unity3d 调用windows窗口

1 编辑模式(Editor)下:
string path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Load png Textures of Directory", "", "");
WWW ww=new WWW("file:///"+path);
yield return ww;


OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();   //new一个方法
 ofd.InitialDirectory ="file://"+UnityEngine.Application.dataPath;  //定义打开的默认文件夹位置//定义打开的默认文件夹位置
      Debug.Log( ofd.FileName);

以上操作需要添加 System.Windows.Forms.dll,放在Plugins文件夹下,同时需要更改.net 2.0 Subset为.net2.0 

unity3d 调用windows窗口_第1张图片



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

[ StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Auto )]  

public class OpenFileName 
    public int      structSize = 0;
    public IntPtr   dlgOwner = IntPtr.Zero; 
    public IntPtr   instance = IntPtr.Zero;
    public String   filter = null;
    public String   customFilter = null;
    public int      maxCustFilter = 0;
    public int      filterIndex = 0;
    public String   file = null;
    public int      maxFile = 0;
    public String   fileTitle = null;
    public int      maxFileTitle = 0;
    public String   initialDir = null;
    public String   title = null;   
    public int      flags = 0; 
    public short    fileOffset = 0;
    public short    fileExtension = 0;
    public String   defExt = null; 
    public IntPtr   custData = IntPtr.Zero;  
    public IntPtr   hook = IntPtr.Zero;  
    public String   templateName = null; 
    public IntPtr   reservedPtr = IntPtr.Zero; 
    public int      reservedInt = 0;
    public int      flagsEx = 0;

public class DllTest
[DllImport("Comdlg32.dll",SetLastError=true,ThrowOnUnmappableChar=true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]          
     public static extern bool GetOpenFileName([ In, Out ] OpenFileName ofn );   
     public static  bool GetOpenFileName1([ In, Out ] OpenFileName ofn )

        return GetOpenFileName(ofn);

using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using System.Text;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using System;

public class Test : MonoBehaviour {

    public GameObject plane;

    void OnGUI()
        if(GUI.Button(new Rect(0,0,100,35),"OpenDialog"))
            OpenFileName ofn = new OpenFileName();

            ofn.structSize = Marshal.SizeOf(ofn);

            ofn.filter = "All Files\0*.*\0\0";

            ofn.file = new string(new char[256]);

            ofn.maxFile = ofn.file.Length;

            ofn.fileTitle = new string(new char[64]);

            ofn.maxFileTitle = ofn.fileTitle.Length;

            ofn.initialDir =UnityEngine.Application.dataPath;//默认路径

            ofn.title = "Open Project";

            ofn.defExt = "JPG";//显示文件的类型
           //注意 一下项目不一定要全选 但是0x00000008项不要缺少
            ofn.flags=0x00080000|0x00001000|0x00000800|0x00000200|0x00000008;//OFN_EXPLORER|OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST|OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST| OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT|OFN_NOCHANGEDIR

            if(DllTest.GetOpenFileName( ofn ))


                Debug.Log( "Selected file with full path: {0}"+ofn.file );




    IEnumerator WaitLoad(string fileName)
        WWW wwwTexture=new WWW("file://"+fileName);


        yield return wwwTexture;


unity3d 调用windows窗口_第2张图片
