What To Do When The Boss Begs You To Stay

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What To Do When The Boss Begs You To Stay

You sit down with your boss to tell her you’ve been offered a job elsewhere and that you’ll be leaving the company in a few weeks. It will probably be an awkward conversation, and it’ll become even more uncomfortable when she asks you to stay. She might offer you better incentives, like more money or a job promotion–but as enticing as the counteroffer may be, career experts say you shouldn’t accept.

“Often, the two weeks’ notice becomes a wake-up call to the employer that they’ve missed something and were not as attuned to the employee as they thought they were, ” says Skip Weisman, a leadership and workplace communication expert. “They realize they don’t want to lose this individual and so they need to take steps to rectify the situation.”

Miriam Salpeter, job search coach, owner of Keppie Careers and author of Social Networking for Business Success, says a counteroffer is a knee-jerk reaction. “[Your employer] may immediately think, ‘Oh, no, how can we get by without him?’ Many organizations are stretched to their capacity in terms of what they can get done with the people they have on board, and it can be frightening, at first, for your boss to imagine how to pick up the slack or train someone new.”

If they counteroffer, they probably think you have a lot of valuable insights. They put a lot of effort into training you for your current job, she says. “That training cost them money, and they hate to lose their investment in you to another organization.”

Jim Stroud, director of sourcing and social strategy at Bernard Hodes Group and author of Resume Forensics: How To Find Free Resumes and Passive Candidates on Google, says your employer may counteroffer because they want you to stick around long enough to find a replacement, “and paying a little extra now is worth it in terms of keeping the train moving, versus the potential delays and issues that would arise from an empty cubicle seat.” But this could be dangerous for you, he says.

“I suspect that most companies do not see this as a long-term expense, as you have already ‘outted’ yourself as a flight risk, ” he says. “Most likely, they will let you go once they have someone else to replace you. Forgive me if that sounds cynical, but I have spoken with people that have experienced that first hand.”

One way to avoid this altogether: Don’t disclose the salary you’re being offered by the other company.

“If you decide to tell your boss the new salary, he or she may realize that [money is what's] pulling you away from the company, ” says Tina Nicolai, an executive career coach and résumé writer. In response, the boss may counteroffer with more money, a bonus, a promotion, or better work schedule to get you to stay.

“I do not believe accepting a counteroffer is in the job seeker’s best interest, so I would suggest responding to that inquiry with something along the lines of, ‘I’ve agreed not to share the salary offer, ’ followed quickly by a conversation about how you are willing to help your current company transition someone new into your position, ” Salpeter says.

But if you do divulge that information and the boss does propose a counteroffer, you’ll have to weigh the risks and benefits, and determine what the best decision is for you.

“While it’s flattering to be so sought-after, it’s probably not worth the risk in most cases, ” Salpeter says.

Consider the reason you were looking for a new job in the first place. Was it only about money? Perhaps you are looking for a new challenge, new colleagues, a new corporate culture, or flexibility at work? Maybe you are switching industries to follow a passion or interest? Accepting a counteroffer typically prevents you from accomplishing these goals, she says.

Another reason it might not be a smart move to accept the counteroffer: You’d burn two bridges at once.

“The other organization would be unlikely to ever look at hiring you again, your current employer will question your motives (and the relationship may quickly sour, resulting in a need to conduct another search), and, depending on your industry and how large it is, you may gain a reputation as a ‘counteroffer king or queen, ’ which could affect your opportunities down the road, ” Salpeter says.

If you accept a counteroffer, you may be scrutinized within your organization, she adds. “Now, everyone knows you were looking for a new job. If they are paying you more, or offering you the terms you requested, your employer is going to expect something significant in return. It may be hard for some people to deliver on those expectations while in the same work environment. How motivated will you be to deliver?”

If money was the only motivating factor in looking for a new job, obviously a counteroffer is something to consider. “However, I would strongly caution that there is a risk that your standing in your existing job may change significantly. You need to be ready for those potential consequences,” she says.

