从第一 步跨进杭电,就表示了研究生的开始,我发过誓我不能才那么弱小,我要和以前不一样。研究生的学习让我觉得是一种充实感,让我觉得我对得起我自己,不是混时间,所以读研的开始的良好的。
两天看书,后面的时间我就把我上次写的framebuffer 代码重新重构了一下,这个词我还是昨天才知道,叫做重构,好像的意思是对别人的代码进行重新封装之类的。做过重构以后让我更加的了解了重构的难的...我还是自己的code,如果是别人的code让就是一件很让人郁闷的事情了。
#ifndef FREAMBUFFER_H #define FRAMEBUFFER_H struct _Fb0; typedef struct _Fb0 Fb0; Fb0* Fb0_create(); int Fb0_open(Fb0 *thiz); int Fb0_destory(Fb0 *thiz); int Fb0_get_info(Fb0 *thiz); int Fb0_mmap(Fb0 *thiz); int Fb0_unmmap(Fb0 *thiz); int Fb0_display(Fb0 *thiz,unsigned char *pdata); #endif
framebuffer.c#include <stdio.h> #include <linux/fb.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <errno.h> //#include "test.h" #include "jpeg.h" #include "my_algorithm.h" #include "framebuffer.h" struct _Fb0 { unsigned char *dmen; size_t width; size_t height; size_t bit_pre_pixel; size_t screensize; int fbfd; }; Fb0* Fb0_create() { Fb0 *tmp = (Fb0*)malloc(sizeof(Fb0)); //return_value_if_fail(tmp != NULL,NULL); tmp->dmen = NULL; tmp->width = 0; tmp->height = 0; tmp->bit_pre_pixel = 0; tmp->screensize = 0; tmp->fbfd = -1; return tmp; } int Fb0_open(Fb0 *thiz) { //is_null(thiz); //return_value_if_fail(thiz != NULL,-1); if((thiz->fbfd = open("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR)) == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"this dev open is fail,this error is %s\n",strerror(errno)); return -1; } return 0; } int Fb0_destory(Fb0 *thiz) { //return_value_if_fail(thiz != NULL,-1); Fb0_unmmap(thiz); close(thiz->fbfd); free(thiz); thiz = NULL; return 0; } int Fb0_get_info(Fb0 *thiz) { //return_value_if_fail(thiz != NULL,-1); struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo; struct fb_fix_screeninfo finfo; //get fix info if(ioctl(thiz->fbfd,FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO,&finfo) == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"Get fixinfo is failure,this error is %s\n",strerror(errno)); return -1; } //get var info if(ioctl(thiz->fbfd,FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO,&vinfo) == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"Get var info is failure,this error is %s\n",strerror(errno)); return -1; } thiz->width = vinfo.xres; thiz->height = vinfo.yres; thiz->bit_pre_pixel = vinfo.bits_per_pixel; thiz->screensize = (thiz->width * thiz->height * thiz->bit_pre_pixel) >> 3; //thiz->dmen = (unsigned char *)malloc(thiz->width * thiz->height); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //print_msg(&(thiz->width),0); //print_msg(&(thiz->height),0); //print_msg(&(thiz->bit_pre_pixel),0); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return 0; } int Fb0_mmap(Fb0 *thiz) { //return_value_if_fail(thiz != NULL,-1); //is_null(thiz); if((thiz->dmen = (unsigned char*)mmap(0,thiz->screensize ,PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,thiz->fbfd,0)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"thiz mmap is fail,this error is %s\n",strerror(errno)); return -1; } printf("dev->dmen is %p\n",thiz->dmen); return 0; } int Fb0_unmmap(Fb0 *thiz) { //return_value_if_fail(thiz != NULL,-1); //is_null(thiz); munmap(thiz->dmen,thiz->screensize); return 0; } static void