Flex IViewCursor(游标定位数组)

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- dpcontrols\GetAddRemoveItems.mxml -->
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" 
            import mx.collections.*;
            public var myArray:Array = [{label:"MA", data:"Massachusetts"}, 
            {label:"MN", data:"Minnesota"}, {label:"MO", data:"Missouri"}];
            public var myAC:ArrayCollection; 
            public var myCursor:IViewCursor;

            /* Initialize the ArrayCollection when you
               initialize the application. */
            public function initData():void {
                myAC = new ArrayCollection(myArray); 

            /* The function to change the collection,
               and therefore the Array. */
            public function testCollection():void {
                /* Get an IViewCursor object for accessing the collection data. */
                ta1.text="At start, the cursor is at: " + myCursor.current.label + ".";
                var removedItem:String=String(myCursor.remove());
                ta1.text+="\nAfter removing the current item, the cursor is at: " 
                    + myCursor.current.label + ".";
                myCursor.insert({label:"ME", data:"Augusta"});
                ta1.text+="\nAfter adding an item, the cursor is at: " 
                    + myCursor.current.label + ".";

    <mx:ComboBox id="myCB" rowCount="7" dataProvider="{myAC}"/>
    <mx:TextArea id="ta1" height="75" width="350"/> 
    <mx:Button label="Run Test" click="testCollection();"/>

