iRobot 推出了第二代机座 Roomba来取代Create. 这是一个绿脸的机座。
1. 启动turtlebot
apt-get install turtlebot之后,执行下面的脚本来设置Roomba为机座:
export TURTLEBOT_BASE=roomba export TURTLEBOT_STACKS=circles export TURTLEBOT_3D_SENSOR=asus_xtion_pro export TURTLEBOT_SIMULATION=false export TURTLEBOT_SERIAL_PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0 export ROS_IP=
按下 Roomba中间的最大按钮 “CLEAN”, 执行下面的脚本启动turtlebot
$ roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch
2. 修改代码
下载了turtlebot的代码后,打开代码文件 src/turtlebot_create/create_node/nodes/, 增加一下几行代码。为 class TurtlebotNode 添加一个函数:
def stop(self): self.robot.passive()
def turtlebot_main(argv): c = TurtlebotNode() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: # This sleep throttles reconnecting of the driver. It # appears that pyserial does not properly release the file # descriptor for the USB port in the event that the Create is # unplugged from the laptop. This file desecriptor prevents # the create from reassociating with the same USB port when it # is plugged back in. The solution, for now, is to quickly # exit the driver and let roslaunch respawn the driver until # reconnection occurs. However, it order to not do bad things # to the Create bootloader, and also to keep relaunching at a # minimum, we have a 3-second sleep. time.sleep(3.0) c.start() c.spin() except Exception as ex: msg = "Failed to contact device with error: [%s]. Please check that the Create is powered on and that the connector is plugged into the Create."%(ex) c._diagnostics.node_status(msg,"error") rospy.logerr(msg) finally: # Driver no longer connected, delete flag from disk try: os.remove(connected_file()) except Exception: pass c.stop()