Fb0_fullpixel(Fb0 *thiz,size_t i, size_t j,unsigned short color) { //is_null(thiz); unsigned short* tmp = ((unsigned short*)thiz->dmen + j * (thiz->width) + i); *(tmp) = color; } int Fb0_display(Fb0 *thiz,unsigned char *pdata) { //return_value_if_fail(thiz != NULL && dis_pic != NULL,-1); size_t i = 0; size_t j = 0; size_t count = 0; printf("pdata is %p\n",pdata); printf("thiz->width is %d\n",thiz->width); printf("thiz->height is %d\n",thiz->height); for(j = 0;j < thiz->height; j++) { //printf("this is hello,%d\n",count++); for(i = 0;i < thiz->width; i++) { unsigned short color = rgb888torgb565(*(pdata + j * thiz->width * 3 + i * 3),*(pdata + j * thiz->width * 3 + i * 3 + 1),*(pdata + j * thiz->width * 3 + i * 3 + 2)); Fb0_fullpixel(thiz,i,j,color); } } return 0; }
jpeg.h<关于对jpeg的解压以及获取数据的过程>#ifndef JPEG_H #define JPEG_H struct _Jpeg; typedef struct _Jpeg Jpeg; Jpeg* Jpeg_file_link(char *file); int Jpeg_decompress(Jpeg *thiz); size_t Jpeg_get_width(Jpeg *thiz); size_t Jpeg_get_height(Jpeg *thiz); size_t Jpeg_get_byte_pre_pixel(Jpeg *thiz); unsigned char* Jpeg_get_pdata(Jpeg *thiz); int Jpeg_close(Jpeg *thiz); void Jpeg_set_width(Jpeg *thiz, size_t width); void Jpeg_set_height(Jpeg *thiz, size_t height); void Jpeg_set_pdata(Jpeg *thiz, unsigned char *pdata); void Jpeg_set_byte_pre_pixel(Jpeg *thiz,size_t byte_pre_pixel); #endif
jpeg.c#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<errno.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include <jpeglib.h> #include "jpeg.h" //#include"test.h" struct _Jpeg { struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo; unsigned char *pdata; size_t width; size_t height; size_t byte_pre_pixel; }; //将具体的图像文件进行link Jpeg* Jpeg_file_link(char *file) { struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr; Jpeg *tmp = (Jpeg*) malloc(sizeof(Jpeg)); FILE *jfile = NULL; if(tmp == NULL) { printf("assign mem is fail,this error is %s\n",strerror(errno)); return NULL; } //return_value_if_fail(tmp != NULL,NULL); if(!(jfile = fopen(file,"rb"))) { fprintf(stderr,"this file open fail,this error is %s\n",strerror(errno)); return NULL; } //link to jpeg tmp->cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);// important jpeg_create_decompress(&(tmp->cinfo)); jpeg_stdio_src(&(tmp->cinfo),jfile); jpeg_read_header(&(tmp->cinfo),TRUE); tmp->pdata = NULL; tmp->width = 0; tmp->height = 0; tmp->byte_pre_pixel = 0; return tmp; } int Jpeg_decompress(Jpeg *thiz) { //return_value_if_fail(thiz != NULL,-1); //is_null(thiz); jpeg_start_decompress(&(thiz->cinfo)); thiz->width = (thiz->cinfo).output_width; thiz->height = (thiz->cinfo).output_height; thiz->byte_pre_pixel= (thiz->cinfo).output_components; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //print_msg(&(thiz->width),0); //print_msg(&(thiz->height),0); //print_msg(&(thiz->byte_pre_pixel),0); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ { unsigned char *row_byte_count = (unsigned char*)malloc(thiz->width * thiz->byte_pre_pixel); thiz->pdata = (unsigned char*)malloc(thiz->width * thiz->height *thiz->byte_pre_pixel); unsigned char *pdata_tmp = thiz->pdata; if(thiz->pdata == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"thiz->pdata assign mem is fail,this error is %s\n",strerror(errno)); return -1; } while((thiz->cinfo).output_scanline < thiz->height) { jpeg_read_scanlines(&(thiz->cinfo),&row_byte_count,1); memcpy(pdata_tmp,row_byte_count,thiz->width * thiz->byte_pre_pixel); pdata_tmp += thiz->width * thiz->byte_pre_pixel; } free(row_byte_count); } } size_t Jpeg_get_width(Jpeg *thiz) { //is_null(thiz); //return_value_if_fail(thiz!