

feature        新特性    一般用来指系统缺乏一个所需要的特性。

Trivial        微不足道   比较小的问题,例如用户界面中Button位置等。

Text        文字错误    文字上的拼写错误。

tweak          不合理/别扭     如:¥123.345等。

Minor        次要错误   不能用上述分类界定的,报告人认为是严重程度比较轻的问题。

Major        严重错误  不属于系统崩溃和死锁类的,但报告人认为比较严重的错误。

Crash        系统崩溃      引起系统崩溃的错误。

Block        系统死锁    引起系统死锁的错误

bug_status: 缺陷的状态

fresh  /new 新的提交

assigned  指派,指定人员跟踪处理

confirmed  已确认

resolved  已解决

closed  已关闭

feedback 回应



We will come across various types of bugs while Testing an application.

1. User Interface bugs. Severity is low

2. Functionality related bugs. Severity is high or Critical depending upon the module that was affected.

3. Bugs relating to validations.Severity is high depending upon the importance of the module that was affected.


The different types of bugs are as follows:--

1)Textual error (Message prompted error)

2)GUI(Graphical User Interface) error

3)Functionality error

4)Design error

5)SQL  query error

6)Hardware failure

Severity of the bug is assigned according to the impact of the bug on the application. Various types of Severity could be:--

Feature, trivial, text, tweak, minor, major, crash, block

The Life Cycle of a bug in general context is: 
Bugs are usually logged by the development team (While Unit Testing) and also by testers (While sytem or other type of testing). 
So let me explain in terms of a tester's perspective: 
A tester finds a new defect/bug, so using a defect tracking tool logs it. 
1. Its status is 'NEW' and assigns to the respective dev team (Team lead or Manager). 
2. The team lead assign's it to the team member, so the status is 'ASSIGNED TO' 
3. The developer works on the bug fixes it and re-assings to the tester for testing. Now the status is 'RE-ASSIGNED' 
4. The tester, check if the defect is fixed, if its fixed he changes the status to 'VERIFIED' 
5. If the tester has the autority (depends on the company) he can after verifying change the status to 'FIXED'. If not the test lead can verify it and change the status to 'fixed'. 
6. If the defect is not fixed he re-assign's the defect back to the dev team for re-fixing. 
So this is the life cycle of a bug. 
1. User Interface Defects -------------------------------- Low
2. Boundary Related Defects ------------------------------- Medium
3. Error Handling Defects --------------------------------- Medium
4. Calculation Defects ------------------------------------ High
5. Improper Service Levels (Control flow defects) --------- High
6. Interpreting Data Defects ------------------------------ High
7. Race Conditions (Compatibility and Intersystem defects)- High
8. Load Conditions (Memory Leakages under load) ----------- High
9. Hardware Failures:-------------------------------------- High 

