04后,终端窗口的输入法可以通过选择Input Method --> SCIM Input Method选择,但是Firfox中的输入法的
右键没有这个选项,安装scim-pinyin后,在命令行中输入im-switch -c,出现如下提示:
There are 9 candidates which provide IM for /home/cc/.xinput.d/en_US:
Selection Alternative
+ 1 default
2 default-xim
3 none
4 scim
5 scim~
6 scim-bridge
7 scim-immodule
* 8 scim-pinyin
9 th-xim
System wide default for en_US (or all_ALL) locale is marked with [+].
Press enter to keep the current selection[*], or type selection number: