
class html
var $dir ;        //dir for the htmls(without/)
var $rootdir ;    //root of html files(without/):html
var $name ;        //html文件存放路径
var $dirname ;    //指定的文件夹名称
var $url ;        //获取html文件信息的来源网页地址
var $time ;        //html文件信息填加时的时间
var $dirtype ;    //目录存放方式:year,month,,,,
var $nametype ;    //html文件命名方式:name
function html ( $nametype = ' name ' , $dirtype = ' year ' , $rootdir = ' html ' )
$this -> setvar ( $nametype , $dirtype , $rootdir ) ;
function setvar ( $nametype = ' name ' , $dirtype = ' year ' , $rootdir = ' html ' )
$this -> rootdir = $rootdir ;
$this -> dirtype = $dirtype ;
$this -> nametype = $nametype ;
function createdir ( $dir = '' )
$this -> dir = $dir ? $dir : $this -> dir ;
if ( ! is_dir ( $this -> dir ))
$temp = explode ( ' / ' , $this -> dir ) ;
$cur_dir = '' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $temp ) ; $i ++ )
$cur_dir .= $temp [ $i ] . ' / ' ;
if ( ! is_dir ( $cur_dir ))
mkdir ( $cur_dir , 0777 ) ;
function getdir ( $dirname = '' , $time = 0 )
$this -> time = $time ? $time : $this -> time ;
$this -> dirname = $dirname ? $dirname : $this -> dirname ;
switch ( $this -> dirtype )
case ' name ' :
if ( empty ( $this -> dirname ))
$this -> dir = $this -> rootdir ;
$this -> dir = $this -> rootdir . ' / ' . $this -> dirname ;
break ;
case ' year ' :
$this -> dir = $this -> rootdir . ' / ' . date ( " Y " , $this -> time ) ;
break ;
case ' month ' :
$this -> dir = $this -> rootdir . ' / ' . date ( " Y-m " , $this -> time ) ;
break ;
case ' day ' :
$this -> dir = $this -> rootdir . ' / ' . date ( " Y-m-d " , $this -> time ) ;
break ;
$this -> createdir () ;
return $this -> dir ;
function geturlname ( $url = '' )
$this -> url = $url ? $url : $this -> url ;
$filename = basename ( $this -> url ) ;
$filename = explode ( " . " , $filename ) ;
return $filename [ 0 ] ;
function geturlquery ( $url = '' )
$this -> url = $url ? $url : $this -> url ;
$durl = parse_url ( $this -> url ) ;
$durl = explode ( " & " , $durl [ query ]) ;
foreach ( $durl as $surl )
$gurl = explode ( " = " , $surl ) ;
$eurl [] = $gurl [ 1 ] ;
return join ( " _ " , $eurl ) ;
function getname ( $url = '' , $time = 0 , $dirname = '' )
$this -> url = $url ? $url : $this -> url ;
$this -> dirname = $dirname ? $dirname : $this -> dirname ;
$this -> time = $time ? $time : $this -> time ;
$this -> getdir () ;
switch ( $this -> nametype )
case ' name ' :
$filename = $this -> geturlname () . ' .htm ' ;
$this -> name = $this -> dir . ' / ' . $filename ;
break ;
case ' time ' :
$this -> name = $this -> dir . ' / ' . $this -> time . ' .htm ' ;
break ;
case ' query ' :
$this -> name = $this -> dir . ' / ' . $this -> geturlquery () . ' .htm ' ;
break ;
case ' namequery ' :
$this -> name = $this -> dir . ' / ' . $this -> geturlname () . ' - ' . $this -> geturlquery () . ' .htm ' ;
break ;
case ' nametime ' :
$this -> name = $this -> dir . ' / ' . $this -> geturlname () . ' - ' . $this -> time . ' .htm ' ;
break ;
return $this -> name ;
function createhtml ( $url = '' , $time = 0 , $dirname = '' , $htmlname = '' )
$this -> url = $url ? $url : $this -> url ;
$this -> dirname = $dirname ? $dirname : $this -> dirname ;
$this -> time = $time ? $time : $this -> time ;
if ( empty ( $htmlname ))
$this -> getname () ;
$this -> name = $dirname . ' / ' . $htmlname //得到name
$content = file ( $this -> url ) or die ( " Failed to open the url " . $this -> url . " ! " ) ;;
$content = join ( "" , $content ) ;
$fp =@ fopen ( $this -> name , " w " ) or die ( " Failed to open the file " . $this -> name . " ! " ) ;
if ( @ fwrite ( $fp , $content ))
return true ;
return false ;
fclose ( $fp ) ;
function deletehtml ( $url = '' , $time = 0 , $dirname = '' )
$this -> url = $url ? $url : $this -> url ;
$this -> time = $time ? $time : $this -> time ;
$this -> getname () ;
if ( @ unlink ( $this -> name ))
return true ;
return false ;
     * function::deletedir()
     * 删除目录
@param $file 目录名(不带/)

function deletedir ( $file )
if ( file_exists ( $file ))
if ( is_dir ( $file ))
$handle = opendir ( $file ) ;
while ( false !== ( $filename = readdir ( $handle )))
if ( $filename != " . " && $filename != " .. " )
$this -> deletedir ( $file . " / " . $filename ) ;
closedir ( $handle ) ;
rmdir ( $file ) ;
return true ;
} else {
unlink ( $file ) ;
