TNS服务启动 C:\Documents and Settings\new>lsnrctl start 使用system登陆 sqlplus conn system as sysdba 口令回车 解锁scott用户,将密码改成tiger SQL> alter user scott identified by tiger account unlock; SQL> conn scott/tiger 创建表 create table tableName ( colName TYPE, colName TYPE, ..... ); 删除表 drop table tableName; 修改表 alter table tableName modify 列名 新属性 清空回收站 purge recyclebin; 约束:1.表中必须要有主键。primary key 不能重复不能为空(主键是能索引到一条唯一记录) unique: 唯一,列不能有重复的内容 not null: 不能为空 1 create table S2 2 ( 3 id number(4), 4 name varchar2(20), 5 constraint pk_S2 primary key(id), 6 constraint uni_S2 unique(name) 7* ) 去掉表中的约束,需要提供约束名 alter table S2 drop constraint pk_S2; > create table stuScore ( id number(4), score number(4,1), constraint fk_ss foreign key(id) references stuName(id) ); 外键StuScore.id引用stuName.id主键 学生姓名,学号,系,系主任,学科,成绩 学号,姓名,系 学号,学科,成绩 系,系主任 create table S2 ( id number, age number check ( age> 0 and age<100) ); check 用来检查数据是否复合条件,符合条件才允许insert //为表添加一列 alter table S2 add name varchar2(20); //删除一列 alter table S2 drop column name; //更改存在的列长度 alter table S2 modify name varchar2(10); 类型: char/varchar2/number/date/systimestamp(毫秒) select *** from *** where ****; //执行顺序:from -> where -> select null+任何数字运算=null 聚合函数(分组函数),只有一个结果 1. select count(*) from emp; 查寻行数 2. select sum(sal) from emp; 求列的和 3. select max(sal) from emp; 求列的最大值 4. select min(sal) from emp; 求列的最小值 5. select avg(sal) from emp; 求列的平均值 distinct 排除重复的列 单函数 1.mod() 取余运算 2.round() 四舍五入 select round(10.987654,2) from dual; 保留2位小数 3.trunc: 不四舍五入,直接舍去小数 select trunc(123.456,2) from dual; 4.bitand:按位与 5.lower: 转成小写字符 6.upper: 转成大写字符 7.initcap: 把单词首字母大写 8.trim: 两边的空格剔除 9.to_number() 字符串转换成数字 to_char() to_date() 10.空值替换 nvl(列名,0) select ename,(sal+nvl(comm,0)) from emp; select ... from .... where ..... groupby .... having ..... 先筛选再分组再筛选 查寻emp表中deptno不为20的,根据deptno分组,查寻平均工资大于2000的部门号及部门的工资总和 切记:分组的列才能在select 上显示出来,分组函数的结果也可以显示,其它均不能显示 id name address job sex height weight 1 zhangsan jilin student m 178 160 2 hanmeimei liaoning teacher f 165 118 3 lilei jizhou javapg m 180 172 4 huhansan jilin student f 177 180 5 liudehua jizhou singer m 170 120 1.查寻地址在jizhou的最胖的人体重 select max(weight) from myclass where address='jizhou' 2.不要liaoning的按性别分组,查平均身高。 select sex,avg(height) from myclass where address<>'liaoning' group by sex; 3.查寻体重超过自己身高的人的信息 select * from myclass where weight>height; 4.查寻地址不以j开头的工作有哪些 select job from myclass where address not like 'j%'; 5.计算男女生性别比 select (select count(*) from myclass where sex='m') / (select count(*) from myclass where sex='f') from dual order by asc默认升序desc降序 select .... from ..... where . .... group by ..... having ..... order by 1.from -> where -> group by -> having -> select -> order by 子查寻(嵌套查寻) select 子查寻 SQL> select (select count(*) from emp where deptno=10) / (select count(*) from emp ) from dual; from 子查寻 select * from (select * from emp); select * from (select * from emp where deptno=20) where sal>2000; where 子查寻 SQL> select * from emp where sal > (select avg(sal) from emp); select * from emp where sal in (select avg(sal) from emp); 练习:查寻每一个部门的员工的最高工资的人是谁 SQL> select ename,deptno from emp where (deptno,sal) in (select deptno,max(sal) from emp group by deptno); having子查寻 