

译自:《 An Introduction to the Theory of Computation 》by Eitan Gurari
刘建文略译( http://blog.csdn.net/keminlau )

KEY:信息处理 计算理论 形式语言 编程语言




第一章涉及一些基本概念的定义。首先是符号串(strings)的概念,符号串作为物化信息的角色;接着是符号串与[语言 ]的关系,并且介绍用来刻画语言的语法。


Programming languages

A programming language is a formal language endowed(捐赠, 赋予, 捐助) with semantics that can be used to control the behavior of a machine, particularly a computer, to perform specific tasks. Programming languages are defined using syntactic and semantic rules, to determine structure and meaning respectively.


Programming languages are used to facilitate communication about the task of organizing and manipulating information, and to express algorithms precisely. Some authors restrict the term "programming language" to those languages that can express all possible algorithms; sometimes the term "computer language" is used for artificial languages that are more limited.


特别地,不确定性(nondeterminism )的概念也通过程序来介绍。这一章最后探讨了问题(problems)的概念、问题与程序的关系等。





透过细究[程序 ]所使用的[编程语言] (programming language)来间接地研究程序(programs )是有裨益的。因为可以统一地通过[编程语言]来研究[程序]的本质。不过,所选择的语言应足够的通用(general)和原始(primitive),以便于讨论研究。


[程序 ]可定义为作用于[ ]D上的有限[指令 ]序列。域D(称为变量的域domain of the variables)被假设为一可互相区别的元素的集合,集合元素称为变量的初始值(initial value of the variables)。D中的每一个元素被假设为程序变量的可能的取值。由此可得,第一,程序与某个[作用域]一一关联;第二,程序由[指令]组成;指令由[操作码]和[操作值]组成。操作码是[机器]可认别的信息(预定的操作语义),操作值是机器可操作的对象。



In computer science, an instruction is a single operation of a processor defined by an instruction set architecture.

指令 :指定计算机的操作和操作数或操作数地址的一组字符代码。由操作码和地址码组成。可被中央处理机理解和执行。操作码规定计算机操作的性质,地址码指出操作数所在地址和操作结果要送往的地址。参见“指令系统”。

指令系统 :一台计算机所能执行的各种不同类型指令的总和。即一台计算机所能执行的全部操作。不同计算机的指令系统包含的指令种类和数目也不同。一般均包含算术运算型、逻辑运算型、数据传送型、判定和控制型、输入和输出型等指令。

机器 : 由零件装成、能运转、能变换能量或产生有用的功的装置。机器可以作为生产工具,能减轻人的劳动强度,提高生产率。



1. 读指令:

read x

2. 写指令:

write x

3. 确定的赋值指令(Deterministic assignment) :

y := f(x1, . . . , xm)

其中x1, . . . , xm, 和y 是变量,f 是从 D^m 到 D的函数(D^m是从D取出m个元素组成的排列,y取值也在D内)

4. 单分支控制指令

if Q(x1, . . . , xm) then I

where I is an instruction, x1, . . . , xm are variables, and Q is a predicate(谓语, 述部) from D^m to {false, true}.

5. 确定的循环控制指令



until Q(x1, . . . , xm)

where a is a nonempty sequence of instructions, x1, . . . , xm are variables, and Q is a predicate from D^m to {false, true}.

6. 条件接受指令(Conditional accept instructions)

if eof then accept

7. 拒绝指令(Reject instructions)


8. 非确定的赋值指令(Nondeterministic assignment)

x := ?

where x is a variable.

9. 非确定的循环控制指令



or a2

or ....

or ak

until Q(x1, . . . , xm)

where k >= 2, each of a1, . . . , ak is a nonempty sequence of instructions, x1, . . . , xm are variables, and Q is a predicate from D^m to {false, true}.


In each program the domain D of the variables is assumed to have a representation over some alphabet. For instance, D can be the set of natural numbers, the set of integers, and any finite set of elements. The functions f and predicates Q are assumed to be from a given "built-in" set of computable functions and predicates (see Section 1.4 and Church's thesis in Section 4.1).


In what follows, the domains of the variables will not be explicitly noted when their nature is of little
significance(重要性, 重要; 意思; 意义). In addition, expressions in infix(插入词; 中缀) notations will be used for specifying functions and predicates.

