交给工具软件才是正途,CodePro Analytix 被 Google 收购后,就让生活变得美好许多了。
网上 K 的一段规则:
在用CodePro检查代码前最好在代码中用ctrl+shift+f 让eclipse自动为代码格式化一遍。
1. Append String:
1) String literal can be replaced by a character literal:单个字符用’ ’来取代使用” ”
2.Badly Located Array Declarators:
1) Badly located array declarators:
File filesNodeB[] = ServiceAccess.getSystemSupportService().getFiles(fileName)
正确:File[] filesNodeB = ServiceAccess.getSystemSupportService().getFiles(fileName)
3. Boolean Method Naming Convention:
1) Invalid method name: "isWriteAccess" should not be prefixed with 'is':
错误:public int isWriteAccess(Object obj)
正确:public int writeAccess(Object obj)
4. Caught Exceptions:
1) Disallowed exception caught: Exception
catch (Exception e) 这样的异常最好能定义成更加详细的异常
5. Constant Field Naming Convention:
1) Invalid constant name: "NeInfoAttrNames" contains lowercase letters
用finall修饰的是常量 名字要全大写
错误:private final static String[] NeInfoAttrNames
正确:private final static String[] NEINFOATTRNAMES
6. Constants in Comparison :
1) Constant on right side of comparison: 在比较的时候,不变的部分应放在比较的右边。
错误:if (this.listeners == null)
正确:if (null == this.listeners)
7. Dangling Else:
1) Dangling else clause 不规范的else写法,if,else 中只有一条语句也要加{}.
return null;
正确:else {
return null;
8. Define Load Factor:
1) Define the load factor of Hashtable instances:hashtable支持线程同步相对来说比较耗系统资源 在定义的时候最好把它的大小和装载因子都定义出来;
例子:filterMap = new Hashtable(32, 0.75f);
9. Declared Exceptions:
1) Disallowed exception declared: Exception
public void init() throws Exception这样的异常最好能定义成更加详细的异常
10. Define Initial Capacity:
1) Define the initial capacity of StringBuffer instances:
在定义ArrayList,HashMap, HashSet, Hashtable, Vector, WeakHashMap, 'StringBuffer的时候最好定义初始的容量。
错误:StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
正确:StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(32);
11. Document Closing Braces:
1) Undocumented closeing brace:在if ,else等语句结束后应该在”}”后面加 // end if
正确:if (null == this.listeners) {
} // end if
12. Empty Catch Clause:
1) Empty catch clause for exception 空的chatch语句
13. Exlicit“this” Usage:
1) The keyword “this” is unnecessary: this 在语句中是多余的
14. Field Javadoc Conventions:
1) Missing Javadoc comment for field:缺少JAVA文档注释
15. Hiding Inherited Fields:
1) Field hides field inherited from RuntimeException:
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2945178819756838045L; 直接删掉这句
16. Import Order:
1) Import out of order: 从未用到导入的类
17. Instance Field Naming Convention:
1) Invalid field name: " _ _Table" starts with an underscore 错误的命名
错误:private Hashtable _ _Table = new Hashtable(200);
正确:private Hashtable _Table = new Hashtable(200);
18. Method Javadoc Conventions:
1) Empty @return tag in getValues 在getValues方法的注释中@return标记的内容为空
2) Missing Javadoc comment for method:缺少方法的注释
19. Missing Block:
1) Missing block in if clause:if 语句缺少 {}
错误:if(null == item)
return 0;
正确:if(null == item){
return 0;
20. Modifier Order:
1) Incorrect modifier order: "static" should appear before "final": static应放在final的前面
错误:private final static String SViewName = "SnmpMocView";
正确:private static final String SViewName = "SnmpMocView";
21. Platform Specific Line Separator:
1) Use of a platform specific line separator:
并不是所有系统都支持“\n”使用System.getProperty("line.separator") 来取代它
22. Questionable Assignment:
1) Questionable method parameter assignment : 可疑的参数分配
23. Statement Creation:
1) Invalid SQL statement creation:创建createStatement()应该用预编译语句
错误:stm = con.createStatement();
正确:stm = con.prepareStatement();
24. Synchronized Method:
1) Use of synchronized modifier: synchronized:修饰苻不要放在方法名前面 容易让人忽略修饰苻的存在,最好是放在要修饰的语句快中。
错误:public synchronized String getName() {
25. Static Field Naming Convention:
1) Invalid field name: "segService" starts with lowercase letters。静态变量名第一个字母为大写
错误:private static SnmpExtGuiService segService;
正确:private static SnmpExtGuiService SegService;
26. Return Boolean Expression Value:
1) An if-statement always return true or false:
错误:if (index >= 0)
return true;
} else
return false;
正确:return index >= 0;
27. Questionable Name:
1) Short name found: 命名太短
28. Type Javadoc Conventions:
1) Missing @version tag for type BaseSnmpSyntag:在注释中缺少@version 标记
2) Missing @author tag for type :在注释中缺少@author标记
29. Unnecessary Exceptions:
1) Unnecessary declaration of Exception:不必要的异常
30. Unnecessary Import Declarations:
1) unnecessary Import 多余的Import语句
31. Use equals() Rather Than ==:
1) Should not compare values using the equals (==) operator
错误:if(cls = = G828.class)
32. Unnecessary Return Statement Parentheses:
1) Unnecessary parentheses around the expression in a return statement:
错误:return (obj != null);
正确:return obj != null;
33. Variable Usage:
1) Variable assigned to but not referenced:从没读取过的变量(建议小心删除)
34. Use Compound Assignment:
1) Use compound assignment:
错误:Pos = Pos + 1;
正确: Pos += 1;