
  • 介绍公式
  • 动词篇
  • 名词篇
  • 副词连词篇
  • 常用表达
  • 标点篇
  • 段内结构




1. is, denote, with respect to(wrt, 关于)
where the sum is over all the weights, wj , and outputwj and outputb denote partial derivatives of the output with respect to wj and b , respectively.
we denote the number of neurons in this hidden layer by n


  1. follow && employ

    Our design and implementation follows the approaches employed in …


  1. design and implementation && approach

    Our design and implementation follows the approaches employed in …


  1. however


    In our version, however(表示一种对比转折), we used a data structure that is more type-safe.

  2. in addition


    In addition, we used many C++ language features…

  3. in addition to

    除….之外,还有。与in addition不同,in addition to是一个介词。

    In addition to the data members inherited from class CenterCluster, class SubspaceCluster has a protected data member, which is ….

  4. hence


    Hence it is natural to design the base cluster class as a collection of records.


  1. 没有关于**的统一的定义

    In cluster analysis, there is no uniform definition for a cluster.

  2. ** 有着不同的形式

    Clusters comes with many different forms.

  3. 仅举这么几例,“不一而足”

    For example, there are one-center clusters, multi-center clusters, fuzzy clusters, subspace clusters, to name just a few.

  4. 也就是说

    也就是说,That is, 可放在子句的中间作为插入语,也可置于句首,作为一个独立的句子的开始。

    Since class Cluster does not contain any pure virtual functions, it is not an abstract class, That is, we can create objects from class cluster.

  5. 从….的观点来说

    From a technical point of view,


  1. 英文状态下的小括号


In data clustering, a cluster is a collection of objects or records that share the same properties(Carmichael et al., 1968; Bock, 1989; Everitt, 1993).(左括号之前有一个空格,右括号之后,因为是一个标点,可以不加空格)


  1. First && Then && Finally

    In this chapter, we introduce the design and implementation of clusters. First, we introduce the design of a single cluster. Then, we introduce how we design the result of a partitional clustering algorithm. Finally, we introduce the design of the result of a hierarchical clustering algorithm.
