Subquery returns more than 1 row查询结果多于一行
原来sql:select * from kind where kind_id =(select kind_id from item where owner_id=?)
改为sql:select * from kind where kind_id = any(select kind_id from item where owner_id=?)
Duplicate entry '1-567' for key 'item_id' Query: insert into bid(user_id,item_id,bid_price,bid_date) values(?,?,?,?) Parameters: [2, 1, 567.0, Sun Jan 24 12:33:59 GMT+08:00 2016]
Duplicate entry '265' for key 'bid_price' Query: insert into bid(user_id,item_id,bid_price,bid_date) values(?,?,?,?) Parameters: [2, 1, 265.0, Sun Jan 24 12:49:54 GMT+08:00 2016]
从提示的错误代码看,应该是属性值为1的item_id与另一个item_id重复了。通过查看bid表的设计结构,发现这是因为将item_id 、bid_price字段设置为唯一了。
因为item_id字段在item表中是主键自增长 bid_price在bid表中是普通字段,
但是在bid表中 将item_id和bid_price字段设为为唯一,unique(item_id , bid_price),
这个方法虽然能解决 但是不适合该项目的需求,改了数据库设计 就相当于整体改了 不推荐
Duplicate entry '1-456' for key 'item_id' Query
数据库 bid中 已存在 item_id为1的数据了,你可以先
delete from bid where item_id = 1
然后再 执行添加语句
package com.xbmu.service; import java.util.List; import com.xbmu.bean.Bid; import com.xbmu.bean.Item; import com.xbmu.bean.Kind; import com.xbmu.business.BidBean; import com.xbmu.business.ItemBean; import com.xbmu.business.KindBean; import com.xbmu.exception.AuctionException; /** * 业务层接口(主要声明一些主要的功能) * @author Administrator * */ public interface BussinessService{ /** * 根据赢取者查询物品 * @param winerId 赢取者的ID * @return 赢取者获得的全部物品 */ List<ItemBean> getItemByWiner(Integer winerId) throws AuctionException; /** * 查询流拍的全部物品 * @return 全部流拍物品 */ List<ItemBean> getFailItems()throws AuctionException; /** * 根据用户名,密码验证登录是否成功 * @param username 登录的用户名 * @param pass 登录的密码 * @return 登录成功返回用户ID,否则返回-1 */ int validLogin(String username , String pass) throws AuctionException; /** * 查询用户的全部出价 * @param userId 竞价用户的ID * @return 用户的全部出价 */ List<BidBean> getBidByUser(Integer userId) throws AuctionException; /** * 根据用户查找目前仍在拍卖中的全部物品 * @param userId 所属者的ID * @return 属于当前用户的、处于拍卖中的全部物品。 */ List<ItemBean> getItemsByOwner(Integer userId) throws AuctionException; /** * 查询全部种类 * @return 系统中全部全部种类 */ List<KindBean> getAllKind() throws AuctionException; /** * 添加物品 * @param item 新增的物品 * @param avail 有效天数 * @param kindId 物品种类ID * @param userId 添加者的ID * @return 新增物品的主键 */ int addItem(Item item, int avail , int kindId , Integer userId) throws AuctionException; /** * 添加种类 * @param kind 新增的种类 * @return 新增种类的主键 */ int addKind(Kind kind) throws AuctionException; /** * 根据产品分类,获取处于拍卖中的全部物品 * @param kindId 种类id; * @return 该类的全部产品 */ List<ItemBean> getItemsByKind(int kindId) throws AuctionException; /** * 根据种类id获取种类名 * @param kindId 种类id; * @return 该种类的名称 */ String getKind(int kindId) throws AuctionException; /** * 根据物品id,获取物品 * @param itemId 物品id; * @return 指定id对应的物品 */ ItemBean getItem(int itemId) throws AuctionException; /** * 增加新的竞价,并对竞价用户发邮件通知 * @param itemId 物品id; * @param bid 竞价 * @param userId 竞价用户的ID * @return 返回新增竞价记录的ID */ int addBid(int itemId , Bid bidPrice ,Integer userId) throws AuctionException; /** * 根据时间来修改物品的赢取者 */ void updateWiner()throws AuctionException; }
package com.xbmu.service.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import com.xbmu.bean.Bid; import com.xbmu.bean.Item; import com.xbmu.bean.Kind; import com.xbmu.bean.User; import com.xbmu.business.BidBean; import com.xbmu.business.ItemBean; import com.xbmu.business.KindBean; import com.xbmu.dao.AuctionUserDao; import com.xbmu.dao.BidDao; import com.xbmu.dao.ItemDao; import com.xbmu.dao.KindDao; import com.xbmu.dao.StateDao; import com.xbmu.dao.impl.AuctionUserDaoImpl; import com.xbmu.dao.impl.BidDaoImpl; import com.xbmu.dao.impl.ItemDaoImpl; import com.xbmu.dao.impl.KindDaoImpl; import