Windows 8.1下ArcGIS 10.2关闭出现误报错的问题


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Technical Article   Error:  ArcMap returns an application error upon closing if installed on Windows 8.1

Article ID: 41769
Software:  ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced 10.1, 10.2 ArcGIS for Desktop Standard 10.1, 10.2 ArcGIS for Desktop Basic 10.1, 10.2
Platforms: N/A

Error Message

" ArcGIS Desktop has encountered a serious application error and is unable to continue ." 

Steps to Reproduce  再现这个问题只须:

1. Install Windows 8.1 or upgrade from Windows 8.0 to 8.1. 操作系统为win 8.1或从8.0升级到8.1
2. Install ArcGIS Desktop 10.2. 所用ArcGIS版本
3. Launch ArcMap and load a sample map or add a shapefile. 随便打开ArcMap和小的地图或形状文件
4. Close ArcMap or edit the map using editing tools.  然后关掉它

Closing ArcMap through menu bar (File > Exit), or clicking the 'Close' button causes the application error. Editing the map also causes the application error to occur randomly. 不论以何种方式关掉程序


ArcGIS Desktop 10.2 is supported on Windows 8, but not Windows 8.1, however ArcGIS 10.2.1 has been certified for Windows 8.1. 
不好意思,这个版本的ArcGIS Desktop 10.2只支持windows 8.0和7; ArcGIS Desktop 10.2.1才开始支持windows 8.1
 Esri recommends reading the system requirements of any installed software before upgrading the operating system.

Solution or Workaround解决问题的方法

There are two solutions to this issue. 两种

• Either revert the operating system back to Windows 8, or 要么把操作系统退回到windows 8.0
• Upgrade ArcGIS for Desktop to version 10.2.1.要么把 ArcGIS Desktop软件升级到10.2.1

Related Information

  • ArcGIS 10.2.x for Desktop system requirements

Created: 11/5/2013
Last Modified: 2/5/2014

Article Rating:   (10)
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By gplazyk - 02/28/2014 10:40 AM

The article needs to be updated.

"1. Student and evaluation versions are not under "maintenance" and therefore do not qualify for upgrades to new versions. 评估版或学生版没有售后服务,所以不能升级

2. Although Service packs and patches are available for a given version, 10.2.2 [sic - 10.2.1] is consider a "release", or new version, and therefore is not available as a patch or service pack. 新版不能认为是补丁,而是一个新的发行版本

3. According to the system requirements, Windows 8.1 was never a supported OS for 10.2, so this is not a bug, but is as designed." So basically, ESRI is not supporting ArcGIS on Windows 8.1 for their evaluation and student versions. Your only option is to downgrade to Windows 8.0



By gplazyk - 02/25/2014 9:11 AM

The article needs to be updated.

So where do we find the download to upgrade from ArcGIS 10.2 to 10.2.1 ? I talked to ESRI support and they told me this was the fix, but that I was not authorized to download it?! (I have a 1-year student license distributed by my IT department for my University's site license.)


By Cont_richard - 02/05/2014 7:27 PM

Other - See details below.

This article has been updated.

By kyleterry21 - 02/02/2014 8:37 PM

The article is incorrect or the solution didn’t work.退回windows 8.0是不现实的;学生版花的也是钱,强烈要求解决这个问题!偷笑

Many computers don't ALLOW you to revert back to Windows 8 without going through the trouble of creating a bootable Windows 8 dvd/thumb drive. It seems ridiculous that 10.2 has been out so long (at this point, 8.1 as well) and I am wasting money with the ESRI suite sitting unused on my computer. As a student, any money spent on software, even at a one year reduced rate, is a lot of money for me. PLEASE FIX THIS ESRI.


By jeremy_olynik - 01/23/2014 1:27 PM

The article needs to be updated.


By mkerr - 12/17/2013 2:29 PM

Other - See details below.

We have been able to get the workaround suggested by royschrijver on 11/21/2013 to work for 10.1 SP1 on a Surface Pro tablet running windows 8.1. BUT to implement the compatibility mode change, we could make ArcMap not crash on closing ONLY if we made the compatibility change using the “compatibility troubleshooter” and selecting windows 8 that way (and NOT by simply clicking the check box labeled “run the program in compatibility mode for: ” and selecting Windows 8). For what it's worth: a patch both for 10.1 sp1 and 10.2 doesn't seem an unreasonable request.

By nfazer - 12/04/2013 9:52 AM

The article is incorrect or the solution didn’t work. 太可笑了! (ESRI建议)退回到windows 8.0! 我花了一个周末才把办公室的计算机升级到windows 8.1;让我再改回去,哼没门,休想; 管理员权限也不行; 其它问题没有,就是关程序的时候出现这个错误; 这种不便令人恼火; ESRI,你们应该搞一个补丁

First, it's laughable that ESRI's solution is to revert back to 8. I spent the weekend upgrading our office computers to 8.1. I'm not reverting anything. Fix your software. Second, I tried the compatibility settings and run as admin, neither work. I haven't run into any issues using or running the program, it's only on closing ArcMap that this pops up. It's more annoying and inconvenient than anything else. ESRI - just release a patch already. 10.2 has been out for awhile, and Windows 8.1 has been officially out for a couple months.


By rsanti - 11/27/2013 2:36 AM

The article needs to be updated.

royschrijver's work around (below) does not work for me, unfortunately. i've tried changing compatibility to win 8 and win 7 and ran as both admin and non-admin. ArcMap keeps popping up that error upon exit. that said, THANK YOU royschrijver for the suggestion! further to the issue at hand: the error pop-up only seems to occur when closing ArcMap 10.1 and 10.2 ...ArcCatalog 10.1 and 10.2 does NOT seem to exhibit this error (at least, not for me) when editing/using ArcMap, the random errors described in this article rarely occurs (for me)--that is to say, it has not significantly affected my work flow, nor has it caused any corruption in the data i'm working with (as far as a i know). that said, i hope this relatively minor inconvenience gets resolved sooner than later with some kind of patch (please!).


By royschrijver - 11/21/2013 10:50 AM

The article needs to be updated.

A solution is to change the compatability settings of the shortcut to 'windows 8'. I also checked 'run as administrator'.


By mcmontgo - 11/20/2013 7:57 AM

The article needs to be updated.

Please let us know when there is a patch for ArcGIS desktop and Windows 8.1. The background geoprocessing for ArcGIS 10.1 with SP 1 doesn't work with windows 8.1.


By anchorite - 11/19/2013 10:56 PM

Other - See details below.

I will check this link periodically. Can a link to a patch or service pack fixing this problem be included on this page when available?


By wernett9 - 11/19/2013 10:17 AM

Other - See details below.

Will there be any update or patch for ArcGIS 10.x to work with Windows 8.1?


By jeo7tx - 11/14/2013 6:19 AM

Other - See details below.

Are there plans to support ArcGIS on Windows 8.1? If so, when?
