


Multimedia Files
Many multimedia files that carry both audio and video bear extensions
such as .avi (Microsoft AVI files), .asf (a.k.a., .wmv and .wma,
collectively known as Microsoft ASF files), .mov (Apple Quicktime files),
and .rm (RealMedia files). Confusion often arises as one wonders what
application can, for example, "play .mov files". That is a very difficult
question to answer and here is why:

All of the formats mentioned in the preceding paragraph are also
referred to as multimedia container formats. All they do is pack chunks
of audio and video data together, interleaved, along with some
instructions to inform a playback application how the data is to be
decoded and presented to the user. This is the typical layout of many
multimedia file formats:

file header
title, creator, other meta-info
video header
video codec FourCC
width, height, colorspace, playback framerate
audio header
audio codec FourCC
bits/sample, playback frequency, channel count
file data
encoded audio chunk #0
encoded video chunk #0
encoded audio chunk #1
encoded video chunk #1
encoded audio chunk #2
encoded video chunk #2
encoded audio chunk #3
encoded video chunk #3

Those audio and video chunks can be encoded with any number of audio or
video codecs, the FourCCs of which are specified in the file header.

See The Almost Definitive FourCC Definition List listed in the reference
for more information on the jungle of FourCCs out there, and where they
commonly appear.
Interleaving is the process of storing alternating audio and video chunks
in the data section of a multimedia file:

encoded audio chunk #0
encoded video chunk #0
encoded audio chunk #1
encoded video chunk #1
encoded audio chunk #2
encoded video chunk #2
encoded audio chunk #n
encoded video chunk #n

Why is this done? Why not just place all of the video data in the file,
followed by all of the audio data? For example:

encoded video chunk #0
encoded video chunk #1
encoded video chunk #2
encoded video chunk #n
encoded audio chunk #0
encoded audio chunk #1
encoded audio chunk #2
encoded audio chunk #n

Conceptually, this appears to be a valid solution. In practice, however,
it falls over. Assuming these audio and video streams are part of the same
file on the same disk (almost always the case), there is a physical
mechanism called the disk read head which has to constantly make a leap
between two different positions on the disk. When the chunks are
interleaved, the read head does not need to seek at all; it can read all
the data off in a contiguous fashion.





多数的多媒体文件都带有音视频的后缀名,像.avi (Microsoft AVI 文件), .asf (a.k.a., .wmv and .wma,
共同作为Microsoft ASF 文件), .mov (Apple Quicktime文件),
.rm (RealMedia文件)等。然而,我们却总因为不知道应该使用什么应用程序比如“播放.mov文件”而感到疑惑;这个问题其实很难回答,下面给出这么说的原因:
encoded audio chunk #0
encoded video chunk #0
encoded audio chunk #1
encoded video chunk #1
encoded audio chunk #2
encoded video chunk #2
encoded audio chunk #3
encoded video chunk #3

encoded audio chunk #0
encoded video chunk #0
encoded audio chunk #1
encoded video chunk #1
encoded audio chunk #2
encoded video chunk #2
encoded audio chunk #n
encoded video chunk #n

encoded video chunk #0
encoded video chunk #1
encoded video chunk #2
encoded video chunk #n
encoded audio chunk #0
encoded audio chunk #1
encoded audio chunk #2
encoded audio chunk #n