com.xbmu.dao.impl.StateDaoImpl; import com.xbmu.exception.AuctionException; import com.xbmu.service.BussinessService; public class BussinessServiceImpl implements BussinessService { // ---------------------用户---------------------------- private AuctionUserDao userDao = new AuctionUserDaoImpl(); /** * 根据用户名,密码验证登录是否成功 * * @param username * 登录的用户名 * @param pass * 登录的密码 * @return 登录成功返回用户ID,否则返回-1 */ public int validLogin(String username, String pass) throws AuctionException { User user = userDao.findUserByNameAndPass(username, pass); if (user != null) { return user.getUser_id(); } return -1; } // ---------------------物品---------------------------- private ItemDao itemDao = new ItemDaoImpl(); /** * 查询流拍的全部物品 * * @return 全部流拍物品 */ public List<ItemBean> getFailItems() throws AuctionException { try { List<Item> items = itemDao.findItemByState(3); List<ItemBean> result = new ArrayList<ItemBean>(); for (Iterator<Item> it = items.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ItemBean ib = new ItemBean(); initItem(ib, it.next()); result.add(ib); } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AuctionException("查询流拍物品出现异常,请重试"); } } // --------------------种类------------------------- private KindDao kindDao = new KindDaoImpl(); /** * 查询全部种类 * * @return 系统中全部种类 */ public List<KindBean> getAllKind() throws AuctionException { try { List<KindBean> result = new ArrayList<KindBean>(); List<Kind> kindList = kindDao.findAll(); for (Kind kind : kindList) { result.add(new KindBean(kind.getKind_id(), kind.getKind_name(), kind.getKind_desc())); } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AuctionException("查询全部种类出现异常,请重试"); } } /** * 添加种类 * @param kind新增的种类 * @return 新增种类的主键 */ public int addKind(Kind kind) throws AuctionException { try { kindDao.save(kind); return kind.getKind_id(); } catch (AuctionException e) { throw new AuctionException("添加种类出现异常,请重试"); } } //--------------管理拍卖物品----------------------- private StateDao stateDao = new StateDaoImpl(); //查找自己拍卖的物品 public List<ItemBean> getItemsByOwner(Integer userId) throws AuctionException { try { List<ItemBean> result = new ArrayList<ItemBean>(); List<Item> items = itemDao.findItemByOwner(userId); for(Iterator<Item> it = items.iterator();it.hasNext();){ ItemBean ib = new ItemBean(); initItem(ib, it.next()); result.add(ib); } return result; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("查询用户所有的物品出现异常,请重新"); } } //添加拍卖物品 public int addItem(Item item, int avail, int kindId, Integer userId) throws AuctionException { //根据种类id获取种类 Kind kind = kindDao.get(kindId); //根据添加着id获取添加者 User owner = userDao.get(userId); //设置Item(物品)属性 item.setAddtime(new Date()); //创建Calendar(日历)对象 Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.add(Calendar.DATE, avail); item.setEndtime(c.getTime()); item.setMax_price(item.getInit_price()); item.setItemState(stateDao.get(1)); item.setKind(kind); item.setOwner(owner); //保存item对象 itemDao.save(item); return item.getItem_id(); } //---------------选择物品种类-------------- public List<ItemBean> getItemsByKind(int kindId) throws AuctionException { List<ItemBean> result = new ArrayList<ItemBean>(); try { List<Item> items = itemDao.findItemByKind(kindId); for(Iterator<Item> it = items.iterator();it.hasNext();){ ItemBean ib = new ItemBean(); initItem(ib,it.next()); result.add(ib); } return result; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new AuctionException("根据种类获取物品出现异常,请重试!"); } } public String getKind(int kindId) throws AuctionException { try { Kind kind = kindDao.get(kindId); if(kind!