练习:查寻部门平均工资高于公司平均工资的部门信息 SQL> select deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno having avg(sal) > (select avg(sal) from emp); exists 如果子查寻有结果返回则为真 not exists如果子查寻没有结果返回则为真 连表查寻:连接关系主键外键 内连接:等值,不等值,自连接 外连接:左连,右连接,全外连接 学号,姓名,系(学号主键,外键) 学号,学科,成绩(学号外键、) 系,系主任 (系主键) 先做主键表再做外键表 SQL> create table xi 2 ( xi_name varchar2(10), 3 xi_zr varchar2(10), 4 constraint pk_xi primary key(xi_name) 5 ); SQL> create table stu 2 ( stu_id number, 3 stu_name varchar2(10), 4 xi_name varchar2(10), 5 constraint pk_stu primary key(stu_id), 6 constraint fk_stu foreign key(xi_name) references xi(xi_name) 7 ); SQL> create table score 2 ( 3 stu_id number, 4 subj varchar2(10), 5 scor number(4,1), 6 constraint fk_score foreign key(stu_id) references stu(stu_id) 7 ); insert into xi values('waiyu','zhangsan'); insert into xi values('jisuanji','lisi'); insert into xi values('zhengfa','wangwu'); insert into stu values(1,'haner','waiyu'); insert into stu values(2,'tom','zhengfa'); insert into stu values(3,'jerry','jisuanji'); insert into stu values(4,'moto','waiyu'); insert into stu values(5,'nokia','waiyu'); insert into stu values(6,'iphone','jisuanji'); insert into stu values(7,'alibaba','jisuanji'); insert into stu values(8,'taobao','zhengfa'); insert into stu values(9,'dongdong','zhengfa'); insert into stu values(10,'dingding','waiyu'); insert into score values(1,'english',98); insert into score values(1,'computer',76); insert into score values(1,'math',56); insert into score values(2,'math',88); insert into score values(2,'computer',98); insert into score values(3,'english',44); insert into score values(3,'math',77); insert into score values(3,'computer',39); insert into score values(4,'computer',49); insert into score values(4,'math',49); insert into score values(5,'math',79); insert into score values(5,'english',69); commit;(注意操作之后要提交) 笛卡尔(各种交叉连接) (标准版)select * from A cross join B on; (非工业化) select * from A , B where; 内连接 select * from A join B on 条件 select stu.stu_id,stu_name,scor from stu join score on stu.stu_id=score.stu_id and subj='math' and scor>60; SQL> select * from A left join B on; ID NAME ID SCORE ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 a 1 88 2 b 2 99 SQL> select * from A right join B on; ID NAME ID SCORE ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 a 1 88 2 b 2 99 3 100 rownum伪列:如果想用rownum去判断必须包括1的值 否则只能起别名,再嵌套一层子查寻 select * from (select rownum r, from (select stu.stu_id,stu.stu_name,scor from stu join score on stu.stu_id=score.stu_id and subj='math' order by scor desc) s ) ss where ss.r>=2 and ss.r<=4; delete from 表名 where 条件 删除表中符合条件的内容,如果不加where则清空表内容 update 表名 set 列='值' where 条件 更新表中符合条件的某列的内容 1.查询wangwu系主任所在的系的学生都有谁 2.查询学生成绩总和最高的学生是谁 3.查询学生成绩总和最高的学生所在的系是哪个系 4.查询共几个学生一门成绩也没有 5.查询各系的学生数量 6.查询各科的成绩平均分 7.查询有挂科的学生信息 8.查询所有成绩都及格的学生的系主任是谁 9.根据系分组,按总分的高低给所有学生成绩排序(降序) 10.根据科目分组,查看每科的最高分和最低分(没成绩的排队) 事物oracle:上次提交到本次提交之间的所有操作叫一个事物 create table / drop table /alter table insert into insert into.. update .... delete .... commit; 提交 rollback;//回滚到本事物之初TNS服务启动 C:\Documents and Settings\new>lsnrctl start 使用system登陆 sqlplus conn system as sysdba 口令回车 解锁scott用户,将密码改成tiger SQL> alter user scott identified by tiger account unlock; SQL> conn scott/tiger 创建表 create table tableName ( colName TYPE, colName TYPE, ..... ); 删除表 drop table tableName; 修改表 alter table tableName modify 列名 新属性 清空回收站 purge recyclebin; 约束:1.