class LineOverlay extends Overlay { /** * according two GeoPoint, draw a line.(use in track) * must have frontGeopoint and backGeopoint */ private GeoPoint front; private GeoPoint back; Paint paint; public LineOverlay() { } public LineOverlay(GeoPoint front, GeoPoint back) { this.front = front; this.back = back; } public void draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapview, boolean shadow) { super.draw(canvas, mapview, shadow); paint = new Paint(); paint.setColor(Color.BLUE); paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL_AND_STROKE); paint.setStrokeWidth(2); paint.setAntiAlias(true); Point point_f = new Point(); Point point_b = new Point(); //Path path = new Path(); mapview.getProjection().toPixels(front, point_f); mapview.getProjection().toPixels(back, point_b); // begin //path.moveTo(point_b.x, point_b.y); // end //path.lineTo(point_f.x, point_f.y); //canvas.drawPath(path, paint); //JudgeDrawArrow(canvas, point_b.x, point_b.y, point_f.x, point_f.y); JudgeDrawArrow(canvas, point_f.x, point_f.y, point_b.x, point_b.y); } /* * x1 is the first geopoint marker point X,y1 is that Y; * x2 is the second geopoint marker point X,y2 is that Y; * judge and draw arrow line */ public void JudgeDrawArrow(Canvas canvas, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { double arrow_height = 10; // 箭头高度 double arrow_btomline = 7; // 底边的一半 int x3 = 0; int y3 = 0; int x4 = 0; int y4 = 0; double arctangent = Math.atan(arrow_btomline / arrow_height); // 箭头角度 double arrow_len = Math.sqrt(arrow_btomline * arrow_btomline + arrow_height * arrow_height); // 箭头的长度 double[] endPoint_1 = rotateVec(x2 - x1, y2 - y1, arctangent, true, arrow_len); double[] endPoint_2 = rotateVec(x2 - x1, y2 - y1, -arctangent, true, arrow_len); double x_3 = x2 - endPoint_1[0]; // (x_3,y_3)是第一端点 double y_3 = y2 - endPoint_1[1]; double x_4 = x2 - endPoint_2[0]; // (x_4,y_4)是第二端点 double y_4 = y2 - endPoint_2[1]; Double X3 = new Double(x_3); x3 = X3.intValue(); Double Y3 = new Double(y_3); y3 = Y3.intValue(); Double X4 = new Double(x_4); x4 = X4.intValue(); Double Y4 = new Double(y_4); y4 = Y4.intValue(); // 画线 canvas.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2,paint); // 画箭头的一半 canvas.drawLine(x2, y2, x3, y3,paint); // 画箭头的另一半 canvas.drawLine(x2, y2, x4, y4,paint); } public double[] rotateVec(int px, int py, double ang, boolean isChlen, double newLen) { double rotateResult[] = new double[2]; // 矢量旋转函数,参数含义分别是x分量、y分量、旋转角、是否改变长度、新长度 double vx = px * Math.cos(ang) - py * Math.sin(ang); double vy = px * Math.sin(ang) + py * Math.cos(ang); if (isChlen) { double d = Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy); vx = vx / d * newLen; vy = vy / d * newLen; rotateResult[0] = vx; rotateResult[1] = vy; } return rotateResult; } }