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Blueprint “evacuate-instance-automatically”

Title: Evacuate instance automatically
URL:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/evacuate-instance-automatically
Module: nova
Status:  Complete
Priority:  Undefined
Definition Status:  Obsolete
Implementation Status:  Unknown
Direction: Needs Approval
Registered By: Hiroyuki Eguchi (NEC)
Registered On: 23 Apr 2013 04:09:37 UTC
Popularity: mentioned 18 times, last on 14 Oct 2014 17:01:04 UTC


If nova-compute service is down by hardware failure,an instance evacuate to a scheduled host automatically. This feature should be configurable option in nova.​conf. And this feature based on Rebuild for HA (https://blueprints.​launchpad.​net/​nova/+spec/​rebuild-for-ha) and find-host-and-evacuate-instance (https://blueprints.​launchpad.​net/​nova/+spec/​find-host-and-evacuate-instance). I envision to add the periodic_task in nova-scheduler(nova/​scheduler/​manager.​py) to realize this feature. The periodic_task checks services status via service group API. If nova-compute service which has instances is down, The periodic_task call rebuild_instance method in nova-scheduler(nova/​scheduler/​manager.​py) to evacuate instances. (rebuild_instance method added by https://review.​openstack.​org/#/c/​25991/)


[glikson] Please, elaborate where do you envision to add the code that receives the failure notification (via svcgroup API, perhaps?) and orchestrates the evacuation of the individual instances. Based on the discussion at the Havana design summit, seems that this should not reside within Nova (at least at the moment). Agreed that the general consensus is that this should not be in nova. Feel free to discuss on the openstack-dev list. --russellb Yes, i also logged a similar bp https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/resource-optimization-service and was not agreed to put to nova. I think that your HA service can be a plug-in of resource optimization service. We can discuss more how to do this. Thanks. --jay-lau-513

Activity Log

Jay Pipes ( Mirantis)
14 Oct 2014 17:01:04 UTC in  nova
Email “[openstack-dev] [Nova] Automatic evacuate”
Mentions blueprints:  evacuate-instance-automatically
Email:  [+]
Sylvain Bauza ( Red Hat)
14 Oct 2014 07:24:57 UTC in  nova
Email “[openstack-dev] [Nova] Automatic evacuate”
Mentions blueprints:  evacuate-instance-automatically
Email:  [+]
Adam Lawson ( *independent)
13 Oct 2014 23:46:24 UTC in  nova
Email “[openstack-dev] [Nova] Automatic evacuate”
Mentions blueprints:  evacuate-instance-automatically
Email:  [+]
Jay Lau ( IBM)
13 Oct 2014 22:18:31 UTC in  nova
Email “[openstack-dev] [Nova] Automatic evacuate”
Mentions blueprints:  evacuate-instance-automatically
Email:  [+]
Russell Bryant ( Red Hat)
13 Oct 2014 21:59:37 UTC in  nova
Email “[openstack-dev] [Nova] Automatic evacuate”
Mentions blueprints:  evacuate-instance-automatically
Email:  [+]
Fei Long Wang ( Catalyst IT)
13 Oct 2014 21:40:44 UTC in  nova
Email “[openstack-dev] [Nova] Automatic evacuate”
Mentions blueprints:  evacuate-instance-automatically
Email:  [+]
Andrew Laski ( Rackspace)
03 Mar 2014 14:30:53 UTC in  nova
Email “[openstack-dev] [nova] Automatic Evacuation”
Mentions blueprints:  resource-optimization-service  vm-auto-ha-when-host-broken  evacuate-instance-automatically
Email:  [+]
Jay Lau ( IBM)
28 Feb 2014 23:24:05 UTC in  nova
Email “[openstack-dev] [nova] Automatic Evacuation”
Mentions blueprints:  resource-optimization-service  vm-auto-ha-when-host-broken  evacuate-instance-automatically
Email:  [+]
Russell Bryant ( Red Hat)
21 Feb 2014 13:31:30 UTC in  nova
Email “[openstack-dev] [nova] Automatic Evacuation”
Mentions blueprints:  resource-optimization-service  vm-auto-ha-when-host-broken  evacuate-instance-automatically
Email:  [+]
Georgy Okrokvertskhov ( Mirantis)
21 Feb 2014 03:03:12 UTC in  nova
Email “[openstack-dev] [nova] Automatic Evacuation”
Mentions blueprints:  resource-optimization-service  vm-auto-ha-when-host-broken  evacuate-instance-automatically
Email:  [+]