然后,如果变量的性质细节不是十分重要,变量的值域不会显式提及(explicitly noted)。另外,中缀形式的表达式(expressions in infix notations)用来表达[函数]和[谓词]。



read x y := 0 z := 1 do y := y + 1 z := z + 1 until z = x read y if eof then accept reject

以上程序的作用域假定为自然数,并且以0为初始值。程序中使用了三个变量x, y, 和z,还有两个函数,常量函数f1() = 0和一元函数f2(n) = n + 1。循环指令使用了等价性的真值谓词(binary predicate of equality)。

程序的输入(input )

程序的输入(input )是指程序中的变量(variables)在值域的取值序列。程序可能有多个输入变量,多个变量组成变量组,变量组的一个取值为一个输入。



确定型程序(Deterministic Programs)


[读指令]read x的执行语义是(告诉机器)把下一个[输入值]读到变量x。[写指令]write x的执行语义是(告诉机器)把变量x输出;

[循环控制指令]的执行语义复合了循环执行do指令序列语义和检查谓词Q(x1, . . . , xm)真值的语义。循环控制指令的循环执行直到谓词Q(x1, . . . , xm)值为真。

[条件接受指令]告诉机器当所有输入都处理完毕后停掉(halt)执行,输入完毕指输入到达了输入文件的尾端EOF。如果EOF为假,输入未处理完则继续执行(条件接受指的)后续指令。同样的,机器在遇到以下情形也会停掉(halt )程序执行:

  • 执行reject指令
  • 执行越界读取指令(KEMIN:这个操作怎么检查的?)
  • 执行程序外的指令
  • 执行计算域外值的指令(比如除0)


do read value write value until value < 0 if eof then accept

The execution sequences of the program in Figure 1.3.2(b) halt due to the conditional accept instruction,
only on inputs that end with a negative value and have no negative values elsewhere (e.g., the input "1, 2, -3"). On inputs that contain no negative values at all, the execution sequences of the program halt due to trying to read beyond the end of the input (e.g., on input "1, 2, 3"). On inputs that have negative values before their end, the execution sequences of the program halt due to the transfer of control beyond the end of the program (e.g., on input "-1, 2, -3").

很显然的,accept 指令可以被看成停机指令(halt command),宣告程序的执行成功完成,因为accept 只在输入处理完后被执行。同样的,reject指令也可以被看成停机指令,宣告程序的执行没有成功完成。

The requirement that the accept commands be executed only after reading all the input values should cause no problem, because each program can be modified to satisfy this condition. Moreover, such a constraint seems to be natural, because it forces each program to check all its input values before signaling a success by an accept command. Similarly, the requirement that an execution sequence must halt upon trying to read beyond the end of an input seems to be natural. It should not matter whether the reading is due to a read instruction or to checking for the eof predicate.

accept指令(be executed only after reading all the input values )的设计需求和哲学原因是很自然的,无任何疑问,因为每一个程序都可被修改来满足这个条件。另外,这个约束(constraint )很自然的需要的第二个原因是它强迫程序在宣告成功完成执行前逐个检查遍所有输入值……

KEMIN:accept指令或reject指令都是机器的[控制信息 ],控制机器停机操作,与其它流程控制指令是相同性质的。 请看如下编程语言的定义:

A programming language is a formal language endowed(捐赠, 赋予, 捐助) with semantics that can be used to control the behavior of a machine , particularly a computer, to perform specific tasks.

要注意,条件分支指令和循环指令的谓词Q(x1, . . . , xm) 与EOF逻辑区别。谓词是变量的x1, . . . , xm一个组合逻辑值,这个值是机器的[控制信息 ],不是程序的输入值——被控制对象。


Programs use finite sequences of instructions for describing sets of infinite numbers of computations. The descriptions of the computations are obtained by "unrolling" 解开; 打开the sequences of instructions into execution sequences. In the case of deterministic programs, each execution sequence provides a description for a computation. On the other hand, as it will be seen below, in the case of nondeterministic programs some execution sequences might be considered as computations, whereas others might be considered noncomputations. To delineate this distinction we need the following definitions.


如果程序的[执行 ]终止于accept指令,我们称该次执行为[接受计算 ](accepting computation),否则称为[非接受计算 ](nonaccepting computation )或拒绝计算(rejecting computation)。接受计算和非接受计算统称[计算 ](computation)。

A computation is said to be a halting computation if it is finite.


如果程序P对输入值x是一个接受计算,并产出输出y,那么我们称y是程序P基于x的输出。否则,程序对x是一个nonaccepting 计算时,即便有执行write指令,输出outputs均为无定义。

Nondeterministic Programs



Guessing in Programs




Configurations of Programs

An execution of a program on a given input is a discrete process in which the input is consumed, an output is generated, the variables change their values, and the program traverses its instructions. Each stage in the process depends on the outcome of the previous stage, but not on the history of the stages. The outcome of each stage is a configuration of the program that indicates the instruction being reached, the values stored in the variables, the portion of the input left to be read, and the output that has been generated so far.

Consequently, the process can be described by a sequence of moves between configurations of the program.