= NULL,-1); return thiz->width; } size_t Jpeg_get_height(Jpeg *thiz) { //is_null(thiz); //return_value_if_fail(thiz!= NULL,-1); return thiz->height; } size_t Jpeg_get_byte_pre_pixel(Jpeg *thiz) { //is_null(thiz); //return_value_if_fail(thiz!= NULL,-1); return thiz->byte_pre_pixel; } unsigned char* Jpeg_get_pdata(Jpeg *thiz) { //is_null(thiz); return thiz->pdata; } int Jpeg_close(Jpeg *thiz) { //is_null(thiz); //return_value_if_fail(thiz!= NULL,-1); jpeg_finish_decompress(&(thiz->cinfo)); jpeg_destroy_decompress(&(thiz->cinfo)); free(thiz->pdata); free(thiz); thiz = NULL; return 0; } void Jpeg_set_width(Jpeg *thiz, size_t width) { //is_null(thiz); thiz->width = width; } void Jpeg_set_height(Jpeg *thiz, size_t height) { //is_null(thiz); thiz->height = height; } void Jpeg_set_pdata(Jpeg *thiz, unsigned char *pdata) { //is_null(thiz); free(thiz->pdata); thiz->pdata = pdata; } void Jpeg_set_byte_pre_pixel(Jpeg *thiz, size_t byte_pre_pixel) { //is_null(thiz); thiz->byte_pre_pixel = byte_pre_pixel; }
my_algorithm.h <算法的实现,比如放缩,我使用的是最简单的放缩>#ifndef ALGORITHM_H #define ALGORITHM_H unsigned short rgb888torgb565(unsigned char red,unsigned char green,unsigned char blue); void zoom(Jpeg *thiz,size_t width,size_t height); #endif
my_algorithm.c#include <sys/types.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "jpeg.h" #include "my_algorithm.h" //#include "test.h" struct _Three { unsigned char a; unsigned char b; unsigned char c; }__attribute__((packed)); typedef struct _Three Three; unsigned short rgb888torgb565(unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue) { unsigned short blue_tmp = (blue >> 3) & (0x001f); unsigned short green_tmp = ((green >> 2) << 5) & (0x07e0); unsigned short red_tmp = ((red >> 3) << 11) & (0xf800); return red_tmp | green_tmp | blue_tmp; } void zoom(Jpeg *thiz,size_t width, size_t height) { //is_null(thiz); printf("hello,algorithm\n"); unsigned char *pdata_tmp = (unsigned char*)malloc(width * height * Jpeg_get_byte_pre_pixel(thiz)); int i = 0; int j = 0; unsigned char *pdata = Jpeg_get_pdata(thiz); printf("thiz_tmp is %p and pdata is %p\n",pdata_tmp,pdata); printf("thiz pixel byte is %d\n",Jpeg_get_byte_pre_pixel(thiz)); printf("this three is %d\n",sizeof(Three)); for(j = 0;j < height; j++) { for(i = 0;i < width; i++) { int srcx = (Jpeg_get_width(thiz) * i) / width; int srcy = (Jpeg_get_height(thiz) * j) / height; (((Three*)(pdata_tmp + j * width * Jpeg_get_byte_pre_pixel(thiz)))[i]) = (((Three*)(pdata + srcy * Jpeg_get_width(thiz) * Jpeg_get_byte_pre_pixel(thiz)))[srcx]); } } Jpeg_set_width(thiz,width); Jpeg_set_height(thiz,height); Jpeg_set_pdata(thiz,pdata_tmp); }
4.还有就是用arm-linux-gcc 编译的时候一些头文件和库文件参数的设置