表中必须要有主键。primary key 不能重复不能为空(主键是能索引到一条唯一记录) unique: 唯一,列不能有重复的内容 not null: 不能为空 1 create table S2 2 ( 3 id number(4), 4 name varchar2(20), 5 constraint pk_S2 primary key(id), 6 constraint uni_S2 unique(name) 7* ) 去掉表中的约束,需要提供约束名 alter table S2 drop constraint pk_S2; > create table stuScore ( id number(4), score number(4,1), constraint fk_ss foreign key(id) references stuName(id) ); 外键StuScore.id引用stuName.id主键 学生姓名,学号,系,系主任,学科,成绩 学号,姓名,系 学号,学科,成绩 系,系主任 create table S2 ( id number, age number check ( age> 0 and age<100) ); check 用来检查数据是否复合条件,符合条件才允许insert //为表添加一列 alter table S2 add name varchar2(20); //删除一列 alter table S2 drop column name; //更改存在的列长度 alter table S2 modify name varchar2(10); 类型: char/varchar2/number/date/systimestamp(毫秒) select *** from *** where ****; //执行顺序:from -> where -> select null+任何数字运算=null 聚合函数(分组函数),只有一个结果 1. select count(*) from emp; 查寻行数 2. select sum(sal) from emp; 求列的和 3. select max(sal) from emp; 求列的最大值 4. select min(sal) from emp; 求列的最小值 5. select avg(sal) from emp; 求列的平均值 distinct 排除重复的列 单函数 1.mod() 取余运算 2.round() 四舍五入 select round(10.987654,2) from dual; 保留2位小数 3.trunc: 不四舍五入,直接舍去小数 select trunc(123.456,2) from dual; 4.bitand:按位与 5.lower: 转成小写字符 6.upper: 转成大写字符 7.initcap: 把单词首字母大写 8.trim: 两边的空格剔除 9.to_number() 字符串转换成数字 to_char() to_date() 10.空值替换 nvl(列名,0) select ename,(sal+nvl(comm,0)) from emp; select ... from .... where ..... groupby .... having ..... 先筛选再分组再筛选 查寻emp表中deptno不为20的,根据deptno分组,查寻平均工资大于2000的部门号及部门的工资总和 切记:分组的列才能在select 上显示出来,分组函数的结果也可以显示,其它均不能显示 id name address job sex height weight 1 zhangsan jilin student m 178 160 2 hanmeimei liaoning teacher f 165 118 3 lilei jizhou javapg m 180 172 4 huhansan jilin student f 177 180 5 liudehua jizhou singer m 170 120 1.查寻地址在jizhou的最胖的人体重 select max(weight) from myclass where address='jizhou' 2.不要liaoning的按性别分组,查平均身高。 select sex,avg(height) from myclass where address<>'liaoning' group by sex; 3.查寻体重超过自己身高的人的信息 select * from myclass where weight>height; 4.查寻地址不以j开头的工作有哪些 select job from myclass where address not like 'j%'; 5.计算男女生性别比 select (select count(*) from myclass where sex='m') / (select count(*) from myclass where sex='f') from dual order by asc默认升序desc降序 select .... from ..... where . .... group by ..... having ..... order by 1.from -> where -> group by -> having -> select -> order by 子查寻(嵌套查寻) select 子查寻 SQL> select (select count(*) from emp where deptno=10) / (select count(*) from emp ) from dual; from 子查寻 select * from (select * from emp); select * from (select * from emp where deptno=20) where sal>2000; where 子查寻 SQL> select * from emp where sal > (select avg(sal) from emp); select * from emp where sal in (select avg(sal) from emp); 练习:查寻每一个部门的员工的最高工资的人是谁 SQL> select ename,deptno from emp where (deptno,sal) in (select deptno,max(sal) from emp group by deptno); having子查寻 练习:查寻部门平均工资高于公司平均工资的部门信息 SQL> select deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno having avg(sal) > (select avg(sal) from emp); exists 如果子查寻有结果返回则为真 not exists如果子查寻没有结果返回则为真 