<span style="font-size:14px;">public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { File jpegFile = new File("D://nozip//4.jpg"); Metadata metadata = JpegMetadataReader.readMetadata(jpegFile); Directory exif = metadata.getDirectory(ExifDirectory.class);//这里要稍微注意下 Iterator tags = exif.getTagIterator(); while (tags.hasNext()) { Tag tag = (Tag)tags.next(); System.out.println(tag); } } </span>
<span style="font-size:14px;"> /** * 将照片中的信息进行重写 * @param args * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //原文件 InputStream fip = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("D://nozip//2.jpg")); // No need to buffer LLJTran llj = new LLJTran(fip); try { llj.read(LLJTran.READ_INFO, true); } catch (LLJTranException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Exif exif = (Exif) llj.getImageInfo(); /* Set some values directly to gps IFD */ Entry e; // Set Latitude e = new Entry(Exif.ASCII); e.setValue(0, 'N'); exif.setTagValue(Exif.GPSLatitudeRef,-1, e, true); //设置具体的精度 e = new Entry(Exif.RATIONAL); e.setValue(0, new Rational(31, 1)); e.setValue(1, new Rational(21, 1)); e.setValue(2, new Rational(323, 1)); exif.setTagValue(Exif.GPSLatitude,-1, e, true); // Set Longitude e = new Entry(Exif.ASCII); e.setValue(0, 'E'); exif.setTagValue(Exif.GPSLongitudeRef,-1, e, true); //设置具体的纬度 e = new Entry(Exif.RATIONAL); e.setValue(0, new Rational(120, 1)); e.setValue(1, new Rational(58, 1)); e.setValue(2, new Rational(531, 1)); exif.setTagValue(Exif.GPSLongitude,-1, e, true); llj.refreshAppx(); // Recreate Marker Data for changes done //改写后的文件,文件必须存在 OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("D://nozip//1.jpg")); // Transfer remaining of image to output with new header. llj.xferInfo(null, out, LLJTran.REPLACE, LLJTran.REPLACE); fip.close(); out.close(); llj.freeMemory(); } </span>
将图片中的GPS信息进行重写后,再用上面读GPS的来读将读取不到任何信息,只能在ExifDirectoy里面才能读到了,但是都是unkown tag了,很是奇怪。但是,机器等设备还是可以读到信息的。
from: http://www.aiuxian.com/article/p-2976272.html