piwik api: 调用api数据




use Piwik\API\Request;
use Piwik\FrontController;

define('PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH', realpath('../..'));
define('PIWIK_USER_PATH', realpath('../..'));
define('PIWIK_ENABLE_DISPATCH', false);

// if you prefer not to include 'index.php', you must also define here PIWIK_DOCUMENT_ROOT
// and include "libs/upgradephp/upgrade.php" and "core/Loader.php"
require_once PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . "/index.php";
require_once PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . "/core/API/Request.php";


// This inits the API Request with the specified parameters
$request = new Request('
// Calls the API and fetch XML data back
$result = $request->process();
echo $result;

Here is the output of this script:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


exit; // REMOVE this line to run the script

// this token is used to authenticate your API request.
// You can get the token on the API page inside your Piwik interface
$token_auth = 'anonymous';

// we call the REST API and request the 100 first keywords for the last month for the idsite=7
$url = "http://demo.piwik.org/";
$url .= "?module=API&method=Referrers.getKeywords";
$url .= "&idSite=7&period=month&date=yesterday";
$url .= "&format=PHP&filter_limit=20";
$url .= "&token_auth=$token_auth";

$fetched = file_get_contents($url);
$content = unserialize($fetched);

// case error
if (!$content) {
    print("Error, content fetched = " . $fetched);

print("<h1>Keywords for the last month</h1>");
foreach ($content as $row) {
    $keyword = htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode(urldecode($row['label']), ENT_QUOTES), ENT_QUOTES);
    $hits = $row['nb_visits'];

    print("<b>$keyword</b> ($hits hits)<br>");

Here is the output of this code:

<h1>Keywords for the last month</h1><b>Keyword not defined</b> (16481 hits)<br><b>xxxxxx</b> (80 hits)<br><b>xxx.xxx</b> (9 hits)<br><b>downloads anzeigen</b> (7 hits)<br><b>youtube-downloader.savetubevideo.com / referral</b> (4 hits)<br><b>meine downloads anzeigen</b> (3 hits)<br><b>understanding piwik</b> (3 hits)<br><b>bbw highway .com</b> (2 hits)<br><b>imgsrc</b> (2 hits)<br><b>piwik</b> (2 hits)<br><b>piwik deutsch</b> (2 hits)<br><b>piwik exporting reports</b> (2 hits)<br><b>piwik failed to load html file</b> (2 hits)<br><b>piwik not tracking</b> (2 hits)<br><b>piwik sharepoint</b> (2 hits)<br><b>premature end of data</b> (2 hits)<br><b>vertrag mit piwik zur auftragsdatenverarbeitung</b> (2 hits)<br><b>wp-piwik einrichten</b> (2 hits)<br><b>"edt 2014 x86_64" ext:php</b> (1 hits)<br><b>"failed to load html file" piwik plugins/sitesmanager/templates/index.html</b> (1 hits)<br

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