hibernate 支持分页,由于组合查询在DAO层分页,业务逻辑比较混乱
1.Action 层
* 查询问题列表
public String queryQuestion()
System.out.println("********************查询问题列表 queryQuestion.action************************");
// String expertName = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getParameter("expertName");
// String sortId = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getParameter("questionSort");
String expertName = expertQuery.getQuestionExpert();
String sortId = expertQuery.getQuestionSort();
System.out.println("expertName = "+expertName +" --- sortId = "+sortId);
List<ExpertQuestion> queryQuestionCount = new ArrayList<ExpertQuestion>();
List<ExpertQuestion> queryQuestion = new ArrayList<ExpertQuestion>();
try {
queryQuestionCount = mavinService.queryQuestionCount(expertName,sortId);
* ***** 分页 *****
PageMavin page = new PageMavin();
queryQuestion = mavinService.queryQuestionPage(expertName,sortId,page.getCurPageTwo(),page.getPageSizeTwo());
} catch (BOException e) {
return SUCCESS;
2.业务层 处理SQL
* 组合查询 问题列表
* 组建 SQL
public List<ExpertQuestion> queryQuestionCount(String expertName,String sortId)throws BOException;
public List<ExpertQuestion> queryQuestionPage(String expertName,String sortId,int currPage,int pageSize)throws BOException;
public List<ExpertQuestion> queryQuestionPage(String expertName,String sortId,int currPage,int pageSize)throws BOException
System.out.println("currPage = "+currPage+" - pageSize = "+pageSize);
List<ExpertQuestion> queryQuestion = new ArrayList<ExpertQuestion>();
String SQL = "";
//所有专家 AND 所有分类
if(expertName.equals("allExpert") && sortId.equals("allSort"))
System.out.println("所有专家 AND 所有分类");
SQL = " select q.question_id,q.question_title,q.question_infor,q.question_sort,q.question_expert,q.question_state,q.question_author,q.question_time,q.question_access,q.question_breviary,q.question_delete from expert_question q where q.question_delete='1' and question_Access='0'";
// 根据专家名 AND 分类ID 查询
if(!expertName.equals("allExpert") && !sortId.equals("allSort"))
System.out.println("根据专家名 AND 分类ID 查询");
SQL = " select q.question_id,q.question_title,q.question_infor,q.question_sort,q.question_expert,q.question_state,q.question_author,q.question_time,q.question_access,q.question_breviary,q.question_delete from expert_question q where q.question_delete='1' and question_Access='0' and q.question_expert = '"+expertName+"'"+" and q.question_sort ='"+sortId+"'";
// 所有专家 + 具体分类
if(expertName.equals("allExpert") && !sortId.equals("allSort"))
System.out.println("所有专家 + 具体分类");
SQL = " select q.question_id,q.question_title,q.question_infor,q.question_sort,q.question_expert,q.question_state,q.question_author,q.question_time,q.question_access,q.question_breviary,q.question_delete from expert_question q where q.question_delete='1' and question_Access='0' and q.question_sort ='"+sortId+"'";
// 具体专家 + 所有分类
if(!expertName.equals("allExpert") && sortId.equals("allSort"))
System.out.println("具体专家 + 所有分类");
SQL = " select q.question_id,q.question_title,q.question_infor,q.question_sort,q.question_expert,q.question_state,q.question_author,q.question_time,q.question_access,q.question_breviary,q.question_delete from expert_question q where q.question_delete='1' and question_Access='0' and q.question_expert = '"+expertName+"'";
SQL = "select * from ( select t1.*,rownum rownum_ from("+SQL+" ) t1 where rownum <= "+ currPage * pageSize +" ) where rownum_ > "+ ((currPage-1) * pageSize);
System.out.println("SQL PAGE = "+ SQL );
try {
queryQuestion = mavinDAO.queryQuestion(SQL);
} catch (DAOException e) {
return queryQuestion;
* 获取问题列表 expertName 、sortId
* 组合查询 SQL
* 可参照 查询专家列表 41行
* public List<TbExpert> searchMavinCount ... 写
* 但是 解耦性 不强、业务层和DAOImpl 换乱、可维护性降低
* 用 SQL 业务层 控制参数 DAOImpl不变 解耦性增强
public List<ExpertQuestion> queryQuestion(final String SQL) throws DAOException
List<ExpertQuestion> queryQuestion = this.getMyHibernateTemplate().executeFind(new HibernateCallback()
public Object doInHibernate(Session session)
throws HibernateException, SQLException {
Query q = session.createSQLQuery(SQL).addEntity(ExpertQuestion.class);
return q.list();
System.out.println("-query question-"+queryQuestion.size());
return queryQuestion;
4.分页源码 【直接用这个类就可以了,我的分页是继承了重写,里面有其他需求,一般用这个就哦了】
package com.linkage.util.page;
* @{#} PageUtilsTabOne.java Create on 2009-9-30 上午09:27:09
* Copyright (c) 2009 by linkaged.
