y = y=β0+β1x1+β2x2+...+βnxn
例如商品的销售额可能不电视广告投入,收音机广告投入,报纸广告投入有关系,可以有 sales =β0+β1*TV+β2* radio+β3*newspaper.
pandas 是一个用于数据探索、数据分析和数据处理的python库
import pandas as pd
<pre name="code" class="python"># read csv file directly from a URL and save the results data = pd.read_csv('/home/lulei/Advertising.csv') # display the first 5 rows data.head()
TV Radio Newspaper Sales 0 230.1 37.8 69.2 22.1 1 44.5 39.3 45.1 10.4 2 17.2 45.9 69.3 9.3 3 151.5 41.3 58.5 18.5 4 180.8 10.8 58.4 12.9
上面显示的结果类似一个电子表格,这个结构称为Pandas的数据帧(data frame),类型全称:pandas.core.frame.DataFrame.
# display the last 5 rows data.tail()只显示结果的末尾5行
TV Radio Newspaper Sales 195 38.2 3.7 13.8 7.6 196 94.2 4.9 8.1 9.7 197 177.0 9.3 6.4 12.8 198 283.6 42.0 66.2 25.5 199 232.1 8.6 8.7 13.4
# check the shape of the DataFrame(rows, colums) data.shape查看DataFrame的形状,注意第一列的叫索引,和数据库某个表中的第一列类似。
import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # visualize the relationship between the features and the response using scatterplots sns.pairplot(data, x_vars=['TV','Radio','Newspaper'], y_vars='Sales', size=7, aspect=0.8) plt.show()#注意必须加上这一句,否则无法显示。
这里选择TV、Radio、Newspaper 作为特征,Sales作为观测值
sns.pairplot(data, x_vars=['TV','Radio','Newspaper'], y_vars='Sales', size=7, aspect=0.8, kind='reg') plt.show()
线性模型表达式: y=β0+β1x1+β2x2+...+βnxn 其中
在这个案例中: y=β0+β1∗TV+β2∗Radio+...+βn∗Newspaper
#create a python list of feature names feature_cols = ['TV', 'Radio', 'Newspaper'] # use the list to select a subset of the original DataFrame X = data[feature_cols] # equivalent command to do this in one line X = data[['TV', 'Radio', 'Newspaper']] # print the first 5 rows print X.head() # check the type and shape of X print type(X) print X.shape输出结果如下:
TV Radio Newspaper 0 230.1 37.8 69.2 1 44.5 39.3 45.1 2 17.2 45.9 69.3 3 151.5 41.3 58.5 4 180.8 10.8 58.4 <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> (200, 3)
# select a Series from the DataFrame y = data['Sales'] # equivalent command that works if there are no spaces in the column name y = data.Sales # print the first 5 values print y.head()输出的结果如下:
0 22.1 1 10.4 2 9.3 3 18.5 4 12.9 Name: Sales
<pre name="code" class="python"><span style="font-size:14px;">##构造训练集和测试集 from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split #这里是引用了交叉验证 X_train,X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=1)
print X_train.shape print y_train.shape print X_test.shape print y_test.shape输出结果如下:
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression linreg = LinearRegression() model=linreg.fit(X_train, y_train) print model print linreg.intercept_ print linreg.coef_
LinearRegression(copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, normalize=False) 2.66816623043 [ 0.04641001 0.19272538 -0.00349015]
# pair the feature names with the coefficients zip(feature_cols, linreg.coef_)输出如下:
[('TV', 0.046410010869663267), ('Radio', 0.19272538367491721), ('Newspaper', -0.0034901506098328305)]
y_pred = linreg.predict(X_test) print y_pred
print type(y_pred)
[ 14.58678373 7.92397999 16.9497993 19.35791038 7.36360284 7.35359269 16.08342325 9.16533046 20.35507374 12.63160058 22.83356472 9.66291461 4.18055603 13.70368584 11.4533557 4.16940565 10.31271413 23.06786868 17.80464565 14.53070132 15.19656684 14.22969609 7.54691167 13.47210324 15.00625898 19.28532444 20.7319878 19.70408833 18.21640853 8.50112687 9.8493781 9.51425763 9.73270043 18.13782015 15.41731544 5.07416787 12.20575251 14.05507493 10.6699926 7.16006245 11.80728836 24.79748121 10.40809168 24.05228404 18.44737314 20.80572631 9.45424805 17.00481708 5.78634105 5.10594849] <type 'numpy.ndarray'>
(1) 评价测度
