Understanding Page Processes

About Page Processes
A page process performs an action at a specified point during the rendering or
submission of the page. For example, you can create a page process to execute logic or
to make a call to the Application Express engine. A page process is a unit of logic that
runs when a specific event occurs, such as loading or submitting a page.
From a functional perspective, there is no difference between page-level and
application-level processes. The difference between these two process types is where
the process is defined, that is at the page-level or at the application level.

About Branches
A branch is an instruction to go to a specific page, procedure, or URL. For example,
you can branch from page 1 to page 2 after page 1 is submitted. When you create a
branch, you specify a Branch Point and Branch Type.

About Dynamic Actions
Dynamic actions provide a way to define complex client-side behavior declaratively
without the need for JavaScript. Using the Dynamic Action Create wizard, you specify
an action that is performed when a defined set of conditions occur. You can also
specify which elements are affected by the action, and when and how they are
When working with dynamic actions, you should be mindful of the fact that the more
dynamic actions you add to a page, the greater your overall page size. This is because
the dynamic action framework emits additional code to the client for each dynamic
action defined, which then also must be downloaded and executed by the framework
in the client. See "Debugging Dynamic Actions" on page 15-41 for information on how
to debug problems.
The process of implementing a dynamic action involves the following:
1. Edit or create an item, button, region, JavaScript Expression, or jQuery selector on
a page. This component is referenced within the dynamic action in defining when
it fires.
2. Create a dynamic action from the application page that invokes the action.
3. Run your application to test the dynamic action.
For Dynamic Action implementation examples, go to the Learning Library at the
following location, click the All Content tab and enter search criteria for Application
Express (APEX) Product OBEs:

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