* @author wenge
* @version 1.0
* @Desc: 前台选项卡一分页BEAN
public class PageUtilsTabTwo {
protected int curPageTwo = 0; //当前页
protected int pageSizeTwo = 0; //每页多少行
protected int endSizeTwo ; //用于not in(select top endSize id)不在多少行内
protected int totalRowTwo ; //共多少行
protected int totalPageTwo ; //共多少页
public int getStartTwo(){
return (curPageTwo-1)*pageSizeTwo;
return 0;
public int getEndTwo(){
return pageSizeTwo;
public int getCurPageTwo() {
return curPageTwo;
public void setCurPageTwo(int curPageTwo) {
int tempTwo = pageSizeTwo * (curPageTwo-1);
this.curPageTwo = curPageTwo;
public int getEndSizeTwo() {
return endSizeTwo;
public void setEndSizeTwo(int endSizeTwo) {
this.endSizeTwo = endSizeTwo;
public int getPageSizeTwo() {
return pageSizeTwo;
public void setPageSizeTwo(int pageSizeTwo) {
this.pageSizeTwo = pageSizeTwo;
public int getTotalRowTwo() {
return totalRowTwo;
public void setTotalRowTwo(int totalRowTwo) {
totalPageTwo = totalRowTwo/pageSizeTwo;
if(totalRowTwo%pageSizeTwo > 0)
totalPageTwo = totalPageTwo + 1;
this.totalRowTwo = totalRowTwo;
public int getTotalPageTwo(){
return this.totalPageTwo;
public String getToolsMenuTwo() {
StringBuffer strTwo = new StringBuffer("");
int nextTwo, prevTwo;
prevTwo = curPageTwo - 1;
nextTwo = curPageTwo + 1;
if (curPageTwo > 1) {
"<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"document.forms(0).pagesTwo.value=1;document.forms(0).submit();\">首页</a> ");
} else {
strTwo.append("<a href=\"#\">首页</a> ");
if (curPageTwo > 1) {
"<a href=\"#\" onclick='document.forms(0).pagesTwo.value=" +prevTwo + ";document.forms(0).submit();'>上页</a> ");
} else {
strTwo.append("<a href=\"#\">上页</a> ");
if (curPageTwo < totalPageTwo) {
"<a href=\"#\" onclick='document.forms(0).pagesTwo.value=" +nextTwo + ";document.forms(0).submit();'>下页</a> ");
} else {
strTwo.append("<a href=\"#\" >下页</a> ");
if (totalPageTwo > 1 && curPageTwo != totalPageTwo) {
"<a href=\"#\" onclick='document.forms(0).pagesTwo.value=" +totalPageTwo + ";document.forms(0).submit();'>尾页</a> ");
} else {
strTwo.append("<a href=\"#\" >尾页</a> ");
strTwo.append(" 共 <font color=\"red\" >" + totalRowTwo + "</font> 条记录/当前第"+curPageTwo+"页");
strTwo.append(" 转到");
strTwo.append("<SELECT style='width: 50px;' size=1 name=PagelistTwo onchange='this.form.pagesTwo.value=this.value;this.form.submit();'>");
for (int i = 1; i < totalPageTwo + 1; i++) {
if (i == curPageTwo) {
strTwo.append("<OPTION value=" + i + " selected>" + i +
} else {
strTwo.append("<OPTION value=" + i + ">" + i + "</OPTION>");
strTwo.append("<INPUT type=hidden value=" + curPageTwo + " name=\"pagesTwo\" > ");
strTwo.append("<INPUT type=hidden value=" + pageSizeTwo+" name=\"pageSizeTwo\"> ");
return strTwo.toString();
<!-- 分页 -->
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