
1。final 篇
final 做为一个独立的存在,也表现的与众不同。一般情况都可以理解为 can't be changed.
1)final data: 实现constant(常数)语义。说明这个值:在编译时不会变;在运行时也不能被改变。
在java中,提供了blank final:允许大家将初始化的动作延迟到constructor中。这是极限,有编译器保证。
2)final parameter: 同上语义。
3)final method:
  a)防止子类overriden.(注:这个角度,private 隐含了final语义)
  b)efficiency(效率): 允许编译器转换调用为inline call(内联调用).
4)final class: 拒绝inherited(继承).

2.static 篇
1。定义:static is modifier(修饰符)
闲言碎语:这 static 可不得了,跟谁沾上整个就变质了。如果你想标榜独立个性,请用static 一上,就表明 “我是人民的公仆,你只要找得着我,就可以让我为您服务“。它属于定义层次,在jvm层次独一无二。从另一个角度上,它只能用于成员定义。我们不能定义一个 top-level class 为static.
public static class Outest { // compile error

因为static成员(include field, method, nested class)是在存储在类定义层次的,只要任何与其类相关的操作,均会产生它的初始化动作。(也就意味着,它已经准备就绪,你只要想用就用。classname.staticMember)

所有的static object/primitive and static block,按照先来后到的顺序执行初始化操作。

1)static import (static import ...)
single-static-import declaration: import static TypeName Identifier 使得访问标识得以简化。(简单,无二义)
2) static initializer: (static {}):
3) static field(字段): (static type field) (类变量)
static field : 别名:class variable ;
non-static fileds(非静态字段): 别名:instance variable. (实例变量)
4) static method: (static type method())
5)static member type.( member class & member interface:
此处放在 nested class 部分讲解)


3。nested class 篇
1)top level class:
2)nested class:
define: nestd class is any class whose declaration occurs within the body of another class or interface.
top level class is a class that is not a nested class.

而在nested class 我们需要特殊关注的是inner class, local class, anonymous class的用法。
在讨论下面两种特殊定义时,我们先看看一个重要概念:inner class.
1)An inner class is a nested class that is not explicitly or implicitly declared
static. Inner classes may not declare static initializers or member interfaces.
Inner classes may not declare static members, unless they are compile-time
constant fields。(对内部类的限制:不能声明static 初始化操作)
在这里我要澄清一点:Nested class != inner class, inner class 是一种特殊的 Nested class.Bruce 大叔在thinking java 3rd中混肴了这两个概念。(汗,直到写此文时我才究正过来,还好我写得时候把 java language spec和 jvm spec 拿来参考)
看看inner class 的表现形式吧。
/* 普通的情况 */
class HasStatic{
static int j = 100;
class Outer{
class Inner extends HasStatic {
static final int x = 3; // ok - compile-time constant
static int y = 4; // compile-time error, an inner class
static class NestedButNotInner {
static int z = 5; // ok, not an inner class
interface NeverInner{} // interfaces are never inner

2)local class: is a nested class that is not a member of any class and that has a name. all local classes are inner classes. local class 不能用public, protected, private, or static声明(编译错误).
从定义中我们可以看出,它的生命期是 block scope.比较local variable的形式,就不难理解其语义。同样你也不能用modifier(public/static etc.)去定义一个局部变量。
class Test {
public static void main (String[] args) {
int i ;
// public class Local{} : compile error: illegal start of expression
class Local {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

public void p() {
System.out.println("call local class p():");
Local l = new Local();
3)anonymous class:is automatically derived from a class instance creation expression by the compiler.
:1.never abstract; 2.inner class; 3.never static; 4.impicitly final.
interface Contents{};
public class Parcel6 {
public Contents cont() {
return new Contents() {
private int i = 11;
public int value() { return i; }
public static void main(String[] args) {
Parcel6 p = new Parcel6();
Contents c = p.cont();
} ///:~

class MyContents implements Contents {
private int i = 11;
public int value() { return i; }
return new MyContents();
(impicitly final)这样大家就一目了然了吧。

看了以上或简单,或复杂的类定义。也许大家都有些头痛。为什么java提供如此丰富的类定义方式呢?不如让我们问问自己,我们定义类的目的是什么?是为了让我们的程序拥有更好的逻辑结构。类定义是信息组织的形式。java语言给我们提供了在各个的实现阶段允许我们去做信息的封装,真正是everything is object.这些是我们应该高兴的事才对。它绝不是负担,只是给我们更多的选择空间。

语义特点:(以下inner class is thinkingInjava3th 中的定义,可以看作本文所定义的nested class)
Each inner class can independently inherit from an implementation. Thus, the inner class is not limited by whether the outer class is already inheriting from an implementation.
(是不是看到了点什么,多继承!!visitor pattern!!)
1。 The inner class can have multiple instances, each with its own state information that is independent of the information in the outer class object. 一个独立的实体,诞生于某个更大的实体中(外部实体),却可以用外部实体的资源(请联想寄生虫:<)
2。 In a single outer class you can have several inner classes, each of which implement the same interface or inherit from the same class in a different way. (可以有不同种类的寄生虫)
3。The point of creation of the inner class object is not tied to the creation of the outer class object.
4。There is no potentially confusing “is-a” relationship with the inner class; it’s a separate entity.

Inner class 常见用法:
Closures & Callbacks
1.在java中可以利用Inner class 实现Closure(闭包) 和 Callback(回调) 语义:
Martin Fowler :Essentially a closure is a block of code that can be passed as an argument to a function call.
Bruce:A closure is a callable object that retains information from the scope in which it was created.

call back:With a callback, some other object is given a piece of information that allows it to call back into the originating object at some later point. (顺藤摸瓜,制造一个可控的接口)