=null){ return kind.getKind_name(); } return null; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AuctionException("根据种类id获取种类名称出现异常,请重试"); } } //--------------------竞价--------------------- private BidDao bidDao = new BidDaoImpl(); public int addBid(int itemId, Bid bid, Integer userId) throws AuctionException { try { User user = userDao.get(userId); Item item = itemDao.get(itemId); if(bid.getBid_price() > item.getMax_price()){ item.setMax_price(bid.getBid_price()); itemDao.update(item); } //设置Bid对象的属性 bid.setItem(item); bid.setUser(user); bid.setBid_date(new Date()); //保存bid对象 bidDao.save(bid); //TODO:准备发送邮件 return bid.getBid_id(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new AuctionException("处理用户竞价出现异常,请重试"); } } public ItemBean getItem(int itemId) throws AuctionException { try { Item item = itemDao.get(itemId); ItemBean ib = new ItemBean(); initItem(ib, item); return ib; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AuctionException("根据物品id获取物品详细信息出现异常,请重试"); } } //---------------竞标------------------- public List<BidBean> getBidByUser(Integer userId) throws AuctionException { try { List<Bid> bids = bidDao.findByUser(userId); List<BidBean> result = new ArrayList<BidBean>(); for (int i = 0; i < bids.size(); i++) { Bid bid = bids.get(i); BidBean bb = new BidBean(); initBid(bb, bid); result.add(bb); } return result; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new AuctionException("浏览用户的全部竞价出现异常,请重试!"); } } /** * 将一个Bid对象装换成BidBean对象 * @param bb BidBean对象 * @param bid Bid对象 */ private void initBid(BidBean bb, Bid bid) { bb.setId(bid.getBid_id().intValue()); if(bid.getUser()!=null){ bb.setUser(bid.getUser().getUsername()); } if(bid.getItem()!=null){ bb.setItem(bid.getItem().getItem_name()); } bb.setPrice(bid.getBid_price()); bb.setBidDate(bid.getBid_date()); } //查看竞得物品 public List<ItemBean> getItemByWiner(Integer winerId) throws AuctionException { try { List<ItemBean> result = new ArrayList<ItemBean>(); List<Item> items = itemDao.findItemByWiner(winerId); for(Iterator<Item> it = items.iterator();it.hasNext();){ ItemBean ib = new ItemBean(); initItem(ib, it.next()); result.add(ib); } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new AuctionException("查询用户所赢取的物品出现异常,请重试"); } } //根据时间来修改物品的状态,赢取者 public void updateWiner() throws AuctionException { try { List<Item> itemList = itemDao.findItemByState(1); for (int i = 0; i < itemList.size(); i++) { Item item = itemList.get(i); if(!item.getEndtime().after(new Date())){ //测试此日期是否在指定日期之后。 //根据指定物品和最高竞价来查询用户 User user = bidDao.findUserByItemAndPrice(item.getItem_id(),item.getMax_price()); //如果该物品的最高竞价者不为null if(user != null){ //将该竞价者设为赢取者 item.setWiner(user); //修改物品的状态成为"被赢取" item.setItemState(stateDao.get(2)); itemDao.save(item); }else{ //设置该物品的状态为"流拍" item.setItemState(stateDao.get(3)); itemDao.save(item); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new AuctionException("根据时间来修改物品的状态、赢取者出现异常,请重试"); } } /** * 将一个Item PO转换成ItemBean的VO * @param ib ItemBean的VO * @param item Item的PO */ private void initItem(ItemBean ib, Item item) { ib.setId(item.getItem_id()); ib.setName(item.getItem_name()); ib.setDesc(item.getItem_desc()); ib.setRemark(item.getItem_remark()); if (item.getKind() != null) ib.setKind(item.getKind().getKind_name()); if (item.getOwner() != null) ib.setOwner(item.getOwner().getUsername()); if (item.getWiner() != null) ib.setWiner(item.getWiner().getUsername()); ib.setAddTime(item.getAddtime()); ib.setEndTime(item.getEndtime()); if (item.getItemState() != null) ib.setState(item.getItemState().getState_name()); ib.setInitPrice(item.getInit_price()); ib.setMaxPrice(item.getMax_price()); } }
