Setup Java and Eclipse in fedora 12

After installing JDK from jdk.bin file downloaded from sun, JAVA_HOME and CLASSPATH must be set. If they are only exported in a shell, They take effect temporarily. They must be exported again if another shell is opended. The solution is:

vi /etc/profile

find export PATH and add your export statements there.

The command must be executed by root.

After updating this file, execute

source /etc/profile

and then changes take effect.


Eclipse downloaded from cannot be started while the eclipse.ini has no config error. Start eclipse in shell and following error message appears:

cannot enable executable stack as shared object requires: Permission denied


execstack -c file with .so suffix

This command solve previor problem, but another one occurs:

There was an error trying to initialize the HPI library.

Finally I turn off the SE Linux feature by executing:

setenforce 0

Need to know more about SE Linux feature. Maybe there is better solution.


The newly installed eclipse has a bug. Some buttons cannot respond to user click action. I write a script to start eclipse, and the bug is fixed.

exec /home/Eric/Programs/eclipse/eclipse

Or start eclipse sh -c "export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOW=true;exec /home/Eric/Programs/eclipse/eclipse "

Cannot simply execute eclipse. exec means the latter command will execute within the same shell.
