在大多数情况下我们都需要为我们的服务提供一个WSDL文件,而 Axis2's Java2WSDL 是专门用来生成WSDL文件的D专用工具,如果你要在命令行模式下进行生成WSDL文件,首先需要保证你的环境变量AXIS2_HOME是否已经配置OK,同时还要保证把%AXIS2_HOME%\bin加入到你的path环境中,要生成 WSDL文件,首先要保证你的class能够编译成功,而且已经编译成功,然后进入class文件编译后的根目录(在JBuilder中是classes,在Eclipse中是bin目录)这时,生成WSDL文件的准备工作已经OK。
Usage java2wsdl -cn <fully qualified class name> : class file name
-o <output Location> : output file location
-cp <class path uri> : list of classpath entries - (urls)
-tn <target namespace> : target namespace
-tp <target namespace prefix> : target namespace prefix
-stn <schema target namespace> : target namespace for schema
-stp <schema target namespace prefix> : target namespace prefix for schema
-sn <service name> : service name
-of <output file name> : output file name for the WSDL
-st <binding style> : style for the WSDL
-u <binding use> : use for the WSDL
-l <soap address> : address of the port for the WSDL
-nsg <generator class name> : fully qualified name of the class that implements NamespaceGenerator
-p2n [<java package>,<namespace] [<java package>,<namespace]... : java package to namespace mapping for argument and return types...to assign all types to a single namespace : -p2n [all , <namespace>] ...
-efd <qualified/unqualified> : Setting for elementFormDefault (defaults to qualified)
-afd <qualified/unqualified> : Setting for attributeFormDefault (defaults to qualified)
-xc <extra class> : Extra class for which schematype must be generated.
Use as : -xc class1 -xc class2 ...
java2wsdl -cp . -cn [PACKAGENAME].[CLASSNAME]-of [FILENAME].wsdl
java2wsdl -cp . -cn samples.helloworld.service.axiom.HelloWorldService -of HelloWorldService.wsdl
Using AXIS2_HOME: D:\axis2-1.1.1
Using JAVA_HOME: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_06