FatMouse' Trade 10


Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS(Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 57005    Accepted Submission(s): 19093

Problem Description

FatMouse preparedM pounds of cat food, ready to trade with the cats guarding the warehousecontaining his favorite food, JavaBean.
The warehouse has N rooms. The i-th room contains J[i] pounds of JavaBeans andrequires F[i] pounds of cat food. FatMouse does not have to trade for all theJavaBeans in the room, instead, he may get J[i]* a% pounds of JavaBeans if hepays F[i]* a% pounds of cat food. Here a is a real number. Now he is assigningthis homework to you: tell him the maximum amount of JavaBeans he can obtain.


仓库有N个房间。第i个室包含Ĵ[I]磅的JavaBeans并需要F [i]于磅的猫食。 FatMouse没有交易在房间里所有的JavaBeans的,相反,他可能会得到Ĵ[我]*百分比磅的JavaBeans,如果他支付F [I]*百分比磅的猫粮。这里是一个实数。现在他指派本次作业中你:告诉他的JavaBeans他能获得的最高金额。





      这也是一道简单 & 典型的贪心算法题,

这道贪心比HDOJ-ACM-1052-TianJi — The Horse Racing:田忌赛马要简单许多,




The input consistsof multiple test cases. Each test case begins with a line containing twonon-negative integers M and N. Then N lines follow, each contains twonon-negative integers J[i] and F[i] respectively. The last test case isfollowed by two -1's. All integers are not greater than 1000.

 输入由多个测试用例。每个测试情况下开始与含有两个非负整数M和N.然后N行遵循一条线,每个包含两个非负整数Ĵ[i]和F [i]于分别。最后一个测试用例后面跟着两个-1的。所有的整数不大于1000。



For each testcase, print in a single line a real number accurate up to 3 decimal places,which is the maximum amount of JavaBeans that FatMouse can obtain.



Sample Input

5 3

7 2

4 3

5 2

20 3

25 18

24 15

15 10

-1 -1


Sample Output




int J[1002], F[1002];
double JF[1002];
int main()
    int j, m, n, i;
    double sum, temp;
    while(scanf("%d%d", &m, &n) != EOF && m != -1 && n != -1)
        memset(J, 0, sizeof(J));
        memset(F, 0, sizeof(F));
        memset(JF,0, sizeof(JF));
        for(i=1; i<=n; ++i)  //从1开始 
            scanf("%d%d", &J[i], &F[i]);
            JF[i] = J[i]*1.0/F[i];

        for(i=2; i<=n; ++i)
            if(JF[i] >= JF[i-1])
                JF[0] = JF[i];
                J[0] = J[i];
                F[0] = F[i];
                JF[i] = JF[i-1];
                J[i] = J[i-1];
                F[i] = F[i-1];                
                for(j=i-2; j>=0; --j)
                    if(JF[0] >= JF[j])
                        JF[j+1] = JF[j];
                        J[j+1] = J[j];
                        F[j+1] = F[j];                        
                    else {
                            JF[j+1] = JF[0]; 
                            J[j+1] = J[0]; 
                            F[j+1] = F[0]; 
         sum = 0;
         temp = m;
         for(i=1; i<=n; ++i)
             temp = temp - F[i];
             if(temp >= 0) sum = sum + 1.0*J[i];
             else {sum = sum + (temp + F[i])*JF[i]; break;} 
         printf("%.3f\n", sum);
    return 0; 

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