投到 ICIC 2008 的蚁群算法论文被录用了,喜忧参半!


1、ICIC 颇受非议,挂着“国际会议”外皮的国内会议,一直在国内转圈;

2、会议注册费贵,3000 RMB;

3、论文被 LNAI 收录,但据说 LNAI 体量庞大而良莠不齐,已于2007年初被SCI除名,至于能否被EI,在百度上还找不到定论,在武汉大学一位老师的个人简介中也有一篇 ICIC 2008 录用的论文,标明 (Accepted,EI),但愿是真的,期望自己的论文也能EI。



Dear Author(s)

Congratulations! On behalf of the ICIC 2008 International Program Committee, we are very pleased to inform you that your paper:

Paper ID:              ****
Author(s):             Zou Yuhua, Luo Dehan
Title:                 A Modified Ant Colony Algorithm Used for Multi-Robot Odor Source Localization
Presentation:          oral

has been accepted for presentation at the 2008 International Conference on Intelligent Computing. At the same time, it has been sub-selected into the following volume:

• Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI).

This year we received a huge volume of paper submissions from 31 countries and regions, and each paper received averagely 3.46 review reports, only a very limited number of papers (less than the acceptance rate of 24 %) are accepted while a large number of high-quality papers have to be rejected due to the space limitation.