package com.xbmu.dao.impl; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.BeanHandler; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.BeanListHandler; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.ScalarHandler; import com.xbmu.bean.Kind; import com.xbmu.dao.KindDao; import com.xbmu.util.DBCPUtil; public class KindDaoImpl implements KindDao { QueryRunner qr = new QueryRunner(DBCPUtil.getDataSource()); public List<Kind> findAll() { try { String sql = "select * from kind"; List<Kind> kinds = qr.query(sql, new BeanListHandler<Kind>(Kind.class)); return kinds; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * 添加种类: * 遇到问题:需求,想将添加的新数据的id返回, * 使用insert into kind (kind_name,kind_desc) values(?,?);select @@identity as kind_id;语句 * */ public void save(Kind kind) { try { String sql = "insert into kind (kind_name,kind_desc) values(?,?)"; qr.update(sql, kind.getKind_name(),kind.getKind_desc()); String sql2 = "select @@identity as kind_id"; //ScalarHandler 的参数为空或null时,返回第一行第一列的数据 //ScalarHandler 的参数可以是列的索引(从1开始)或列名 Object kind_id = qr.query(sql2, new ScalarHandler(1)); //因为kind_id在数据库中定义为int型,上面语句返回后为BigInteger型, kind.setKind_id(Integer.valueOf(kind_id.toString()));//容易发生类型转换异常 } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public Kind get(int kindId) { try { String sql = "select * from kind where kind_id=?"; Kind kind = qr.query(sql, new BeanHandler<Kind>(Kind.class), kindId); return kind; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }ItemDaoImpl.java
package com.xbmu.dao.impl; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.BeanHandler; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.BeanListHandler; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.ScalarHandler; import com.xbmu.bean.Item; import com.xbmu.bean.Kind; import com.xbmu.bean.State; import com.xbmu.bean.User; import com.xbmu.dao.ItemDao; import com.xbmu.util.DBCPUtil; public class ItemDaoImpl implements ItemDao { QueryRunner qr = new QueryRunner(DBCPUtil.getDataSource()); /** * 根据物品状态查找物品 * * @param stateId * 状态id; * @return 该状态下的全部物品 */ public List<Item> findItemByState(Integer stateId) { try { String sql = "select * from item where state_id = ?"; List<Item> itemList = qr.query(sql, new BeanListHandler<Item>( Item.class), stateId); // 遍历物品,设置种类,赢取者,拥有者的属性。 for (Item item : itemList) { // 设置种类 String kindSql = "select * from kind where kind_id = (select kind_id from item where state_id=?)"; Kind kind = qr.query(kindSql, new BeanHandler<Kind>(Kind.class), stateId); item.setKind(kind); // 设置拥有者用户 String ownerSql = "select * from auction_user where user_id = (select owner_id from item where state_id=?)"; User owner = qr.query(ownerSql, new BeanHandler<User>( User.class), stateId); item.setOwner(owner); // 设置赢取者用户 String winerSql = "select * from auction_user where user_id = (select winer_id from item where state_id=?)"; User winer = qr.query(winerSql, new BeanHandler<User>( User.class), stateId); item.setWiner(winer); } return itemList; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * 根据所有者查找处于拍卖中的物品 * * @param userId * 所有者id; * @return 指定用户处于拍卖中的全部物品 */ public List<Item> findItemByOwner(Integer userId) { try { String sql = "select * from item where owner_id=? and state_id=1"; List<Item> items = qr.query(sql, new BeanListHandler<Item>( Item.class), userId); // 设置物品拥有者,物品状态,物品种类 for (Item item : items) { // 设置拥有者 String ownerSql = "select * from auction_user where user_id=any(select owner_id from item where owner_id=? and state_id=1)"; User owner = qr.query(ownerSql, new BeanHandler<User>( User.class), userId); item.setOwner(owner); // 设置物品状态 String stateSql = "select * from state where state_id=1"; State state = qr.query(stateSql, new BeanHandler<State>( State.class)); item.setItemState(state); // 设置物品种类 String kindSql = "select * from kind where kind_id = any(select kind_id from item where owner_id=?)"; Kind kind = qr.query(kindSql, new BeanHandler<Kind>(Kind.class), userId); item.setKind(kind); } return items; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void save(Item item) { try { String sql = "insert into item(item_name,item_desc,item_remark,init_price,max_price,kind_id,addtime,endtime,owner_id,state_id) " + // "values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; qr.update(sql, item.getItem_name(), item.getItem_desc(), item .getItem_remark(), item.getInit_price(), item .getMax_price(), item.getKind().getKind_id(), item .getAddtime(), item.getEndtime(), item.getOwner() .getUser_id(), item.getItemState().getState_id()); String sql2 = "select @@identity as item_id"; Object item_id = qr.query(sql2, new ScalarHandler(1)); item.setItem_id(Integer.valueOf(item_id.toString())); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public List<Item> findItemByKind(Integer kindId) { try { // 根据种类浏览拍卖中的物品 String sql = "select * from item where kind_id=? and state_id=1"; List<Item> items = qr.query(sql, new BeanListHandler<Item>( Item.class), kindId); // 设置竞拍物品的状态和拥有者 for (Item item : items) { // 设置状态 String stateSql = "select * from state where state_id=1"; State state = qr.query(stateSql, new BeanHandler<State>( State.class)); item.setItemState(state); // 设置拥有者 String ownerSql = "select * from auction_user where user_id = any(select owner_id from item where kind_id=? and item_id=?)"; User owner = qr.query(ownerSql, new BeanHandler<User>( User.class), kindId, item.getItem_id()); item.setOwner(owner); } return items; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public Item get(int itemId) { try { String sql = "select * from item where item_id=?"; Item item = qr .query(sql, new BeanHandler<Item>(Item.class), itemId); // 设置物品种类 String kindSql = "select * from kind where kind_id = any(select kind_id from item where item_id=?)"; Kind kind = qr.query(kindSql, new BeanHandler<Kind>(Kind.class), itemId); item.setKind(kind); // 设置状态 String stateSql = "select * from state where state_id=1"; State state = qr.query(stateSql, new BeanHandler<State>(State.class)); item.setItemState(state); // 设置拥有者 String ownerSql = "select * from auction_user where user_id = any(select owner_id from item where item_id=?)"; User owner = qr.query(ownerSql, new BeanHandler<User>(User.class), item.getItem_id()); item.setOwner(owner); return item; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void update(Item item) { try { String sql = "update item set max_price=? where item_id=?"; qr.update(sql, item.getMax_price(),item.getItem_id()); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public List<Item> findItemByWiner(Integer userId) { try { //2:表示拍卖成功 String sql = "select * from item where winer_id=? and state_id=2"; List<Item> items = qr.query(sql, new BeanListHandler<Item>(Item.class), userId); return items; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }BidDaoImpl.java
package com.xbmu.dao.impl; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.BeanHandler; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.BeanListHandler; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.ScalarHandler; import com.xbmu.bean.Bid; import com.xbmu.bean.Item; import com.xbmu.bean.User; import com.xbmu.dao.BidDao; import com.xbmu.util.DBCPUtil; public class BidDaoImpl implements BidDao { private QueryRunner qr = new QueryRunner(DBCPUtil.getDataSource()); public void save(Bid bid) { try { //添加竞拍记录之前,先删除先前存在的物品竞价记录 String deleteSql = "delete from bid where item_id=?"; qr.update(deleteSql, bid.getItem().getItem_id()); String sql = "insert into bid(user_id,item_id,bid_price,bid_date) values(?,?,?,?)"; qr.update(sql, bid.getUser().getUser_id(),bid.getItem().getItem_id(),bid.getBid_price(),bid.getBid_date()); String sql2 = "select @@identity as bid_id"; Object bid_id = qr.query(sql2, new ScalarHandler(1)); bid.setBid_id(Integer.valueOf(bid_id.toString())); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public List<Bid> findByUser(Integer userId) { try { String sql = "select * from bid where user_id=?"; List<Bid> bids = qr.query(sql, new BeanListHandler<Bid>(Bid.class), userId); //设置Bid属性 竞标人 竞标物品 for (Bid bid : bids) { //设置竞标人 String userSql = "select * from auction_user where user_id=?"; User user = qr.query(userSql, new BeanHandler<User>(User.class), userId); bid.setUser(user); //设置竞标物品 String itemSql = "select * from item where item_id = any (select item_id from bid where user_id=?)"; Item item = qr.query(itemSql, new BeanHandler<Item>(Item.class), userId); bid.setItem(item); } return bids; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public User findUserByItemAndPrice(Integer item_id, double max_price) { try { String sql = "select * from bid where item_id=? and bid_price=?"; List<Bid> bids = qr.query(sql, new BeanListHandler<Bid>(Bid.class), item_id,max_price); //返回查询得到的第一个Bid对象关联的AuctionUser对象 if(bids.size() >= 1){ Bid b = bids.get(0); return b.getUser(); } return null; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }StateDaoImpl.java
package com.xbmu.dao.impl; import java.sql.SQLException; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.BeanHandler; import com.xbmu.bean.State; import com.xbmu.dao.StateDao; import com.xbmu.util.DBCPUtil; public class StateDaoImpl implements StateDao { private QueryRunner qr = new QueryRunner(DBCPUtil.getDataSource()); public State get(int state_id) { try { // 1表示拍卖中 String sql = "select * from state where state_id=1"; State state = qr.query(sql, new BeanHandler<State>(State.class)); return state; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }AddBidServlet.java
package com.xbmu.web.controller; import java.io.IOException; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import com.xbmu.bean.Bid; import com.xbmu.service.BussinessService; import com.xbmu.service.impl.BussinessServiceImpl; /** * 参与竞价 * @author Administrator * */ @WebServlet(urlPatterns="/android/addBid.jsp") public class AddBidServlet extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String mode = request.getParameter("mode"); String op = request.getParameter("op"); //获取userId Integer userId = (Integer) request.getSession(true).getAttribute("userId"); //获取请求参数 String itemId = request.getParameter("itemId"); String bidPrice = request.getParameter("bidPrice"); BussinessService service = new BussinessServiceImpl(); Bid bid = new Bid(Double.parseDouble(bidPrice)); int bidId = service.addBid(Integer.parseInt(itemId),bid , userId); if("android".equals(mode)){ if(bidId>0){ response.getWriter().println("恭喜您,竞价成功!"); }else{ response.getWriter().println("对不起,竞价失败!"); } }else if("web".equals(mode)){ if("showAddBidItemUI".equals(op)){ showAddBidItemUI(request,response); } } } /** * 显示竞价页面 * @param request * @param response */ private void showAddBidItemUI(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { } public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { doGet(request, response); } }