Love 0.9.2变化(相对于0.9.1)


  • Added Lua 5.3’s UTF-8 module, via utf8 = require(“utf8”).
  • Added Shader:getExternVariable.
  • Added several new Canvas texture formats.
  • Added
  • Added
  • Added ParticleSystem:setQuads.
  • Added ParticleSystem:setLinearDamping.
  • Added ParticleSystem:getLinearDamping.
  • Added SpriteBatch:flush.
  • Added
  • Added mirroredrepeat WrapMode.
  • Added and
  • Added optional duration argument to Joystick:setVibration.
  • Added love.joystick.loadGamepadMappings and love.joystick.saveGamepadMappings.
  • Added Joint:setUserData and Joint:getUserData.
  • Added Joint:getBodies.
  • Added GearJoint:getJoints.
  • Added Body:getWorld.
  • Added Body:getJointList.
  • Added Contact:getFixtures and Body:getContactList.
  • Added Body:isDestroyed, Fixture:isDestroyed, Joint:isDestroyed, and World:isDestroyed.
  • Added love.mousemoved event callback.
  • Added love.mouse.setRelativeMode and love.mouse.getRelativeMode.
  • Added love.keyboard.getKeyFromScancode and love.keyboard.getScancodeFromKey.
  • Added love.window.getDisplayName.
  • Added love.window.minimize.
  • Added love.window.showMessageBox.
  • Added love.window.toPixels and love.window.fromPixels.
  • Added love.window.setPosition and love.window.getPosition.
  • Added x and y fields to the flags table in love.window.setMode and
    love.window.getMode, and to the t.window table in love.conf.
  • Added refreshrate field to the table returned by love.window.getMode.
  • Added love.filesystem.isSymlink, love.filesystem.setSymlinksEnabled, and love.filesystem.areSymlinksEnabled.
  • Added love.filesystem.getRealDirectory.


  • Deprecated SpriteBatch:bind and SpriteBatch:unbind.
  • Deprecated all uses of the name ‘FSAA’ in favor of ‘MSAA’.
  • Deprecated the hdrcanvas GraphicsFeature constant in favor of
  • Deprecated the dxt and bc5 GraphicsFeature constants in favor of
  • Deprecated love.window.getWidth, love.window.getHeight, and
    love.window.getDimensions in favor of the equivalents or love.window.getMode.

Renamed APIs

  • Renamed all cases of FSAA to MSAA. The FSAA names still exist for


  • Fixed crashes when LÖVE objects are garbage-collected in multiple
    threads simultaneously.
  • Fixed love.filesystem.setIdentity breaking in some situations when
    called multiple times.
  • Fixed the default love.filesystem identity when in Fused mode in Windows.
  • Fixed love.system.openURL sometimes blocking indefinitely on Linux.
  • Fixed love.joystick.setGamepadMapping.
  • Fixed the order of vertices in ChainShapes.
  • Fixed love.mouse.getPosition returning outdated values if love.mouse.setPosition was used in the same frame.
  • Fixed to error when given an invalid size
  • Fixed the file name, line number, and backtrace given if errors.
  • Fixed a small memory leak if errors.
  • Fixed Shader:getWarnings returning unnecessary information.
  • Fixed a potential crash when Shader objects are garbage collected.
  • Fixed a potential small memory leak triggered when errors.
  • Fixed, …) causing the Mesh to do instanced rendering.
  • Fixed Mesh:getVertexMap.
  • Fixed Image:refresh generating mipmaps multiple times if mipmap
    filtering is enabled.
  • Fixed Image:setMipmapFilter to not keep bad state around if it
  • Fixed Mesh:setDrawRange when the Mesh has a vertex map set.
  • Fixed internal detection of the ‘position’ and ‘effect’ shader
  • Fixed some cases of noncompliant shader code not properly erroring on
    some nvidia drivers.
  • Fixed Texture memory leak when Meshes are garbage collected.
  • Fixed the default line join mode to be ‘miter’ instead of an undefined value.
  • Fixed Canvas:getPixel to error if the coordinates are not within the
    Canvas’ bounds.
  • Fixed detection of compressed textures to work regardless of the
    file’s extension.
  • Fixed the default error handler screen’s text size when highdpi mode is enabled on a Retina monitor in OS X.
  • Fixed the default error handler background color when sRGB mode is enabled for the window.
  • Fixed the state of wireframe mode when love.window.setMode is called.
  • Fixed love.window.setMode to fall back to the largest available mode if a width or height greater than the largest supported is specified and exclusive-fullscreen mode is used.

Other Changes

  • Updated the Windows executable to always prefer the higher
    performance GPU on nvidia Optimus systems.
  • Updated the –console command-line argument in Windows to open the console before conf.lua is loaded.
  • Updated t.console and the –console command-line argument in Windows to use the existing console window, if LÖVE was launched from one.
  • Updated the love executable to verify that the love library version matches before using it.
  • Updated the Lua wrapper code for modules to avoid crashes when the module’s instance is created, deleted, and recreated.
  • Updated internal code for handling garbage collection of love objects to be more efficient.
  • Updated love’s initialization code to trigger a Lua error if love.conf has an error in it.
  • Updated love.filesystem.getSaveDirectory and friends to strip double-slashes (“//”) from their returned paths.
  • Updated the error message when love.filesystem.write or File:open fails because the directory doesn’t exist.
  • Updated error message when love.math.setRandomSeed(0) is attempted.
  • Updated the error message when invalid UTF-8 strings are used in love functions that expect UTF-8.
  • Updated love.physics.newChainShape to error if the number of
    arguments is invalid.
  • Updated love.physics.newPolygonShape and love.physics.newChainShape to accept a table of vertices.
  • Updated love.thread.newThread to accept a literal string of code.
  • Updated love-created threads to use names visible in external debuggers.
  • Updated SpriteBatch:unbind / SpriteBatch:flush to use less VRAM if
    the SpriteBatch has the static usage hint.
  • Updated, love.image.newImageData, etc. to leave less temporary Lua-owned memory around.
  • Updated to accept different stack types to push.
    Current types are “transform” and “all”.
  • Updated love shaders to accept GLSL ES precision qualifiers (lowp,
    mediump, and highp) on variables, although they do nothing.
  • Updated the error message for to be less
    cryptic if an invalid filename is given.
  • Updated compressed texture loading code to support BC6 and BC7
    compressed textures (if the graphics driver supports them.)