对于分类问题,评价测度是准确率,但这种方法不适用于回归问题。我们使用针对连续数值的评价测度(evaluation metrics)。
1)平均绝对误差(Mean Absolute Error, MAE)
(2)均方误差(Mean Squared Error, MSE)
(3)均方根误差(Root Mean Squared Error, RMSE)
<pre name="code" class="python">#计算Sales预测的RMSE print type(y_pred),type(y_test) print len(y_pred),len(y_test) print y_pred.shape,y_test.shape from sklearn import metrics import numpy as np sum_mean=0 for i in range(len(y_pred)): sum_mean+=(y_pred[i]-y_test.values[i])**2 sum_erro=np.sqrt(sum_mean/50) # calculate RMSE by hand print "RMSE by hand:",sum_erro最后的结果如下:
<type 'numpy.ndarray'> <class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> 50 50 (50,) (50,) RMSE by hand: 1.42998147691(2)做ROC曲线
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() plt.plot(range(len(y_pred)),y_pred,'b',label="predict") plt.plot(range(len(y_pred)),y_test,'r',label="test") plt.legend(loc="upper right") #显示图中的标签 plt.xlabel("the number of sales") plt.ylabel('value of sales') plt.show()
#create a python list of feature names feature_cols = ['TV', 'Radio', 'Newspaper'] # use the list to select a subset of the original DataFrame X = data[feature_cols] # equivalent command to do this in one line #X = data[['TV', 'Radio', 'Newspaper']]#只需修改这里即可<pre name="code" class="python" style="font-size: 15px; line-height: 35px;">X = data[['TV', 'Radio']] #去掉newspaper其他的代码不变# print the first 5 rowsprint X.head()# check the type and shape of Xprint type(X)print X.shape
LinearRegression(copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, normalize=False)
2.81843904823 [ 0.04588771 0.18721008] RMSE by hand: 1.28208957507然后再次使用ROC曲线来观测曲线的整体情况。我们在将Newspaper这个特征移除之后,得到RMSE变小了,说明Newspaper特征可能不适合作为预测销量的特征,于是,我们得到了新的模型。我们还可以通过不同的特征组合得到新的模型,看看最终的误差是如何的。
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-182-3eee51fcba5a> in <module>() 1 ###构造训练集和测试集 ----> 2 from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split 3 #import sklearn.cross_validation 4 X_train,X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=1) 5 # default split is 75% for training and 25% for testing ImportError: cannot import name train_test_split处理方法:1、我后来重新安装sklearn包。再一次调用时就没有错误了。
import random
<span style="font-family:microsoft yahei;">######自己写一个随机分配数的函数,分成两份,并将数值一次存储在对应的list中########## def train_test_split(ylabel, random_state=1): import random index=random.sample(range(len(ylabel)),50*random_state) list_train=[] list_test=[] i=0 for s in range(len(ylabel)): if i in index: list_test.append(i) else: list_train.append(i) i+=1 return list_train,list_test ###############对特征进行分割############################# feature_cols = ['TV', 'Radio','Newspaper'] X1 = data[feature_cols] y1 = data.Sales list_train,list_test=train_test_split(y1)#random_state的默认值是1 X1_train=X1.ix[list_train] #这里使用来DataFrame的ix()函数,可以将指定list中的索引的记录全部放在一起 X1_test=X1.ix[list_test] y1_train=y1.ix[list_train] y1_test=y1.ix[list_test] #######################开始进行模型的训练######################################## linreg.fit(X1_train, y1_train)</span>
<span style="font-family:microsoft yahei;">######################预测#############</span>
<span style="font-family:microsoft yahei;">y1_pred = linreg.predict(X1_test) print model print linreg.intercept_ print linreg.coef_ #################评价测度##############</span>
<span style="font-family:microsoft yahei;">sum_mean1=0 for i in range(len(y1_pred)): sum_mean1+=(y1_pred[i]-y1_test.values[i])**2 sum_erro1=np.sqrt(sum_mean1/50) # calculate RMSE by hand print "RMSE by hand:",sum_erro1</span>运算结果如下:
LinearRegression(copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, normalize=False) 3.1066750253 [ 0.04588016 0.18078772 -0.00187699] RMSE by hand: 1.39068687332