RegistryKeys WinCE有用的注册表键值说明!


Common Registry Keys

This is by no means complete. There are too many WM devices for this to be accurate for them all. Y = confirmed yes, N = confirmed no, blank = unconfirmed. Note that a confirmed no may be inaccurate due to third-party software or relience on optional hardware.

Note the keys below may be shown with a space or line break between the top level, e.g. HKEY_CURRENT_USER and the first "\". This white space is there for the web page only and needs to be removed when used on the PDA.

Name Key Comment WM2003 WM5 WM6
Appointments upcoming (Today plugin) HKEY_CURRENT_USER \System\State\Appointments\HomeScreen\Subject when not available defaults to "No upcoming appointments." Y
Appointments upcoming location (Today plugin) HKEY_CURRENT_USER \System\State\Appointments\HomeScreen\Location
Appointment - next (Today plugin) HKEY_CURRENT_USER \System\State\Appointments\Next\Subject
Appointment - next location (Today plugin) HKEY_CURRENT_USER \System\State\Appointments\Next\Location
Bluetooth Status HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \System\State\Hardware\Bluetooth

8 = Off

\\ 9 = On(?No connections?)

\\ 11 = Discoverable

\\ 25 = ?Hands Free? 13 - Handsfree

\\ Does anyone have a full list of these? Is there an A2DP one for example?


\\ I think this is bitwise too:

\\ 1 = Power on

\\ 2 = Searching

\\ 4 = Not sure. Maybe headphones?

\\ 8 = BT Exists (Seems always set)

\\ 16 = Connected


E-mail unread HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ System\State\Messages\TotalEmail\Unread\Count Y Y
Last Incoming Call Name HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \System\State\Phone\Last Incoming Caller Name Y
Last Incoming Call Number HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \System\State\Phone\Last Incoming Caller Number Y
Missed Calls HKEY_CURRENT_USER \System\State\Phone\Missed Call Count Y
Operator Name HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \System\State\Phone\Current Operator Name Y
Signal Strength HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \System\State\Phone\Signal Strength Y
SMS unread HKEY_CURRENT_USER \System\State\Messages\sms\Unread\Count Y Y
Tasks active HKEY_CURRENT_USER \System\State\Tasks\Active Y Y
Tasks due today HKEY_CURRENT_USER \System\State\Tasks\Due Today Y Y
Tasks high priority HKEY_CURRENT_USER \System\State\Tasks\High Priority Y Y
Tasks overdue HKEY_CURRENT_USER \System\State\Tasks\Overdue Y Y
Voice Mail HKEY_CURRENT_USER \System\State\Messages\vmail\Total\Unread\Count Y
Wi-Fi connection status HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \System\State\Connections\Network\Count

0 = off

\\ 1 = on

Wi-Fi power status HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \System\State\Hardware\Wifi

coded bitwise

\\ 1 = always set? WiFi hardware present?

\\ 2 = powered on

\\ 4 = networks available

\\ 8 = connecting

\\ 16 = connected


\\ Bit 4 (Networks Available) can be set when wifi is off. On inspection, this bit appears to mean that you have a configured wifi network. So if this bit is true, then enabling wifi will probably result in an internet connection (Depending on location of course)


Updates to BT and WiFi made ~Aug 2009 [email protected]