连表查寻:连接关系主键外键 内连接:等值,不等值,自连接 外连接:左连,右连接,全外连接 学号,姓名,系(学号主键,外键) 学号,学科,成绩(学号外键、) 系,系主任 (系主键) 先做主键表再做外键表 SQL> create table xi 2 ( xi_name varchar2(10), 3 xi_zr varchar2(10), 4 constraint pk_xi primary key(xi_name) 5 ); SQL> create table stu 2 ( stu_id number, 3 stu_name varchar2(10), 4 xi_name varchar2(10), 5 constraint pk_stu primary key(stu_id), 6 constraint fk_stu foreign key(xi_name) references xi(xi_name) 7 ); SQL> create table score 2 ( 3 stu_id number, 4 subj varchar2(10), 5 scor number(4,1), 6 constraint fk_score foreign key(stu_id) references stu(stu_id) 7 ); insert into xi values('waiyu','zhangsan'); insert into xi values('jisuanji','lisi'); insert into xi values('zhengfa','wangwu'); insert into stu values(1,'haner','waiyu'); insert into stu values(2,'tom','zhengfa'); insert into stu values(3,'jerry','jisuanji'); insert into stu values(4,'moto','waiyu'); insert into stu values(5,'nokia','waiyu'); insert into stu values(6,'iphone','jisuanji'); insert into stu values(7,'alibaba','jisuanji'); insert into stu values(8,'taobao','zhengfa'); insert into stu values(9,'dongdong','zhengfa'); insert into stu values(10,'dingding','waiyu'); insert into score values(1,'english',98); insert into score values(1,'computer',76); insert into score values(1,'math',56); insert into score values(2,'math',88); insert into score values(2,'computer',98); insert into score values(3,'english',44); insert into score values(3,'math',77); insert into score values(3,'computer',39); insert into score values(4,'computer',49); insert into score values(4,'math',49); insert into score values(5,'math',79); insert into score values(5,'english',69); commit;(注意操作之后要提交) 笛卡尔(各种交叉连接) (标准版)select * from A cross join B on; (非工业化) select * from A , B where; 内连接 select * from A join B on 条件 select stu.stu_id,stu_name,scor from stu join score on stu.stu_id=score.stu_id and subj='math' and scor>60; SQL> select * from A left join B on; ID NAME ID SCORE ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 a 1 88 2 b 2 99 SQL> select * from A right join B on; ID NAME ID SCORE ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 a 1 88 2 b 2 99 3 100 rownum伪列:如果想用rownum去判断必须包括1的值 否则只能起别名,再嵌套一层子查寻 select * from (select rownum r, from (select stu.stu_id,stu.stu_name,scor from stu join score on stu.stu_id=score.stu_id and subj='math' order by scor desc) s ) ss where ss.r>=2 and ss.r<=4; delete from 表名 where 条件 删除表中符合条件的内容,如果不加where则清空表内容 update 表名 set 列='值' where 条件 更新表中符合条件的某列的内容 1.查询wangwu系主任所在的系的学生都有谁 2.查询学生成绩总和最高的学生是谁 3.查询学生成绩总和最高的学生所在的系是哪个系 4.查询共几个学生一门成绩也没有 5.查询各系的学生数量 6.查询各科的成绩平均分 7.查询有挂科的学生信息 8.查询所有成绩都及格的学生的系主任是谁 9.根据系分组,按总分的高低给所有学生成绩排序(降序) 10.根据科目分组,查看每科的最高分和最低分(没成绩的排队) 事物oracle:上次提交到本次提交之间的所有操作叫一个事物 create table / drop table /alter table insert into insert into.. update .... delete .... commit; 提交 rollback;//回滚到本事物之初
java 程序连接oracle数据库代码:
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException { try { Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); Connection conn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@","scott","tiger"); if(conn!=null) System.out.println("成功"); else System.out.println("失败"); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }