面试笔试杂项积累-leetcode 331-335

至此2016-2-15,全部333道题除去锁题和不想做的= =。就都做完了。。。

331.331-Verify Preorder Serialization of a Binary Tree-Difficulty: Medium

One way to serialize a binary tree is to use pre-order traversal. When we encounter a non-null node, we record the node's value. If it is a null node, we record using a sentinel value such as #.

    /   \
   3     2
  / \   / \
 4   1  #  6
/ \ / \   / \
# # # #   # #

For example, the above binary tree can be serialized to the string "9,3,4,#,#,1,#,#,2,#,6,#,#", where # represents a null node.

Given a string of comma separated values, verify whether it is a correct preorder traversal serialization of a binary tree. Find an algorithm without reconstructing the tree.

Each comma separated value in the string must be either an integer or a character '#' representing null pointer.

You may assume that the input format is always valid, for example it could never contain two consecutive commas such as "1,,3".

Example 1:
Return true

Example 2:
Return false

Example 3:
Return false




public class Solution {
    public bool IsValidSerialization(string preorder) {
        var t = String.Empty;
        preorder = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(preorder, "[0-9]+", "0");
        while (preorder != t)
            t = preorder;
            preorder = preorder.Replace("0,#,#", "#");
        return preorder == "#";

332.332-Reconstruct Itinerary-Difficulty: Medium

Given a list of airline tickets represented by pairs of departure and arrival airports [from, to], reconstruct the itinerary in order. All of the tickets belong to a man who departs from JFK. Thus, the itinerary must begin with JFK.


  1. If there are multiple valid itineraries, you should return the itinerary that has the smallest lexical order when read as a single string. For example, the itinerary ["JFK", "LGA"] has a smaller lexical order than ["JFK", "LGB"].
  2. All airports are represented by three capital letters (IATA code).
  3. You may assume all tickets form at least one valid itinerary.

Example 1:
tickets = [["MUC", "LHR"], ["JFK", "MUC"], ["SFO", "SJC"], ["LHR", "SFO"]]
Return ["JFK", "MUC", "LHR", "SFO", "SJC"].

Example 2:
tickets = [["JFK","SFO"],["JFK","ATL"],["SFO","ATL"],["ATL","JFK"],["ATL","SFO"]]
Return ["JFK","ATL","JFK","SFO","ATL","SFO"].
Another possible reconstruction is ["JFK","SFO","ATL","JFK","ATL","SFO"]. But it is larger in lexical order.





public class Solution {
    private IDictionary<string, List<string>> m_routes;
    private int m_count;

    public IList<string> FindItinerary(string[,] tickets)
        m_routes = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
        m_count = tickets.GetLength(0);
        for (int i = 0; i < m_count; i++)
            var s = tickets[i, 0];
            var d = tickets[i, 1];

            if (!m_routes.ContainsKey(s))
                m_routes.Add(s, new List<string>());


        foreach (var list in m_routes.Values)

        return GetPath("JFK");

    private IList<string> GetPath(string s)
        if (m_routes.ContainsKey(s) && m_routes[s].Count > 0)
            var children = m_routes[s];
            for (int i = 0; i < children.Count; i++)
                var child = children[i];

                var best = GetPath(child);
                children.Insert(i, child);

                if (best != null)
                    best.Insert(0, s);
                    return best;

            return null;

        if (m_count == 0)
            return new List<string> {s};

        return null;

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