Stroud also believes that if you choose to accept the counteroffer, no matter how you behave in the future, you will be regarded with suspicion. In addition, he says, you might not be seen as a true team player. Other disadvantages: Since you’ve proven that you’re ready to leave, management will be waiting for you to do it again; you will be at the bottom of the list for promotions because you’ve shown that you have little loyalty to the company; and you employer might not invest in training you since they think you may leave at any time.

Nicolai believes there are pros and cons to accepting a counteroffer, but she wouldn’t recommend it either. “If you have tried to resolve issues in the workplace; whether it’s more money, a new title, a better work schedule, or time off, and the situations was not resolved prior to putting in your two weeks’ notice, then the proposed counteroffer is being offered to benefit the employer.” If the employer were sincere, the proposed offer would have been made when you originally approached your boss with your concerns, she adds.

However, counteroffers can sometimes work out to be mutually beneficial to both the employee and employer. “In situations where there have been leadership changes and turnover, often employees get overlooked on financial increases and promotions. You may have had a conversation with your manager, only to learn that the manager ends up leaving the company. The discussed communication then gets lost. In these cases, a counteroffer may be a good thing,” Nicolai says.

If you determine that accepting the counteroffer isn’t in your best interest, you should decline politely to avoid burning bridges. “You never know. You may have to work with that person again in a new capacity. Maybe they will become a customer. Maybe they will be pals with an executive you are trying to partner with. It’s a very small world,” Stroud says.

First, thank your boss for the counteroffer, he suggests. Say, “I am truly flattered, but wheels have been set in motion and I cannot renege on my word. I realize that my leaving may put you at a disadvantage which is why I have put my work in order, made notes on all the projects I am currently working on and giving you a list of potential hires that I have already vetted.”

A week after leaving the company, send a thank you note for the lessons learned while working at the past employer. “Send wishes of continued success,” Stroud says.

Nicolai suggests you say something like, “I appreciate the offer, however at this time, I have made the decision to accept the other offer. While I have enjoyed the opportunity to make significant contributions here in this role, I have already set my focus on the new position. Thank you for the proposed offer.”

What if you decide to accept the counteroffer and turn down the other job?

Ideally, you’d only engage in a counteroffer conversation before you officially accepted the job (after you receive an offer in writing and before responding). “In this case, I think it is best to simply state that you appreciate the offer and the organization’s time, effort, and energy in the interviewing and hiring process, but that you have decided not to accept the job. Be prepared for a conversation with the recruiter or hiring manager, who may be very upset or shocked,” Salpeter says.

Another option: “At this time, I have decided to stay with my current employer. I cannot thank you enough for your time and interest surrounding my interview process. I have truly enjoyed meeting everyone at your company. I would like to keep our communication and relationship ongoing,” Nicolai’s suggests.

Stroud says he would offer his apologies and provide a list of referrals that the other company may want to contact in his place. “I would not just say ‘sorry’ and walk, especially since I was backing out on a promise.”

Salpeter says she always emphasizes in her career advice that there is no one best approach for every job seeker–but there are typical consequences of making one choice over another. Her best recommendation here, she says, is to consider all of the angles and make a decision you can live with. “My advice would be to avoid the trap of the counteroffer,” she says.

The bottom line to all of this is, Stroud concludes, is if you are going to leave, leave. “Don’t make a game of it.”

  • incentive [in'sentiv] video 

    n. 动机;刺激adj. 激励的;刺激的

  • promotion [prəu'məuʃən] video 

    n. 提升,[劳经] 晋升;推销,促销;促进;发扬,振兴

  • insight ['insait] video 

    n. 洞察力;洞悉

  • reputation [,repju'teiʃən] video 

    n. 名声,名誉;声望

  • flexibility [,fleksi'biliti] video 

    n. 灵活性;弹性;适应性

  • motif [məu'ti:f, mɔ-] video 

    n. 主题;动机;主旨;图形;意念

  • corporate ['kɔ:pərit] video 

    adj. 法人的;共同的,全体的;社团的

  • replacement [ri'pleismənt] video 

    n. 更换;复位;代替者;补充兵员

  • accomplish [ə'kʌmpliʃ, ə'kɔm-] video 

    vt. 完成;实现;达到

  • typically ['tipikəli] video 

    adv. 代表性地;作为特色地
